Vera V. Koroleva

Place of work

Vladimir State University
head of the department
doctor of philological sciences, associate professor

Author's articles(3)

Linguistic representation of the concept “market” in attributive structures (based on the British publicistic text)



the article reveals the notion of “attribute” and provides the characteristic features of the attributive syntactic structures of the analyzed concept “market”. The purpose of the study is to describe the structure and semantics of the following syntactic models: N + N, P + N, DJ + N, PT + N, NU + N, with the nuclear lexeme “market” in publicistic texts. The relevance of the work is due to the insufficiency of study of the concept we are examining at the syntactic level. The main focus is on the analysis of prepositional one- and two-component attributive structures, as well as the characteris...

Literary portraits of N. Gumilev and A. Blok as part of the myth about a Russian poet in G. Ivanov’s memoirs



the article deals with the problem of mythologized perception of the names of the poets of the Silver Age N. Gumilev and A. Blok in the works of G. Ivanov «Chinese Shadows» and «Petersburg Winters». The purpose of this study is to determine, based on a comparative analysis of the literary portraits of N. Gumilev and A. Blok, which are created using the contrast technique, the specifics of the myth about the Russian Poet in the memoir prose of G. Ivanov. The two poets are contrasted on the basis of a number of criteria: appearance, character, attitude to creativity, their political position, et...

Lokus "les" v rasskaze L. Andreeva "Bezdna" (1900)



в статье рассматривается локус «лес» в рассказе Л. Андреева «Бездна», который состоит из следующих лексико-семантических подлокусов: холм, роща, застава, овраг, бугор, яма, поле, поляна, ров, канава. Локус «лес» включает в себя локус «дорога» и в рассказе является замкнутым со своими временными и пространственными законами, в которых животное начало в человеке побеждает культурное. Семантика локуса «лес» у Л. Андреева связана с концептами «день» – «ночь»: днем лес имеет положительные коннотации и ассоциируется с раем, а ночью – отрицательную и символизирует ад (бездну).