Elena A. Kolotygina

Place of work

SBEI of SVE “Nizhny Novgorod Institute of the Education Development”
candidate of psychological sciences

Author's articles(1)

Innovatsionnaia deiatel'nost' s obuchaiushchimisia s tiazheloi umstvennoi otstalost'iu v usloviiakh realizatsii FGOS obrazovaniia obuchaiushchikhsia s intellektual'nymi narusheniiami



this monograph contains a description of the innovative potential of a separate educational organization carrying out educational activities with students with intellectual disabilities, presented a portrait of the student team and analysis of the teaching staff, the normative local acts governing the educational activities of the institution with students with severe mental retardation are indicated. The authors present an exclusive software and methodological support for the development of children with severe mental retardation, reflect the system of methodical work and the direction of dis...