List of publications on a keyword: «medicine»
Methods of interactive training in the medical field
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Viktoriia V. Zaritskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents a practical development of the situational role-playing method used in the course of teaching the discipline "Life safety" at a medical university. The goals and objectives of the lesson are considered, the competencies formed during the lesson are described, as well as the work plan.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, medicine, interactive forms of education, situational role-playing
From the history of the study of bacteriophages in the treatment of the wounded during the Great Patriotic War
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Gorshenin
- Work direction:
- Система образования и культура в период Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the main surgical directions in the treatment of the wounded during the Great Patriotic War, where bacteriophage was used. The observations and studies of microbiologists and physicians on the effectiveness of phage therapy in surgery are analyzed.
- Keywords:
- history of medicine, the Great Patriotic War, bacteriophages, history of surgery, history of microbiology, phage therapy, surgery
Postroenie novykh meditsinskikh ekosistem: aktual'nye ekonomicheskie aspekty
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: economic aspects- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Liudmila V. Kretinina
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to some aspects of studying the construction of new ecosystems and, in particular, medical ecosystems. This topic is very relevant, in view of the fact that currently all over the world and in the Russian Federation there is a process of transition to a new model of the existence of individual systems and industries, which are beginning to include full-fledged ecosystems. Medicine was no exception. All over the world, including in our country, medical ecosystems are beginning to form, the goal of which should be to improve the quality of medical care provided, as well as improve the quality of medicine in general. The purpose of this scientific work was an attempt to analyze the awareness of medical students and doctors about medical ecosystems, as well as to identify the main problems, including those of an economic nature, that arise during the creation and construction of new medical ecosystems, according to the subjects of the study. The subjects of the study were 200 people: 100 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine of Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko; 100 people became representatives of practical healthcare – doctors of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1. The study was based on a questionnaire developed by the authors, containing several blocks of questions relating to the gender and age of respondents, their awareness of existing ecosystems and medical ecosystems, in particular; about their attitude to the above systems and about the opportunity to become part of such a medical ecosystem. But, directly, the most important part of the presented research was the study of existing problems that arise, according to the respondents, during the formation and formation of various ecosystems, including medical ones. As well as a more detailed study of various economic problems and their ranking. The data obtained allow us to take a fresh look at the problems of building ecosystems, including medical ones, and are also of interest to representatives of many specialties and professions – for economists, for lawyers, for doctors, for higher education teachers involved, for example, in the process training medical students, etc.
- Keywords:
- student, medicine, problem, ecosystem, doctor, medical ecosystem
Studencheskoe nauchnoe obshchestvo kak sposob individual'nogo podkhoda k obucheniiu studentov meditsinskogo vuza
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Nina V. Evdokimova, Anna I. Trapeznikova, Anna N. Zavialova, Kira A. Kravtsova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The Student Scientific Society is a scientific association of students actively involved in scientific, organizational and research work. As part of their scientific activities, all students are supervised by highly professional lecturers, whose many years of experience help to understand the problems of modern medicine better, find new problems and possibilities for their solution, which creates opportunities for the professional growth of future doctors. According to the authors of the chapter, Scientific Student Society is an important initial stage of professional growth of a future pediatrician.
- Keywords:
- science, students, medicine, scientific society
Latin as a nature of deontological principles of medicine and humanitarian values of teaching and learning at medical universities
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Marina B. Pavliuchenok, Natalia A. Uliankova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- In their work, the authors reveal the applied role of the Latin language as an important propaedeutic discipline in the formation of professional ethical principles and moral qualities among students of the medical university, which they need both in the learning process and in future medical activity. The special influence of humanitarian comments on professional vocabulary and aphorisms of medical and general cultural content on the comprehensive development of students' personality is also considered. Significant aspects of this influence are orientation to humanistic values and self-development, increasing the level of general culture and education, understanding the essence and meaning of concepts, showing interest in science and language learning, improving oral speech skills and the ability to express their thoughts competently and intelligently, improving perception and memory training. In this paper, it is noted that the stereotype of the Latin language as an insignificant discipline, where its role is reduced only to the training of terminologically competent specialists, has long been outdated. The authors tried to present the Latin language not only as a narrow-profile subject for future physicians, but as the language of Antiquity and its great heritage, as the language spoken and written by famous philosophers, orators, poets and doctors, as a language that has provided and still provides cultural and spiritual influence on the personal formation of people. The conclusions obtained in the course of the work are of interest to the teaching staff of the Latin Language Department at the Medical University and medical students.
- Keywords:
- morality, medicine, humanitarization, ethics, deontology, Latin
Ethnobotanical studies of plants in the North Kazakhstan
ProceedingFundamental and applied research for key propriety areas of bioecology and biotechnology- Authors:
- Sara Y. Zhumabayeva, Aizhan M. Gibadilova, Almira A. Bekturganova
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы биоэкологии, систематики, анатомии и морфологии животных и растений
- Abstract:
- Information is given about the widespread plants of North Kazakhstan, which are used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. New data on methods of preparation of herbal medicinal forms for external and internal use are presented.
- Keywords:
- traditional medicine, ethnobotanical method, flora of North Kazakhstan, medicinal plant forms
Digitalization of Medicine and Its Impact on the Economy
ProceedingProspects for Socio-Economic Development of Russia- Authors:
- Elena M. Vozniuk, Tatyana L. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Современные тенденции развития мирового сообщества
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the study of the role of digitalization of medicine in the economy. Nowadays the problem of implementing smart systems in medicine is relevant. The article reveals the concept of artificial intelligence in the field of medicine as a factor in the development and formation of the economy. It is concluded that the use of artificial intelligence in medicine and its development has a direct impact on the state of the country's economy.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, digital economy, digitalization of medicine, technology development, smart systems
System Problems of the Mass Diseases Prophylaxis
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Dmitrii O. Lastkov, Aleksandr I. Klimenko, Tatiana V. Mikhailova, Tamara A. Romanenko, Aleksei L. Obornev
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Медико-социальные аспекты в образовании и психологии
- Abstract:
- Legislative and organizational provision of mass diseases prevention in the Russian Federation is analysed in the article. The qualitative model of this work has been developed based on the theory of functional systems. Recommendations for improvement of the higher medical education are given.
- Keywords:
- medicine, prevention, public health, functional system, higher medical education
Analiz gosudarstvennykh zakupok lekarstvennykh preparatov
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: Current Issues- Author:
- Anastasiia K. Kholopova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Наука
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of the system of medicines public procurement that is a backbone component of the population drug supply, which guarantees the availability and medical care quality according to the law. The author outlines that public procurement segment is one of the most stable and predictable segments of the Russian pharmaceutical market, since it is financed by budget funds of all levels and compulsory health insurance. The author comes to the conclusion that further development of the procurement system is one of the key areas for increasing the efficiency of managing state assets and the driver of growth in the social and economic development of the Russian Federation.
- Keywords:
- public procurement, medicines, orders placing, auction sales, population drug supply
First Outcomes of Implementing the New Model of Continuous Education in the System of Further Post-Graduate Training of Doctors
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Author:
- Irina V. Chesnokova
- Work direction:
- Education System in Russia
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of the continuing medical education (CME), which is a supplementary vocational education carried out through the implementation of qualification and further post-graduate training programs. The basic principles of the CME development in the Russian Federation are defined in the article. Among them: continuity in post-graduate training; harmonization with international standards; partnership of the state and professional organizations; comprehensive training of medical workers, that is convenient for them; the use of innovative technologies; quality control and independence, the motivation of employees to improve their skills. During the study the following methods were applied: analysis, comparison and observation. The author of the article outlines that the current regulatory framework for the CME development is the federal laws in the field of healthcare. The results of the study. The majority of doctors accepted a new model as a principal one and registered at the CME website for training. It is concluded that the fundamental difference between the new educational model and the traditional one is that in the СME system an individual 5-year cycle educational plan is drawn up, including 250 credits (hours) of educational activity, which are evenly divided into 50 credits (hours) annually. It is also stated that during the process of implementing the model, certain problems arose: a significant increase in the number of students per year, the increase in the number of organizations accredited for training since it is difficult to control it at the first stage. The СME model needs to be improved and developed, relying on all the best achievements and developments of the traditional system of post-graduate training of doctors.
- Keywords:
- continuing medical education, distance learning technologies, post-graduate training of doctors, accreditation and certification of specialists, further post-graduate training in medicine
Professor of the Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy V.M. Florinsky – Scientist, Teacher and Statesman
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Authors:
- Alexander A. Dvirskii, Anatoly E. Dvirsky, Igor I. Ivanov
- Work direction:
- Education system in Russia
- Abstract:
- The main periods of life, scientific and state activity of Vasilij Markovich Florinsky. The purpose of the article is to consider stages of V.M. Florinsky’s activity in the academy as a pupil, scientist and statesman and to show his role in the development of obstetrics and gynaecology, anthropology, ethnography, history of medicine and folk medicine, as well as his contribution to the formation of eugenics and medical genetics. During the study the following methods were applied: theoretical, analysis, biographical. V.M. Florinsky published more than 330 scientific works. He published about 30 scientific publications on various sections of obstetrics and gynaecology. The scientist proposed an original method to prevent ruptures of the perineum during childbirth, among the first in Russia he successfully used chloroform for anesthesia in childbirth, conducted various histological studies in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. A significant part of V.M. Florinsky's publications is devoted to archaeological and ethnographic researches. Discussion: V.M. Florinsky's biography will arise interest in specialists of humanitarian and medical profiles, politicians and public figures. Conclusion: having considered the main periods of life, scientific and state activity of V.M. Florinsky, his significant contribution to the development of obstetrics and gynaecology, anthropology, ethnography, history of medicine and folk medicine and to the formation of eugenics and medical genetics can be noted. V.M. Florinsky as a reformer and administrator in the system of university education strengthened the domestic and international authority of Russian science.
- Keywords:
- medical genetics, ethnography, Vasilj Markovich Florinsky, biography, obstetrics and gynaecology, anthropology, history of medicine, eugenics, statesman
Sovremennye problemy prepodavaniia gigieny v sisteme nepreryvnogo meditsinskogo obrazovaniia
Book ChapterEducation: theory, methodology, practice- Authors:
- Dmitrii O. Lastkov, Aleksandr I. Klimenko, Tatiana V. Mikhailova, Leonid E. Obornev, Aleksei L. Obornev
- Work direction:
- Глава 4. Совершенствование преподавания гигиены на медицинских факультетах
- Abstract:
- The authors consider the competency-based approach in high medical education which requires a revision of methods and technological elements to teaching hygiene at the medical faculty as the basis for the preventive medicine implementation.
- Keywords:
- competence, hygiene, continuing medical education, medicine