List of publications on a keyword: «обряд»
Rol' fol'klornogo teatra v etnokul'turnom i etnokhudozhestvennom vospitanii gimnazistok
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Liudmila I. Khotieva, Anna V. Fursa, Svetlana V. Mochalina
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрывается вопрос о театре. Фольклорный театр – наиболее яркий и эмоциональный вид народного искусства. Возникнув в глубокой древности, он отразил все стадии развития своего народа, его вековые традиции.
- Keywords:
Ritual functions of clothing in the memorial rites of the Chuvashs
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 2- Author:
- Igor G. Petrov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- Clothes perform many functions functions. One of them is the ritual function, according to which it becomes an important tool or object of various magical practices. In this article, using the example of the сhuvashs of the Volga-Ural region, the functions of the deceased’s clothes in the customs and rituals of the memorial cycle are considered. On separate thematic blocks, the role of clothing as a ritual item at large commemorations, at the fortieth day commemoration, as well as at general summer commemorations was investigated. The article is based on published works on the history and ethnography of the chuvashs of the 19th – early 20th centuries, archival sources, as well as field materials of the author collected in different years in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Tatarstan. It has been revealed that in the funeral rites, clothes appear and are actively used as a substitute for the deceased, as well as an offering addressed to the deceased on behalf of living relatives. Thanks to these qualities, clothing is one of the important and universal means of communication between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Rites with clothes in memorial rites have been preserved and exist in modern ritual practice. Such stability, on the one hand, is due to the deep archaic and conservative funeral rite as a whole, on the other hand, the comparative stability of this ritual to modern innovations.
- Keywords:
- Volga-Ural region, Chuvashs, funeral and memorial rites, clothing and its ritual functions
The semantic field of wood ritual objects in the Russian spell rite
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Veronika A. Moskvina
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The article examines the subject code of the Russian spell tradition using the example of a group of ritual objects of wood origin. This group has received insufficient attention in research, as evidenced by a brief review of the literature. The material for the analysis is the main publications of Russian conspiracies, as well as field materials recorded by the author in the period from 2003 to 2023 in the Omsk Irtysh region. The purpose of this work is to determine the semantic field of a group of wood objects in Russian spells, as well as to identify the relationship between a ritual object and its verbal and symbolic embodiment. The main method of research – historical-typological – allows us to draw typological parallels in order to clarify the boundaries of the semantic field, which includes ritual objects of the group being studied. The article also implements complex and cross-genre approaches. The analysis showed the widespread use of ritual objects of wooden origin in the Russian charm tradition. Objects are included in the text of the conspiracy as independent images and can be used relatively independently of the verbal component of the conspiracy. The semantics of the ritual object is in accordance with the functional and thematic orientation of the spell and is determined by its content. An examination of two objects – a bitch and a sliver – revealed an expansion of their functions and semantic field in in Russian spells of Siberian. This conclusion determines the direction of further research into spells paraphernalia in the aspect of the mutual influence of aboriginal and settler traditions.
- Keywords:
- spell rite, action code, ritual object, semantic field
Sorminskaia kiremet' v iazycheskoi religioznoi zhizni "verkhovykh" chuvashei
ProceedingTopical Issues of Archaeology, Ethnography and History- Author:
- Lev A. Efimov
- Work direction:
- Народы Поволжья и Приуралья: традиции и новации межкультурного взаимодействия
- Abstract:
- В статье исследуются вопросы языческой религиозной жизни верховых чуваш до христианизации, показано устройство и деятельность Сорминскрой киремети, святым местом которого было киреметище, где проводились обряды моления и принятия жертвенных трапез. Киреметище находилось в лесу, севернее д. Актай Чувашско-Сорминской волости (ныне – на границах Аликовского и Моргаушского муниципального округов Чувашской Республики). Во второй половине XVIII века в связи с началом христианизации в чувашском крае, Сорминская киреметь была разрушена церковниками, а чуваши-язычники стали подвергаться преследованиям за поклонения языческим богам и киреметям. К настоящему времени в сорминском крае отголоски от язычества сохранились лишь в некоторых культовых обычаях и традициях.
- Keywords:
Zhenskie obriady i trudovye traditsii chuvashek, sviazannye so skotovodstvom, vtoroi poloviny XIX - nachala XX veka
ProceedingTopical Issues of Archaeology, Ethnography and History- Authors:
- Inga V. Dmitrieva, Nikolai A. Petrov
- Work direction:
- Культура народов Волго-Уралья
- Abstract:
- В работе рассматриваются обряды, связанные с животноводством, главной исполнительницей которых выступала женщина. Роль женщины в животноводческой обрядности наиболее выражена в первом весеннем выгоне скота и обрядах, связанные с отелом коровы (ĕне ырри). Основное содержание обрядовых действий направлено на обеспечение благополучия домашних животных, семьи и сельского общества. Сакральные знания, а также трудовые приемы и навыки, связанные с животноводством, передавались в рамках чувашской семьи и общины.
- Keywords:
Stroitel'nye traditsii i obriady russkikh Mordovii
ProceedingTopical Issues of Archaeology, Ethnography and History- Author:
- Liubov N. Shchankina
- Work direction:
- Культура народов Волго-Уралья
- Abstract:
- В фокусе исследования обряды, связанные со строительством жилища русского населения Мордовии. Методика исследования основана на этнографическом методе – опросе информантов во время этнографических экспедиций с 2002 по 2008 годы. У русских и существовали, и в настоящее время встречаются отдельные обряды, обычаи и поверья, связанные с выбором места для строительства, возведением жилища и с переходом в новый дом. Выявлено следующее: правильное исполнение строительных обрядов являлось залогом благополучной жизни в новом доме.
- Keywords:
Transformatsiia obriada initsiirovaniia dozhdia cumar chyk u chuvashei
ProceedingTopical Issues of Archaeology, Ethnography and History- Authors:
- Evgeniia V. Sergeeva, Anna A. Antipina
- Work direction:
- Культура народов Волго-Уралья
- Abstract:
- В статье исследуется один из обрядов чувашей земледельческого цикла – çумăр чÿк. Показана трансформация проведения моления с жертвоприношением в гендерном аспекте.
- Keywords:
The rite seren in the Chuvash villages of the Republic of Bashkortostan: traditions and modern local features
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 2- Author:
- Igor G. Petrov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the issues of modern existence of the cleansing rite of the spring cycle sĕren among the Chuvash living on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. This topic has not yet become an object of scientific study, which determines the relevance of this work. The purpose of the study is to study the local features of the rite, as well as the processes of its transformation at the current stage, tasks – a brief analysis of the historiography of the issue in scientific literature, a general description of the essence and content of the ritual, its local manifestations in various areas of residence of the Chuvash, the role of the rite in modern ritual practice. The study was conducted using the principles of historicism, objectivity, consistency, specificity, as well as special methods of field ethnography – included observation and interviews. The work is based on the author’s field materials collected in 2002–2004, 2020, 2022 years in the Chuvash villages of the western, southwestern, central and southern regions of the republic. The results of the study showed that the seren rite has undergone significant changes in recent decades. In most settlements, he completely fell out of ritual life and remained in the memory of old-timers, in others he underwent reduction and decreased on a scale and continues his existence as a vital ritual. The latter is probably due to the stability of traditional religious ideas among the Chuvash of the region, which sometimes contribute to the situational reproduction of the rite in different rural communities.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash, Republic of Bashkortostan, ritual culture, cleansing rite seren, local variants and features
Priobshchenie molodezhi k natsional'nomu prikladnomu iskusstvu posredstvom aktualizatsii traditsionnykh narodnykh remesel
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Author:
- Zulfiia Z. Sabirova
- Work direction:
- Межкультурное пространство современной России
- Abstract:
- В статье описан опыт приобщения молодежи к национальному прикладному искусству посредством актуализации традиционного народного ремесла – войлоковаляния.
- Keywords:
Iz istorii astrakhanskikh tatar
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Il'giz I. Zainutdinov
- Work direction:
- Динамика социальной среды как фактор развития
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена некоторым вопросам истории астраханских татар. Автором описаны праздники и обряды татар Астраханской области.
- Keywords:
Folklore Aspects of Funeral and Mourning Rites of Badakhshan Residents
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Abdulfattokh K. Aminov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to one of the spheres of the spiritual culture of the inhabitants of Badakhshan – funeral and mourning rites, which reflected many of the traditional ideas of the local population. The purpose of the article is to reveal the distinctive cultural features in the funeral and mourning rites of the inhabitants of Badakhshan. The content of the article is based on the material accumulated by the author from folk stories, beliefs and customs of funerals and mourning ceremonies, the results of surveys of local residents, experts on local rituals and active participants in the relevant rites, as well as the views of previous researchers. On the basis of the method of participant observation, interviews, comparative methods, various aspects of the features of funeral and memorial rites were analyzed, such as reading a prayer for the dead (janoz), funeral lighting of the lamp “Charogravshan” (Lighting the lamp), which form the basis of the religious rites of the mourning Shiite families. Ismailis of Badakhshan. At the end of the article, conclusions are given about the main elements of the rite “Charogravshan”: reading the verses of the Koran associated with light; reading “Kandilname (Charogname)”; prayers for lighting a lamp; reading laudatory verses from the poetry of Nasir Khosrov; praise in the name of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him); prayers and special verses related to grief; checking the lamp by the caliph and those present; prayers and blessings for the repose of the soul of the deceased.
- Keywords:
- ritual, Tajiks, Badakhshan, funeral and mourning rites, legends
Narodnaia igrushka kak sredstvo priobshcheniia uchashchikhsia k dukhovno-nravstvennoi kul'ture
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Andrei D. Zatsepin, Nadezhda M. Lezova, Liubov V. Novikova, Liudmila A. Burovkina
- Work direction:
- Культурологический подход в образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается история и классификация текстильных кукол, их важность в жизни человека. Затрагивается тема патриотического и духовного воспитания. Одним из условий решения этой проблемы является приобщение детей к отечественной культуре через изучение народной игрушки.
- Keywords:
Traditional Rites of the Khanty and Mansi Peoples in the Professional Training of Future Teachers of Visual Arts
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 2- Author:
- Irina N. Polynskaya
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problems of professional training of future teachers of fine arts. The purpose of the work is to consider the role and significance of the study by students of the Faculty of Arts and Design of traditional religious rites and holidays of the peoples of the Far North, the Khanty and Mansi. The material for the study was the traditional rites of the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi. Based on the method of theoretical analysis, the pedagogical potential of the traditional rites of the Khanty and Mansi peoples was revealed and the pedagogical conditions for the process of professional training of students – future teachers of fine arts were substantiated. The article describes in detail the traditions associated with hunting, fishing; the most common folk holidays associated with the bear, elk, crow day; national rites – wedding, funeral, rite of birth of a child. Comprehension and understanding of the world are reflected in oral folk art, legends, legends, myths, folklore. The future teacher of fine arts needs to know the traditional way of life of the indigenous people of Ugra, so that in his pedagogical work he can convey artistic and creative experience to schoolchildren. In conclusion, a description of the main pedagogical conditions for preparing students – future teachers of fine arts for professional activities, taking into account national traditions and the ethno-cultural specifics of the region, is given.
- Keywords:
- students, ethnography, folklore, professional training, traditions, customs, fine art, ethno-cultural competencies, Khanty and Mansi peoples, religious rites, way of life, beliefs
Pokhoronnye obriady tatar Srednego Povolzh'ia vo vtoroi polovine KhIKh - nachala KhKh v.
ProceedingCurrent Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences- Author:
- Rashid I. Amishov
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена похоронным обрядам, которые существовали у татар до революции. Этот важный процесс по религиозным канонам был детально регламентирован и вошел в традицию народа. Он включала в себя обряды подготовки к смерти и прощание, нахождение людей рядом с покойным, мытье тела и наворачивание в его в саван (белую ткань), напутствие муллы собравшимся и близким, чтение молитв, дженаза намаза, несение тела мужчинами на кладбищу и погребение, проведение поминальных обрядов в 3, 7, 40, 51 и годовщину. Автор статьи представляет свое исследование на основе работ этнографов, исследователей, подробно характеризуя деятельность мусульманского духовенства.
- Keywords:
Izmeneniia traditsionnoi detskoi odezhdy chuvashei vo vtoroi polovine KhIKh - pervykh desiatiletiiakh XXI v.
ProceedingTopical Issues of Archaeology, Ethnography and History- Authors:
- Inga V. Dmitrieva, Nikolai A. Petrov
- Work direction:
- Археология и этнография Волго-Уралья
- Abstract:
- Традиционная одежда является важнейшей составляющей жизни человека и общества. В этнографии детства одежда являлась обязательным атрибутом в обрядности. Традиционная детская одежда в настоящее время не используется в повседневной жизни, однако она широко представлена в ряде культурно-массовых мероприятий, проводимых в регионе. В работе предпринята попытка проследить основные изменения в традиционной детской одежде чувашей.
- Keywords:
Polevoe molenie na primere obriada Uchuk v kommunikativnom prostranstve Volgo-Ural'ia
ProceedingTopical Issues of Archaeology, Ethnography and History- Author:
- Tatiana V. Semenova
- Work direction:
- Археология и этнография Волго-Уралья
- Abstract:
- Традиционные календарные праздники и обряды – неотъемлемая часть культуры и быта любого этноса, они выполняют ряд важных функций, способствуя его консолидации, формированию и утверждению этнической идентичности членов, регламентации социальных отношений, организации общественной жизни и досуга. В статье предпринята попытка показать трансформацию обряда Учук.
- Keywords:
The Bessermian Holiday Akayashka and Terminology Associated with its Celebration
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Sergey A. Maksimov
- Work direction:
- Languages of the Nations of the World
- Abstract:
- The paper is devoted to the traditional Bessermian holiday akayashka associated with the beginning of spring agricultural work. The ritual complex of the holiday lasted for three or four days, and each day had its own name: arafa, akayashka ~ akashka, akayashka kelyan. Relevance. The Udmurt ritual cycle akashka (beserm. akayashka) is described in sufficient detail by researchers of the 19th – early 21st centuries. There have been attempts in recent works to reconstruct the origin and evolution of ritual elements. However, some of the earlier descriptions in similar studies have been left without due attention. The etymologies of some terms related to the celebration of akayashka are not fully disclosed, or they are questionable and need further research or clarification. Conclusion. In this paper, for the first time, the etymologies of the words cholpan (a mallet used to beat on wood to exorcise evil spirits on the first day of the celebration of akayashka) and argar (a rite on the eve of Akayashka with a request from the Almighty God for a harvest) are revealed; the reason for the creation of the name of the rite burdo shөd ‘winged soup’, the analogues of which are absent in Udmurt dialects, is defined; the reasons for the difference in the celebration of the rites of the akayashka ~ akashka ~ gershyd cycle, which have the same source of origin, are also specified.
- Keywords:
- Udmurt language, Bessermian dialect, akayashka ritual complex, etymology, Turkic borrowings
Formirovanie u detei starshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta interesa k istorii i kul'ture russkogo naroda cherez obraz traditsionnoi narodnoi kukly
ProceedingDevelopment of Modern Competencies of Teachers and Students through the Study and Popularization of the Traditional Culture of the Peoples of the Russian Federation- Author:
- Svetlana I. Ponomariova
- Work direction:
- Духовное и нравственное воспитание детей на основе российских традиционных ценностей
- Abstract:
- В статье описаны формы и методы работы по возрождению у детей интереса к народной культуре, любви к малой родине в процессе изучения народной тряпичной куклы, которая использовалась в былые времена не только для детской игры, а сопровождала человека от рождения и до последних дней его жизни. Авторы в своей работе выбрали тему изготовления обрядовых кукол, соединив их с народными традициями и праздниками, показали, как можно через проект» «Солнцеворот: календарь народной куклы» побудить современных детей к игре, досуговой деятельности в духе народных традиций.
- Keywords:
Semantika traditsionnoi tantseval'noi kul'tury slavian kak element sistemy dukhovno-nravstvennogo vospitaniia
ProceedingDevelopment of Modern Competencies of Teachers and Students through the Study and Popularization of the Traditional Culture of the Peoples of the Russian Federation- Authors:
- Margarita V. Peterimova, Elena N. Lvova
- Work direction:
- Духовное и нравственное воспитание детей на основе российских традиционных ценностей
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена проблеме духовно-нравственного воспитания. Утверждается, что государственная культурная политика в современной России представляет собой сложный комплекс федеральных и региональных программ культурного развития. Духовно-нравственное воспитание сегодня предполагает, с одной стороны, углубление в семантическое наполнение славянской танцевальной культуры, а с другой – вовлеченность в её познание представителей молодого поколения. В этой связи необходимым становится новый подход к поиску нестандартных форм, путей и методов, внедрения новых методик, направленных на успешность решения проблемы художественного образования, которая в век IT-технологий становится в ряд наиболее приоритетных.
- Keywords:
Tainstvennyi drevnii narod - ezidy
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Authors:
- Zinaida V. Tamoian, Naze V. Tamoian
- Work direction:
- Культурология
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается история и обычаи малоизвестного народа – езидов. В заключение утверждается, что эзиды – это самостоятельный этнос. Он постоянно развивается, претерпевает определенные изменения.
- Keywords:
Kitaiskie narodnye pesni pri vozzhzhenii fonarei v provintsii Khenan'
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Tsziuni Niu
- Work direction:
- Искусствоведение
- Abstract:
- Китайское народное искусство очень древнее, насчитывает в своем развитии несколько тысячелетий. В нем отражаются самые первоначальные представления, связанные с осмыслением стихий, даосские и буддисткие обрядовые составляющие. В народной культуре китайской провинции Хэнань все это находит претворение. Как в сельской местности, так и в городах здесь популярен праздник фонарей, примыкающий к окончанию года и началу следующего. Его сопровождают песни, синтезирующие во время исполнения несколько видов искусств – музыку, драму и танец, о которых говорится в статье. Хэнань является хранителем традиционного искусства музыкальной драмы или оперы, которое оказывает влияние на песни при возжжении фонарей и манеру их исполнения.
- Keywords:
Obriady i obychai imianarecheniia v traditsionnoi kul'ture tatar
ProceedingThe Role of the Government and Civil Society Institutions in Preserving Native Languages and Literature- Authors:
- Guzaliia S. Khazieva, El'vira I. Iarullina
- Work direction:
- Родной язык – средство сохранения и трансляции культуры, истории, традиций народа
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрываются тема обряда имянаречения и его основные моменты, сходства и различия обряда имянаречения на разных территориях. Авторы на фольклорно-этнографическом материале доказывают то, что имянаречение – это наиболее важный механизм включения новорожденного в «культуру». Выделяются генетические истоки обычаев и обрядов имянаречения, которые восходят к системе мировоззрений об имени в тюркских народах как о душе человека, о знаке судьбы.
- Keywords:
Some Facts of Main Ethnic Groups’ Ceremonial-Game Traditions in Their Theatrical Aspect in the Chuvash Republic
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Veronika J. Arestova
- Work direction:
- Ethnic and Ethno-Cultural Processes in Modern Society
- Abstract:
- The article presents facts about ceremonial-game traditions of main ethnic groups living in Chuvash Republic, such as Chuvash, Russian, Tatar, and Mordovian. The purpose of the research was the survey of ceremonies, customs and celebrations which are kept in the present time in Chuvashia. The research was focused solely on theatrical aspect of rites or ceremonies where a person uses dressing up, masks, makeup, and acts for Mummers' plays. Furthermore, the research aimed to identify the mutual cultural influence of the above mentioned ethnic groups on each other. The field study was conducted using the methods of interviewing, observation with video and audio recording. The data were gathered from all of Chuvash Republic districts. In conclusion, it was established that mummering traditions are being revived in some rural areas of Chuvashia; traditions of mummering have not been changed since the second half of the XIX century, but people created new characters, especially in the second half of the XX century; the content of ceremonial-game traditions is fully demonstrates the worldview, mentality and value system of the main ethnic groups presented in Chuvashia.
- Keywords:
- Mummers' plays, ceremonial-game traditions, Chuvash, Russian, Tatar, Mordovian
Obriad "Provodov dushi" u mordvy Povolzh'ia v seredine XIX - nachale XXI vv.
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: Current Issues- Author:
- Liubov N. Shchankina
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- On the basis of field researches, forwarding data of middle XX century made and collected by V.N. Belitser, stored in the archive of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Science, as well as the analysis of published information made by culture researchers, the rites of the Mordvins associated with funerals and existed in the middle of the XIX – beginning of XXI century are examined. It is revealed that the funeral and memorial rites of the ethnic group are a synthesis of pre-Christian beliefs of the Mordvins with Christian ones. The changes that occurred in the funeral ceremonies of the Mordvins after adoption of Christianity, during the years of Soviet regime and over the past decades are described. As a result of the study, it was found that the funeral rites on the 40th day of the Mordvins, the Mokshas and the Erzi were largely identical; the differences were more regional than ethnic.
- Keywords:
- Volga region, the Mordvins, funeral rites, soul, ancestor worship, sacrifices, funeral food, the other world
Rezistentnaia singuliarnost' uzkogo sotsiuma v mire
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: Current Issues- Authors:
- Alla S. Kuklina, Irina G. Kuklina
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The authors outline that the church reform of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Nikon, adopted in 1650–1660, introduced the ideology of Old Orthodoxy or Old Believers into the world. It is noted that the need for uniformity of the liturgical rank of the Russian Church with the Church of Constantinople (Greek Church) brought a split into the country and forced believers to leave not just the cities and villages, but also Russia itself. This research is devoted to the study of the currents of the Old Believers and their place of residence abroad. The authors come to the conclusion that presentation of the most complete, truthful and realistic picture of faith revival of the ancestors of old Russia, their ideology and worldview, emphasized by personalized individualism in the affairs of followers who left their native places is the resistance of a true believer’s nature.
- Keywords:
- religion, society, Russia, Old Believers, confessionality, singularity