List of publications on a keyword: «культурный код»
Dendrologicheskii kul'turnyi subkod vo frazeologicheskikh edinitsakh nemetskogo iazyka
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Authors:
- Alsu G. Abnasyrova, Guzel R. Galieva
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается дендрологический культурный субкод во фразеологии немецкого языка. Объектом исследования являются фразеологические единицы с компонентом-дендронимом, т. е. с обозначением деревьев и их составных частей. Проведен структурно-семантический и лингвокультурологический анализ указанных единиц, выявлены наиболее частотные дендронимы в составе изученных фразеологизмов, определены их символические значения.
- Keywords:
Methodology for the Formation of Foreign-Language Intercultural Professional Competence Among Students of a Non-linguistic University in the Direction of “Advertising and Public Relations”
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Elena G. Liakhova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- Teaching a foreign language of a specialty in the bachelor's system is becoming more and more practice-oriented. The purpose of the study is to develop and scientifically substantiate a methodology for teaching a foreign language with elements of professionalization on the basis of identifying and comparing the national Russian culture code of goods and services and the national code of goods and services of the foreign language culture of the country of the foreign language being studied. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment allow us to conclude that it is possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching students in the sphere of advertising and public relations by including the presented methodology in the curriculum for the discipline «Professional communication in English», as well as, when teaching other languages in the systems of bachelor's and master's degrees.
- Keywords:
- professional and intercultural competence, national culture code of goods and services, identification of the national code of goods and services of a foreign language culture
To the Question of Interaction of Chuvash and Azerbaijan Cultures: Ancientry and Modernity
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Vladimir A. Vasilyev
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Research of Chuvash Language and Culture of Chuvashia
- Abstract:
- In the development of modern ethnic cultures, there is a paradoxical situation: the more powerful the onset of comprehensive globalization, aimed at the destruction of national cultures, the more actively they develop. “To blame”, in our opinion, is the ethnocultural code, which rebelled against the dominance of the virus of the death of national cultures and thus led to the flourishing, boom of ethnic cultures. Convincing evidence of this is the deep fundamental processes of revival taking place in the Chuvash national culture. Thus, the unique Kokelev International Plein Air has rightfully become a synthesis of the picturesque national schools of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The national TV and radio company “Chavash En” was established. Recreated “Chuvashkino”, designed to develop their national culture. There is a return from oblivion of the runic writing of the Chuvash people. A program for the development of the Chuvash language was adopted. And, as it were, the apotheosis of the renaissance of the Chuvash ethnic culture was the establishment of the Chuvash Embroidery Day on November 26 by the Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic. Globalization pressure is also causing an increase in interest in learning about other cultures. we tell about this phenomenon on the example of Chuvashia and Azerbaijan. In soviet times in Azerbaijan, few people knew that the Chuvash were a Turkic people. Tatarstan knew, Bashkortostan knew, and the Chuvash – the Turkic people – didn't [6]. The aim of our work is to study the interaction of Chuvash and Azerbaijani cultures in historical retrospect, as well as to draw the attention of scientists of Chuvashia, Russia and Azerbaijan to this problem, which is of great cognitive and scientific importance. The author comes to the conclusion that scientists-humanitarians of Chuvashia, Russia and Azerbaijan can and should combine their efforts to create a comprehensive study of the interaction of the cultures of the Chuvash and Azerbaijani nations in historical retrospect.
- Keywords:
- history, Cheboksary, ethnic culture, Chuvashia, Azerbaijan, Suvars, Bulgarians, Bilasuvar, Vata Suvar, pagan religion, Zoroastrianism, runic writing, embroidery, ethno-cultural code
Lokalizatsiia kul'turnykh kodov: problema perevoda nazvanii kinofil'mov
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Olga A. Burukina
- Work direction:
- Культурология
- Abstract:
- Кинофильм – это не только произведение искусства, но и товар. Названия кинофильмов чаще всего выражают главную идею, а также привлекают внимание потенциальных кинозрителей. Эта бинарная функция названий кинофильмов требует, чтобы их перевод был точным и отражал их художественную, культурно-эстетическую и экономическую ценность. В статье анализируется значимость локализации не только и не столько как маркетингового и коммерческого явления, но как явления, имеющего глубокое культурное значение, задействующего культурные коды и коннотации и позволяющего перенести названия кинофильмов как бренды продуктов (кинофильма), имеющих одновременно коммерческое и художественно-эстетическое значение, в иную культурную среду. В работе представлены основные принципы перевода названий англоязычных кинофильмов на русский язык, основанные на анализе функций названий и особенностей их перевода. В статье развенчивается миф о кажущейся легкости перевода названий кинофильмов и поднимается вопрос о качестве переводческой деятельности и ответственности переводчиков. Автор анализирует переводческие стратегии, применяемые при переводе названий кинофильмов, в первую очередь с английского языка на русский, и предлагает рекомендации, руководствуясь которыми переводчики могут избежать ошибок, негативно влияющих на восприятие кинофильмов в иноязычной культурной среде и нередко способствующих их коммерческому провалу.
- Keywords:
Ethnic Specificity of Cultural Codes
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Vladimir M. Savitskij
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The author compares and analyzes some definitions of the concept of cultural code offered by Russian and foreign linguists and semiologists. Aspects of this concept are singled out and described. Regulatory, semiotic and retransmitting functions of cultural codes are briefly characterized. The relationship between the concepts of cultural code and picture of the world is revealed. The author’s interpretation of the concept of cultural code is given, the ethnic specificity of cultural codes is revealed, its factors are described, participation of cultural codes in forming ethnic mentality is demonstrated. The author shows discrepancies in understanding reality due to the difference in the cultural codes used and points out that the role of cultural code can be performed by any perceptible area of reality: landscapes, natural phenomena, fauna, flora, artifacts (household utensils, tools, weapons, garments of clothes, dwelling places etc.) and actions with the listed items. All this is regarded in the article as semiotic means of thinking and communication. Methods. The analysis of cultural codes was carried out by using the methods of cross-cultural analysis and interlingual comparison on the material of English and Russian metaphoric set phrases. Conclusion. The conclusion is made concerning the influence of cultural codes on the choice of the path of historic development and, ultimately, on the fates of nations.
- Keywords:
- picture of the world, ethnic culture, cultural code, inner code, outer code, ethnic mentality, verbal thinking
Cognitive Substrate of Linguistic Thinking: The Semiotic Aspect
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Authors:
- Ekaterina V. Savitskaya, Vladimir M. Savitskij
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to a description of cognitive attitude complexes that underlie linguistic thinking and function in the form of cultural codes. Such complexes form a cognitive substrate of linguistic thinking. It has ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic specificity. Research methods: analysis, comparison, descriptive method, interlinguistic comparison of mercantilist and military cultural codes on the basis of English and Russian linguocultural materials. Research results. It is outlined that the cognitive substrate of the linguistic thinking performs the function of modelling reality, acting as a complex of cultural codes. It is shown that the codes used by a person in his / her linguistic thinking are divided into internal and external ones. Internal codes are spiritually close to their user; he / she forms thoughts in them, and as for external codes, he / she only verbally formulates thoughts, translates them from internal to external code. Among the internal codes, there is a cultural code that is closest to the person because of his / her state, occupation, etc. It is concluded that the person views the surrounding world through the prism of the most familiar sphere of life, making it a model of the world and a cultural code.
- Keywords:
- linguistic thinking, cognitive substrate, cultural code, linguoculture, inner form of language unit
Novyi vzgliad na vzaimootnosheniia kul'turnykh kodov i konnotatsii
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Olga A. Burukina
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы современного языкознания и литературоведения
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблема взаимосвязи и взаимодействия коннотации и культурных кодов, формируемых на основе культурно-специфического восприятия действительности и обусловливающих национальные и индивидуальные особенности интерпретации и понимания информации в процессе коммуникации. Используя ряд примеров из произведений современной британской и американской кинематографии и литературы, автор иллюстрирует значимость культурно-обусловленной коннотации и культурных кодов для понимания произведений национальной культуры, которое в противном случае может быть в значительной степени затруднено или даже искажено.
- Keywords:
Region estestvennogo bilingvizma kak effektivnaia obrazovatel'naia sreda
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Olga P. Lopatina, Olga N. Tverskaia
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии и электронные цифровые ресурсы в преподавании родных языков и литератур
- Abstract:
- В статье на примере образовательного пространства Пермского края рассматриваются созданные в регионе площадки, позволяющие осуществлять межкультурное взаимодействие. Край представляется как территория естественного билингвизма, которая требует дополнительных образовательных стратегий, способствующих гармоничному взаимодействию разных языковых традиций.
- Keywords: