List of publications on a keyword: «legal education»
Problemy realizatsii pravovogo vospitaniia nesovershennoletnikh
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Authors:
- Valentina G. Balkovaia, Anastasiia A. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the problems of increasing the legal awareness of minors, which is defined as an important condition for increasing the level of legal culture of society. The tendency of a decrease in the general level of culture, the increase in infantilism, the presence of gaps in the moral consciousness of a significant part of young people is noted. According to the authors, without overcoming these negative aspects, it is impossible to build a truly legal state and form a civil society. As a condition for increasing the legal culture of modern Russian society, a multi-level system of legal education is proposed, an important place in which is occupied by legal information and legal propaganda.
- Keywords:
- legal consciousness, legal education, legal culture, legal education of minors, civil and legal education, legal culture of society, legal consciousness of youth
Rol' gosudarstvenno-patrioticheskogo vospitaniia v formirovanii professional'nogo pravosoznaniia iuristov
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Valentina G. Balkovaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the problems of formation of professional sense of justice of lawyers, that receiving education in the system of departmental universities. There is a tendency to reduce the overall level of culture and to increase infantilism, the existence of gaps in the moral consciousness of a significant part of young people. These factors have a negative impact on the formation of professional legal awareness of the law enforcement system’s future employees. A particularly disturbing tendency is the crisis of the national identity of this part of the youth, since law enforcement officers, at the time of their professional duties, act on behalf of the state. As a means of overcoming these negative aspects, a system of state-patriotic education is proposed, designed to develop a sense of national pride and professional responsibility.
- Keywords:
- legal education, sense of justice, professional legal awareness, state-patriotic education, military-patriotic education
Factors of development of legal culture of modern Russia
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Author:
- Sergei A. Snashkov
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы юриспруденции
- Abstract:
- The article presents an analysis of factors that significantly affect the processes of formation and development of the legal culture of modern Russia. The author focuses on legal policy and legal education, characterizing their features and levels of interaction with the phenomenon of legal culture.
- Keywords:
- legal education, legal culture, legal policy, legal personality qualities, humanization of law
Questions of teaching traffic rules in educational and training programs of primary schools
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Igor V. Stepanov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Vitalii V. Stepanovskikh
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и ДО
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the principles and methods of activity of General education institutions for teaching younger students safe behavior on the roads, through regular and out-of-hours activities.
- Keywords:
- traffic rules, children's road traffic injuries, legal education and safety culture, organization of road safety culture in primary schools
Problems and Stages of Legal Science and Education Development in Russia
Book ChapterLaw and Economics- Authors:
- Liubov N. Shchankina, Svetlana V. Izutina
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Право
- Abstract:
- In the article attention is focused on the study of the problem of the formation of legal science and education in various chronological periods of the existence of the Russian state. State figures, Russian and foreign thinkers, and legal scholars whose contribution to Russian jurisprudence is the most significant are highlighted. It is revealed that the formation and development of theoretical jurisprudence was caused by the needs of society and the state in fair law, as well as the need to systematize the current legislation. The conclusion of the authors is that the formation of legal education in Russia was actively promoted by the state authorities, which contributed to the publication of the first textbooks and manuals on civil and criminal laws; the opening of schools, gymnasiums, and universities. The authors of the article outline that activities of these special educational institutions were of great importance for the formation of the system of legal science and education, on the basis of which there were scientific schools and directions that were developed in the Soviet period and at the present stage. It is mentioned that gradually, the methodological tools were updated and legal education was reformed. After the collapse of the USSR, there were serious changes in it and a kind of Renaissance came. The authors come to the conclusion that currently legal education is designed as an open system that is ready to accept the positive experience of foreign countries and is capable of self-improvement.
- Keywords:
- legal education, jurisprudence, legal science, periods of Russian legal science development, systematization of Russian legislation
O vysshem iuridicheskom obrazovanii v Rossii i gosudarstvennykh trebovaniiakh
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Vladimir N. Zhadan
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Современные тенденции развития образования
- Abstract:
- The proposed material is devoted to issues on higher legal education and state requirements for the organization and implementation of the educational process in educational institutions of higher education in Russia. The author studies the material on issues and problems of modern higher legal education, analyzes the legal acts in the field of education, including the state requirements for higher legal education. In the process of preparing this material, the following research methods were applied: analysis, generalization, comparison, etc. The research results have been discussed at All-Russian and International conferences, and many of them have been published. The author comes to the conclusion that the problems of higher legal education in Russia are based on the unverified use of approaches and guidelines of the Bologna process, as well as embedded in the current system of educational institutions of higher education, which includes “dummy universities”. Therefore, in order to improve higher legal education and improve the quality of training of students – potential lawyers in higher education institutions, the state and political will of the country's leadership and relevant departments in the field of education is necessary to form an effective Federal system of higher legal education, which provides for unified and coordinated Federal state requirements for the specialty “Jurisprudence” and the system of training specialists in the qualification “lawyer”, which provides for training in higher education institutions for at least 5 years.
- Keywords:
- analysis, Russia, educational institutions, higher legal education, state requirements, legal acts, General theoretical provisions, understanding
Development of legal culture of Russia: historical and legal questions of legal education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Larisa V. Yun
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The author of the article notes that the legal culture determines the level of legal knowledge, legal understanding and legitimacy. The article considers the peculiarities of the formation of the legal culture of the reign of Peter the Great. Attention is paid to causality and factors affecting the quality and condition of the legal consciousness and legal culture of the period under study looked through in the historical and legal context. The researcher concluded that the reforms of Peter I significantly changed the content of the legal culture of Russian society, primarily due to the increasing role of legislation and politics.
- Keywords:
- legal consciousness, legal education, legal culture, legal reforms, development of legislation
Model of the constitutionalism in the development of modern Russian legal education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Iskander A. Sadykov
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article studies the development processes of Russian legal education, which should be based on the idea of implementing a model of constitutionalism. The attention of the author is paid to the problems of legal understanding, the construction of a state based on the rule of law, the goal of which should be the establishment of coordinated interaction between all subjects of legal relations – the state, society, personality, which need to be paid attention by modern law education. The paper notes that the assertion of a constitutionalism model in society as a general social value is connected with the authority of fair legislation.
- Keywords:
- personality, model of constitutionalism, legal understanding, principles of law, state, society, modern legal education
Formirovanie pravosoznaniia studentov v vuze (teoreticheskii aspekt)
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Authors:
- Natalia G. Ivanova, Evgenii S. Shchebliakov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In this monograph the issue of the education system modernization is being considered. Special attention should be paid to legal education, which is suppoused to be responsible for the formation of legal consciousness of future lawyers, which determines, first of all, the level of any legal system development. The process of the legal awareness formation in students in a university is quite complex and time-consuming process. Competence approach, firmly established in modern education, allows to form professional skills of bachelor's degrees in jurisprudence, thereby forming the legal consciousness and legal culture of the future specialist.
- Keywords:
- legal consciousness, education system, modernization of the education system, legal education
Klinicheskoe iuridicheskoe obrazovanie v istorii Universiteta upravleniia "TISBI"
ProceedingVII Arsentyev readings "Paradigms of university history and prospects of university studies (for the 50th anniversary of “The Chuvash state university named after I. N. Ulyanov” Volume 2- Author:
- Larisa V. Yun
- Work direction:
- Педагогические парадигмы и их отражение в практике университетского образования
- Abstract:
- The article examines the practice of clinical legal education in terms of improving the various methods of training future lawyers in the educational process based on legal clinics. It is the legal clinic that gives the student practical skills, instills a professional ethic of the lawyer and gives a full vision and idea of his future profession, which special attention is paid in the training process to the University of Management "TISBI".
- Keywords:
- clinical legal education, Lawyer, trainee