List of publications on a keyword: «pedagogical education»
Technological and organizational aspects of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam using the capabilities of the university's digital educational environment
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Authors:
- Tatiana K. Smykovskaia, Nikolai K. Sergeev, Aleksandr M. Korotkov, Marina V. Korepanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- In the chapter highlights the technological and organizational aspects of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam using the capabilities of the university's digital educational environment. Digital tools and resources that ensure the effectiveness of the preparation and conduct of the demonstration exam are described, as well as ways to support the process of preparation and participation of graduates of the pedagogical university in the demonstration exam. An example of the implementation of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University is given to illustrate the highlighted technological and organizational aspects.
- Keywords:
- demonstration exam, competencies, digital educational environment, pedagogical education, mathematics teacher, digital tool, state final certification
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Sergei A. Mavrin, Nikolai P. Burtsev, Aleksandr V. Dobudko, Aleksandr N. Chesnokov
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The task of training teachers to solve the problems of digital transformation of the economy and public life remains urgent. In this regard, on the basis of the "core of higher pedagogical education", the discipline "Technologies of digital education" is included in the training program for future computer science teachers. The article examines the substantive aspect of the training of future computer science teachers in the field of the use of digital technologies in education. The author's vision of the content of the discipline "Digital Education Technologies" is presented.
- Keywords:
- the discipline "Technologies of digital education", the future teacher of computer science, The core of higher pedagogical education, the communicative-digital module, the subject-methodical module
Current trends in the development of the modern system of higher pedagogical education
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 3- Author:
- Salavat R. Sabirov
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The Higher Pedagogical School is focused on the formation of students' ability and readiness for continuing education, professional and personal self-development and self-education, necessary in an era of intense social, economic, political and technological dynamics of change. The purpose of this article is to identify the current directions of development of the Russian system of higher pedagogical education in new socio-economic and socio-political conditions. The article considers the following areas of development of higher pedagogical schools: the transition to a unique national system of higher education; the creation of new models for evaluating the results of higher pedagogical education; the introduction of the "Core of higher pedagogical education" taking into account an interdisciplinary approach; the creation of a system of interregional pedagogical districts based on pedagogical universities. The article notes that the creation of a new national system of higher education gives Russian pedagogical education a more modern, competitive and qualitative character, thereby contributing to improving the professional training of future teachers and creating conditions for the implementation of trajectories of continuous pedagogical education. The article uses a theoretical method in the form of analysis of sources, as well as synthesis based on them. It is concluded that the key factor in the development of the higher education system and ensuring its high quality should be a harmonious combination of basic knowledge and practical training of students.
- Keywords:
- higher education, demonstration exam, higher pedagogical education, new system of higher education, Core of higher pedagogical education, educational and pedagogical district
Innovatsionnye modeli formirovaniia edinogo prostranstva podgotovki, otsenki kachestva i povysheniia kvalifikatsii pedagogicheskikh kadrov v RF: po materialam effektivnykh praktik raboty FIP
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Tat'iana A. Lavina, Anna N. Zakharova, Tatiana I. Gritsevich
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter highlights innovative models for the formation of a unified training, quality assessment and professional development of pedagogical personnel in the higher education system of the Russian Federation, based on the analysis of the best practices of federal innovation platforms. The work was carried out within the framework of the Research Agreement on "Identification of best practices based on the results of expert evaluation of applications and reports of federal innovation platforms" with Financial Expert Systems LLC. Moscow, the operator of the organization of the procedure for evaluating the activities of FIP subjects within the framework of the execution of the State Contract dated April 25, 2022 No.05.2022. for the performance of works (provision of services) under the project "Information, analytical and technological support for the formation and functioning of a network of federal innovation platforms in the advanced educational ecosystem of the Russian Federation". The authors consider projects of federal innovation platforms of higher education institutions implemented in the field of "pedagogical education", as well as in other interdisciplinary areas related to the professional development of teaching staff.
- Keywords:
- federal innovation platforms, pedagogical education, institutions of higher education, innovative educational projects, effective practices, innovative models, the National project "Education"
Formation of general professional competencies in bachelores of pedagogical education in the process of mastering additional educational programs
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Author:
- Nellie G. Gavrilova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The emergence of new public policy priorities in the field of education changes the role of lifelong education in the system of socialization of the individual, as well as the nature of interaction between various subjects within the educational process and beyond. To increase competitiveness in the labor market, students of higher educational institutions need to be prepared to quickly master new knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of professional activity in the labor market. One of the forms of obtaining specific knowledge and skills for students in parallel with higher education is additional education. The purpose of the study is to analyze the pedagogical conditions for the formation of general professional competencies among bachelors of pedagogical education using additional education programs. Materials and methods of research. The research materials are the methodologically based on a scientific review of research approaches developed in domestic pedagogy in the field of improving the system of training generalist specialists in the development of additional education programs. The research methods are the study and analysis of scientific and methodological literary sources, as well as questioning of students. Research results. At the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.Ya. Yakovlev Center for Continuing Education. To determine the possibility of additional professional education, a study was conducted among students of this university in order to identify their awareness of the possibilities of mastering additional education programs. The results of the survey, according to which many students plan to undergo additional education in standard programs, 20% plan to receive certificates or certificates in a whole range of programs. Conclusions. The system of additional education adapts future teachers to the specifics of modern socio-economic conditions, high demands from the labor market and, ultimately, forms a highly qualified specialist with a wide profile, capable of a continuous process of self-improvement in the process of professional activity.
- Keywords:
- additional education, Bachelors of pedagogical education, general professional competencies, development of general professional competencies
Zarubezhnyi opyt professional'noi podgotovki budushchego pedagoga s pozitsii prosotsial'nogo podkhoda
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Elena I. Eroshenkova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The author's understanding of the essence, basic ideas and principles of the pro-social approach in pedagogical science is clarified, the international experience in organizing the professional training of future teachers and practicing teachers in different countries is analyzed from the standpoint of the methodology of the pro-social approach. The experience of the USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden and China in the context under consideration is studied, conclusions are drawn about the variability, flexibility of goals, content, organization and development prospects of professional teacher education, taking into account its pro-social orientation.
- Keywords:
- professional training, pedagogical education, future teacher, foreign experience, pro-social behavior, pro-social approach, pro-social education
Sovremennoe pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie: analiz trendov razvitiia (po materialam luchshikh praktik raboty federal'nykh innovatsionnykh ploshchadok v 2021 godu)
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Tat'iana A. Lavina, Anna N. Zakharova, Tat'iana I. Gritskevich
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The chapter of the monograph highlights effective models of activities in the field of teacher education based on the best practices of federal innovation platforms. The authors discuss the projects of federal innovation platforms of higher education institutions aimed at achieving a new quality and formats of education. The paper analyzes the innovative experience of Federal Innovation Platforms: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education «Institute of Education Development» of the Krasnodar Krai, State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education Institute of Education Development «of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kemerovo State University», Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vladimir state university», Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Tomsk State Pedagogical University», FGAOU VO «Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University», Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University», FGBOU VO «Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen», the Starooskolsk branch of the Belgorod State National Research University, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Altai State Pedagogical University, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ryazan State University named after S.А. Yesenin».
- Keywords:
- best practices, federal innovation platforms, pedagogical education, modern trends, institutions of higher education
The Scientific Imperative of Advanced Vocational Education Within the Framework of the System of Scientific and Methodological Support of Teachers
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Galina A. Ignateva, Viktor V. Sdobniakov, Svetlana A. Sotkina, Oksana V. Tulupova
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- In the chapter of the monograph an organizational and activity model of project-organized advanced additional professional pedagogical education (hereinafter referred to as APPE) is presented, which is the basis for the activities of the center for scientific and methodological support of teachers of the K. Minin State Pedagogical University based on the analysis of scientific approaches to the development of the category "advanced education". A universal way of solving urgent problems of evolutionary improvement of the system of vocational education and training and an organizational and managerial mechanism for building a space of opportunities for continuous professional development of teachers is proposed.
- Keywords:
- advanced additional professional pedagogical education, space of opportunities, scientific and methodological support of teaching staff, scientific imperative
Innovative Forms of Interaction with the Families of Children in Kindergarten
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Anna I. Miazina, Svetlana A. Kotova
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- The article presents the experience of creating conditions for organizing interaction with the families of children in the kindergarten. Such forms of interaction as joint support of individual development of the child, psychological and pedagogical education of parents of children, support of initiatives of families, joint activity of children, parents and kindergarten are considered.
- Keywords:
- FSES of PE socio-communicative development of preschool children, joint support of individual development, psycho-pedagogical education, support of initiatives of families, joint activities
Some Aspects of Pedagogical Education Establishment in Russia in the First Half of the XIX Century
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Alexander N. Pozdnyakov
- Work direction:
- Education Policy
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to review some aspects of pedagogical education establishment in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. The author outlines that the period of the reign of Emperor Alexander I was characterized by a large-scale educational reform, the purpose of which was to create a single multi-level education system. Its implementation required a large number of teachers. It is emphasized that the solution of the problem of training teachers for gymnasiums was entrusted to the universities. Gymnasium, in turn, had to prepare teachers for primary schools. During the study the following methods and materials were used: analysis of documentary sources, assessments on the development of Russian education, published in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. It is concluded that state structures attached great importance to the system of pedagogical education. Measures on training teachers for secondary and primary schools were taken. It is pointed out that the most important place has begun to be occupied by activities related to the training of teachers for the primary public education system. The existing system of pedagogical education was developed during the reign of Nicholas I. Its most important component was the Main Pedagogical Institute established in Saint Petersburg.
- Keywords:
- educational reform, universities, gymnasiums, pedagogical education
Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions of Personnel Training for Work With Gifted Children
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Viktoria S. Ryzhova, Olga S. Ryzhova
- Work direction:
- Подготовка учителей, педагогов-психологов и вожатых к работе с одаренными детьми
- Abstract:
- The experience of organizing work with gifted children in our country at the federal and regional levels – from targeted programs, educational centers to online portals of continuing education and charitable foundations of the All-Russian level is presented in the article. The goals, objectives and basic principles of the Sirius Educational Center are disclosed. The results of a survey of teachers and curators of Sirius about the features of working with gifted children are presented. A model of the organization of training personnel for work with gifted children is presented as a master's program in psychological and pedagogical direction, implemented at the Southern Federal University.
- Keywords:
- educational program, gifted children, psychological and pedagogical support, personnel training, master's degree program, psychological and pedagogical education