List of publications on a keyword: «половое воспитание»
Profilaktika gormonozavisimykh ginekologicheskikh zabolevanii kak zadacha psikhologo-pedagogicheskogo soprovozhdeniia podrostkov raznykh kul'tur
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Svetlana L. Ledentsova, Esmira Z. Ibragimova
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена описанию причин появления гормонозависимых гинекологических заболеваний у женщин славянских и восточных, мусульманских культур; выявлены сходства и различия в психологических условиях воспитания девочек, провоцирующих проблемное отношение к психосексуальной сфере; поставлены задачи профилактики гормонозависимых гинекологических заболеваний в ходе психолого-педагогического сопровождения подростков.
- Keywords:
Experience of Foreign Countries in Issues of Sex Education of The Younger Generation
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Galina V. Chukina
- Work direction:
- Personal health and security in the modern educational system
- Abstract:
- Changes in the sexual sphere dictate the need for comprehensive sexual education of the younger generation as an essential component of quality education. In most countries of the world, sex education is included in school curricula and has positive results today. One of the best programs developed and implemented in Sweden. The article emphasizes the need to create a unified system of sex education that will help parents, teachers, doctors, and child psychologists. The state should lead the solution of this difficult task.
- Keywords:
- sex education, The younger generation, the system of sex education