List of publications on a keyword: «literature»
Reflection of national mythology in Chuvash poetry
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 4- Author:
- Vera V. Nikiforova
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The interaction of myth and literature is an urgent literary problem. Mythological themes, plots, motifs, and images are used and reinterpreted in Chuvash literature throughout its history. The main purpose of this study is to study the peculiarities of the reflection of mythology in Chuvash poetry. The most striking poetic works of Chuvash authors, created within the chronological boundaries of the XX – early XXI century, in the structure of which mythological elements play an important role, served as materials for the study. The main ones are descriptive and systematic methods. For the first time, the article presents an overview analysis of Chuvash poetry of the XX – early XXI century from the point of view of the stated theme. Her study demonstrated that the myth is noticeably reflected in poetic works. They reveal the structural and meaningful elements of myth, as well as signs of mythological thinking and mythological worldview. The conducted research has shown that myth is one of the sources of artistic creativity. In the future, it is supposed to analyze the features of the functioning of myth in prose and drama. The results obtained can be used in the study of the problem of national identity in Chuvash literature.
- Keywords:
- mythology, myth and literature, Chuvash poetry, XX – early XXI centuries
Studying the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the twentieth century by foreign students in Russian universities
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Lena R. Bakirova
- Work direction:
- Новые подходы в изучении истории Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the twentieth century in a foreign audience. Using the example of two classes devoted to the study of the topic, the author of the article examines the main stages of practical classes in literature for foreigners: the introductory part, the introduction of the lexical minimum, working with the text, completing assignments to the text, watching a fragment of a film, the final part.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, literature, prose, poetry, the theme of war, stages of the lesson
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Aleksei N. Birzul', Dmitry A. Pitilyak
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в высшей профессиональной школе
- Abstract:
- The article makes an attempt to generalize the experience of using educational, fiction and memoir literature when lecturing on the course on strength of materials. Specific methodological recommendations are given for using of fiction in certain topics of the strength of materials course. There are creative tasks offered to students and which contain literary subjects.
- Keywords:
- literature, teaching methods, interdisciplinary connections, strength of materials, student science
Types of suffixes in fiction (based on the material of R. Bradbury’s work «The Smile» in English and Russian)
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Sofiia N. Semenova, Kseniia I. Ralnikova
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The present article is devoted to the study and classification of suffixes in the text of Ray Bradbury’s fiction work «The Smile» and its translation into Russian performed by L. Zhdanov. A table based on the data obtained during the study of the material has been compiled and analyzed. Methods of comparative analysis and quantitative analysis were used, revealing the statistical characteristics of the studied words.
- Keywords:
- analysis, literature, translation, suffixes, Ray Bradbury, story
Application of the project method in literature lessons
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Iuliia I. Ol'khovskaia
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article describes the possibilities of using tasks created on the basis of the project method using interdisciplinary connections in literature lessons. In particular, on the example of studying the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm", the possibilities of the project method in scheduled and extracurricular activities are considered.
- Keywords:
- project method, methods of teaching literature, interdisciplinary relations, literature as an academic subject
Ethnic archetypes in the first Sami novel “Alkhalalalai” by N. Bolshakova
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 3- Authors:
- Andrey A. Emashev, Viktoria B. Bakula
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The article is a continuation of the research on the mythopoetics of the first Sami novel “Alkhalalalai”, written by N. Bolshakova. The authors aim to identify ethnic archetypes that have found expression in the work. The material for the analysis was the novel and some of the ethical archetypes in it. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of research in the field of a number of humanities, in particular, anthropology and cultural studies, mythology and folklore, literary studies, and ethnography; synthesis of the obtained data, methods of mythopoetic and linguoculturological analyses, comparative typological method. As a result of the study, the authors were able to identify and characterize ethnic archetypes that reflect the values and experience of a particular ethnic group. In the Sami literature, the appeal to the archaic is clearly expressed, which is explained by the comparative youth of the existence of the Sami written culture. The age-old oral traditions that form the basis of modern Sami literature provide a message of the past and present in the culture of the northern people. The study of the mythopoetics of the novel by N. Bolshakova from the point of view of ethnic archetypes was carried out for the first time, which is the novelty of the work. The archetypism of the work of ethnic writers helps to build a model of the world of the indigenous people of the North, to determine the specifics of national literature.
- Keywords:
- Sami literature, ethnic archetypes, Sami novel, Sami prose, sun archetype, bird archetype, deer archetype
The article discusses the features of creating a romantic image of Little Russia by the example of the collection of fantasy stories "The Double, or My Evenings in Little Russia" (1828) and the novel "Monastyrka" (1830-1833) by A. A. Perovsky (1787-1836), known in Russian literature under the pseudonym Anthony Pogorelsky. As a result, the image of Little Russia is considered through the prism of artistic space, national costume, local speech, everyday life, works of oral folk art, the destinies of Little Russian residents.
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Kristina N. Kirichenko, Sergei M. Pronchenko
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the features of creating a romantic image of Little Russia by the example of the collection of fantasy stories "The Double, or My Evenings in Little Russia" (1828) and the novel "Monastyrka" (1830-1833) by A. A. Perovsky (1787-1836), known in Russian literature under the pseudonym Anthony Pogorelsky. As a result, the image of Little Russia is considered through the prism of artistic space, national costume, local speech, everyday life, works of oral folk art, the destinies of Little Russian residents.
- Keywords:
- Pogorelsky, Russian romantic literature of the nineteenth century, "The Double, or My evenings in Little Russia", The Monastery, the image of Little Russia, the motif of "earthly paradise"
Didactic and aesthetic features of Ivan Yakovlev's stories
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Inessa V. Iadranskaia
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The literary creativity of I.Ya. Yakovlev is analyzed in this article. It's noted that his works harmoniously combine didactic and aesthetic features. In the history of the Chuvash literature I.Ya. Yakovlev became one of the founders of the Chuvash juvenile literature. His stories are distinguished by vivid imagery and language simplicity. The heroes of the works (people, animals, plants) are characters close to understanding, living next to young readers. The relevance of the study stems from the fact that the works of I.Ya. Yakovlev can be widely used in the moral and spiritual education of preschool and primary schoolers. In this regard, the purpose of this article was to focus attention on the fact that when analyzing the writer's stories, it is necessary to consider the Chuvash national mentality, didactic and aesthetic features at the same level. Only such an analysis contributes to a deeper understanding of the main idea of the work. The research subject is Ivan Yakovlev's short stories-miniatures and scientific research of Chuvash literary critics. As part of the study, the following results were obtained: folklore becomes a significant phenomenon in Yakovlev's stories, his work became the first step and the basis of the Chuvash juvenile literature.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash literature, Ivan Yakovlev, juvenile literature, short story, didactic features, aesthetic methods
Universal Archetypes in the Novel «Alkhalalalai» by the Sami Writer N. Bolshakova
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Andrey A. Emashev, Viktoria B. Bakula
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The literature of the Kola Sami, an indigenous small-numbered people of the Arctic, is still insufficiently researched by literary critics and is little known to the scientific community. The novel «Alkhalalalai» by Nadezhda Bolshakova, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, is the first novel in the literature of the Kola Sami. The article is devoted to the study of the archetypal basis of the novel. The analysis of universal archetypes of the Great Mother, Virgin, Heavenly Father, Rebirth, etc. is carried out. The methodology of the research consists of works in the field of cultural studies, ethnography, anthropology and psychology; mythology and folklore; literary theory; literary studies of Sami literature. The main methodological principle in the work was the application of C.G. Jung's theory of archetypes, reinterpreted by literary criticism. To solve the research tasks, methods of theoretical analysis of works in the field of anthropology, cultural studies, mythology, folklore, literary studies were used; synthesis of the data obtained; comparative analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was found that in the text of the work, the worldview of the aborigines of the North was reflected, among other things, in the system of universal archetypes, ritual and mytho-folklore elements. Since the novel belongs to ethnic literatures, elements of the archaic worldview of ancient man are strong in it. The literary creativity of the Sami is still influenced by the myths and folklore of the Northern culture.
- Keywords:
- universal archetypes, Sami literature, novel, archetypal images, ethnic literature, archaic worldview
The Phenomenon of Bilingualism in Udmurt Literature (on the Example of G. E. Vereshchagin’s Works)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Alevtina V. Kamitova
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The article describes the phenomenon of bilingualism, expressed in Udmurt literature at the origins of its formation. An analytical insight of this phenomenon is undertaken on the example of the works of the first Udmurt writer G. E. Vereshchagin, namely, on one of his poems. The introductory part briefly describes the various possible forms of a writer's bilingualism, one of which is adopted by the author under study. Several hypothetical versions are proposed to explain the reasons for the Udmurt writer's appeal to self-translation. An analysis of his lullaby “Glaucous, glaucous dovelet!” in Udmurt and its translated version in Russian, carried out by G. E. Vereshchagin himself, is provided. In the course of a comparative study, similarities and differences were found. It is summarized that the formation of a bilingual context in Udmurt literature begins with the works of G. E. Vereshchagin. Through the author's translation, his poetic creativity is also presented to the Russian-speaking reader for the first time. It is revealed that in the translated text the poet successfully embodied the national stylistics and figurative expressiveness inherent in the original. The study of the bilingual creativity of G. E. Vereshchagin contributes to the understanding of the bilingual phenomenon of national literature.
- Keywords:
- comparative analysis, translation, artistic bilingualism, Udmurt literature, lullaby, original
Aesthetic and Ethical Significance of Work of Art in Educational Environment
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 3- Authors:
- Albina F. Myshkina, Inessa V. Iadranskaia
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the role of fiction in the field of education and upbringing. The most important functions of literature that are essential for education (more broadly – the educational environment) are indicated. The works of Chuvash writers, which are included in textbooks-readers on native (Chuvash) literature of basic general and secondary general education, are selectively analyzed. In this article, fiction is considered not so much as a subject of study of literary criticism and criticism, but rather as a socio-cultural phenomenon that has the ability to directly influence the emotional and sensory perception of a person. Fundamental to this scientific research is the descriptive method, which includes techniques of interpretation, comparison, generalization. As a result of the conducted research, it was summed up that verbal creativity always reflects the worldview and feelings of the writer and his people. The following article concludes about a work of art, its representation through the prism of a certain aesthetic microcosm, with its own rules and laws. That is why the work of literature is considered fiction and fantasy of the writer. But on the other hand, in his works the author recreates a certain life situation.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, aesthetics, fiction, ethical values, functions of literature
Literary Translation Into English of Peter Khuzangai’s Poem “The Poet”
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 2- Authors:
- Svetlana N. Vasilyeva, Anna V. Gordeeva
- Work direction:
- Languages of the Nations of the World
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to present a literary translation into English of P. Khuzangay’s poem «A Poet» and to make a comprehensive analysis of it. The object of the study is the text of P. Khuzangay’s poem «A Poet» and the literary translation of S. N. Vasilyeva «A Poet». The novelty of the work lies in the fact that a literary translation and a comprehensive analysis of this poem were carried out for the first time. Based on the methods of analytical reading, theoretical analysis of literature, search, contextual analysis, comparative analysis, the language of the work (morphology, syntax, vocabulary, style) is considered and the relationship between the ideological and artistic conception of the poem with its linguistic features is revealed. The methods used in the process of literary translation made it possible to preserve the idea of the poem, the features of the composition and to select the appropriate means of artistic expression. In the work of P. Khuzangay, the philosophical problem of the poet's destiny and his work is touched upon. The composition of the poem is three-part, the size is a three-foot trochee with cross-rhyming throughout the entire poem, the intonation is narrative. The translation was made using the technique of rhetorical exclamation. The temporal organization is interesting: throughout the poem, verbs are transmitted in the present tense. The translation is dominated by complex sentences. As a rule, a stanza corresponds to one sentence. Alliteration and assonance are used to enhance sound expressiveness and achieve speech imagery.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash literature, literary translation, rhythmic pattern, means of expression, sound writing, colour painting
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Elizaveta M. Muraviova, Mariia V. Proniaeva
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- This article examines both the main and most popular types of genres of fiction, as well as less well-known and popular today. The author also identifies the main features of literary genres, mentions well-known authors and their works that serve as an example for a complete understanding of the theory of a particular genre. The main purpose of this work is to show the diversity of literary genres through the prism of history and time.
- Keywords:
- literature, literature genres, oral literature, written literature, literary theories
Creating a Booktrailer within the Framework of Extracurricular Activities in the Process of Studying Native (Russian) Literature
ProceedingCurrent Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences- Author:
- Iuliia I. Ol'khovskaia
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the possibilities of booktrailer as an effective method in the study of native (Russian) literature in the framework of extracurricular activities.
- Keywords:
- interdisciplinary connections, native (Russian) literature, booktrailer
The use of interdisciplinary connections in the study of lyrics S . Yesenina
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Iuliia I. Ol'khovskaia
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article notes the importance of using interdisciplinary connections in school literary education. In particular, tasks involving an interdisciplinary approach to the study of lyrics are offered Yesenin.
- Keywords:
- literature, interdisciplinary relations, fine arts, Yesenin
The Flight of a Man in the Work of Efim Chestnyakov as an Ethnocultural Project: Technical and Moral Foundations
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 3- Author:
- Elena A. Samodelova
- Work direction:
- Personalia: Artist and Ethnicity
- Abstract:
- Representative of the Silver Age Efim Chestnyakov approached writing and illustrating literary works from the standpoint of an artist and a school teacher. He was also doing painting, clay modeling, hand-made puppet theatre with the participation of children and photography. The topic of creating an aircraft runs through his many-sided work. The relevance of the problem under study shows that Chestnyakov composed entire works and individual stories about the «flying man». For the first time, the question is raised about the influence of various publications of the early XXth century on the literary work of the writer. Methods of historical and philological research and «real commenting» are applied to the material of Chestnyakov’s literary works, based on a comparison of the author's plots and images with folklore works and data on technical innovations of his time. The results of the study and their discussion show that Chestnyakov deeply studied the innovative achievements of his time and reflected them in a creatively transformed form in a well-structured own system of different types and genres of art. Also he was worried about the moral aspects of aircraft construction and the issues of the influence of human flights over long distances on the established life of a traditional society for centuries. Conclusions are made that the first manned flights on the designed aircraft and the means of their detection attracted the attention of Chestnyakov and were widely reflected in his work.
- Keywords:
- Silver Age, human flight in literature, flying ship, plot about Stafiy, literature by Efim Chestnyakov
Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" in the XXI century teaching aids: analysis of offline and online educational content
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Anastasiia R. Nerubenko
- Work direction:
- Филология
- Abstract:
- В статье описываются результаты анализа современных моделей уроков литературы по изучению романа-эпопеи Л.Н. Толстого «Война и мир» в десятом классе, приводится обзор видеолекций по биографии и творчеству писателя, выявляются методические возможности цифрового образовательного контента. Цель исследования заключается в анализе моделей современных уроков литературы по изучению романа-эпопеи Л.Н. Толстого «Война и мир», предлагаемых учителями XXI века, изучении онлайн образовательного контента, определении методических возможностей видеолекций по биографии и творчеству писателя. Методами исследования выступают изучение и анализ научно-методической литературы и онлайн-ресурсов по заданной теме. В статье рассматриваются методические разработки практикующих учителей-словесников, реализующих межпредметные связи на уроках литературы по изучению романа-эпопеи Л.Н. Толстого «Война и мир». Производится подбор и анализ онлайн-ресурсов по творчеству писателя. Автором выделяются различные типы видеолекций, определяются достоинства каждого образовательного ресурса, предлагаются способы его использования при изучении произведения. Обосновывается рациональность внедрения цифрового контента на уроках литературы в современной школе. В заключение сформулирован вывод о необходимости включения в образовательный процесс качественного офлайн и онлайн контента, способного сделать актуальным произведение русской классики для современного школьника.
- Keywords:
- Tolstoy, literature lesson, integrated lesson, video lecture, War and Peace
Formulaicity as the Basis for Plot Construction in the Novels of Lydia Charskaya
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Authors:
- Tatiana I. Ryzhikh, Oksana S. Kravchuk
- Work direction:
- Филология
- Abstract:
- The article examines the work of Lydia Charskaya in the context of mass literature, the inherent prose of the writer’s formula and its relation to the gendered character characteristics.
- Keywords:
- Children’s Literature, Mass Literature, Women’s Literature, Formula, Story Making, Lydia Charskaya
Modern Foreign Chuvash Studies: Melinda Takács
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Eduard V. Fomin
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Research of Chuvash Language and Culture of Chuvashia
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the Hungarian section of the Chuvash studies. The aim of the work is to familiarize the scientific community with new Hungarian scientists. The author uses traditional descriptive and analytical methods practiced in scholarship. The Hungarian section is the most developed area of foreign Chuvash studies. It is due to the linguistic contacts of the Turkic languages of the Chuvash type with Hungarian, which took place in the period before the conquering of homeland by the Hungarians. Currently, Hungarian Chuvash studies are mainly represented by linguistic and musicological trends. There are works of a historical and literary plan. One of the representatives of modern scholars of the Chuvash language in Hungary is M. Takács, who asserted herself by direct translations of the works of the Chuvash fiction into Hungarian, mainly the stories of E. Lisina. She also published scholarly works based on personal experience and devoted to the problems of translation and linguistics of a literary text. Thus, a distinctive feature of M. Takács’s Chuvash studies at the moment is a departure from the problems recognized as traditional for the Hungarian Chuvash studies – language contacts. Another direction of M. Takács’s research is the study of nouns published in the book «Works related to the grammar of the Chuvash language» of 1769. Another direction of M. Takács is the study of the problems of «Works belonging to the grammar of the Chuvash language» 1769. The author comes to the conclusion that the scientific developments of M. Takac in Hungarian Chuvash studies develop the traditions of studying the literary texts of Chuvash authors in linguistic and translation aspects.
- Keywords:
- intercultural communication, Hungarian Chuvash studies, Chuvash literature
Reading Together: Psychological Analysis of Children's Books to Help Parents
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Svetlana V. Pazukhina, Elena V. Panferova
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы сопровождения и поддержки современной российской семьи
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the content and quality of illustrations of some children's books from the standpoint of their compliance with the age-psychological characteristics of children, the tasks of spiritual-moral, artistic-aesthetic, civil-patriotic education, the development of cognitive interests, sensory standards, correct ideas about the world as components of a general outlook. The authors formulate a number of psychological criteria of adequacy, on the basis of which parents will be able to choose the right book for family reading.
- Keywords:
- children's literature, perception of a fairy tale, «live» communication, eventful community, word creation
Psychological Safety of Educational Environment as a Condition of an Adaptation of Schoolchildren to the Middle Level of Education
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Daria A. Eroshina, Arina V. Karandeeva
- Work direction:
- Personal health and security in the modern educational system
- Abstract:
- During the movement from the primary to the middle school children have to adapt to the middle level of education, meet a lot of new teachers and classmates. All the further education depends on the success of an adaptation of a child to new educational environment. Untimely help to teenagers, who don’t manage the situation, can negatively influence to their further education. The process of adaptation is straightly connected to the psychological safety of educational environment, in which a pupil occurs. The psychological safety of the educational environment is thoroughly analyzed in the article.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, literature, teenager, psychological safety, middle level of education
Formation of Patriotic consciousness of Russian youth in the digital economy: according to the results of the sociological survey "Read-country»
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Dmitrij N. Ermakov
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- The formation of a Patriotic worldview of Russian youth is an important component of the state youth policy in Russia. Saturation of the book market with products of national and Patriotic themes is one of the priorities of socially oriented business. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted among Russian youth who demonstrated a high interest in literature of military - Patriotic content.
- Keywords:
- youth, sociological survey, patriotic education, Soviet literature, military-historical literature, classical literature, formation of an active life position among young people, sociological research
The use of an insert in the study of a fairy tale-M. M. Prishvin's book " The Storeroom of the sun"
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Iuliia I. Ol'khovskaia
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the use of insert as a technique for developing critical thinking in the study of the fairy tale " The Storeroom of the sun " by M. M. Prishvin. Fragments of the lesson were presented in accordance with the stages of using the insert (challenge, comprehension, reflection).
- Keywords:
- Prishvin, Theory and methods of teaching literature, technology for the development of critical thinking, insert, The storeroom of the sun
Moral Education of Primary School Children in the Process of Studying Works of Art
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (8)- Authors:
- Marina K. Priyateleva, Darya S. Gusarova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to consider the features and conditions of primary school children’s moral education, to interpret the value of native literature in the national culture to primary school children, as well as to form their own value orientations. Research methods. The following methods were applied: comparative and theoretical analysis of various textbooks on literary reading for primary classes, pedagogical materials; generalization, comparison, systematization. It is noted that following three main areas: cognitive, emotional and value-based, and behavioral can improve the effectiveness of work with primary school children. The selection of content, the organization of the educational process, the use of appropriate methods, techniques, and forms of organization of children's activities are the main conditions of moral education in the literary reading lessons. The results of the study. With the help of specially selected stories by the authors, primary school children were introduced to situations where they needed to show their moral education. In the course of using stories, children received an idea of honesty and justice, benevolence and self-control, modesty and a sense of self-esteem, as well as the manifestation of negative character traits. It is concluded that based on the study of V.A. Oseeva's stories, the main directions for primary school children’ moral development are implemented.
- Keywords:
- moral education, primary school children, literature reading, stories by V, Oseeva
Origins and Traditions of Using Myth Poetics in Uzbek Literature
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Dilfuza R. Pardaeva
- Work direction:
- Methodological Questions
- Abstract:
- The myth contributed to the birth of literature and was the source and beginning of literature. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of mythology in the development of various types of arts, in the very development of artistic and figurative thinking, and, of course, primarily in the development of fiction. The study of the poetics of myth is associated with the revival of the mythologizing tradition in Uzbek literature.
- Keywords:
- literature, prose, myth, mythology, poetics of myth, myth-making, tradition