List of publications on a keyword: «multicultural education»
Ethnocultural socialization of students in a multicultural educational environment of a university: motivational aspect
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 7 No 1- Author:
- Roman A. Matveev
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The work is devoted to the study of the process of ethnocultural socialization of students. A modern university is a multicultural educational environment in which, due to the use of its cultural and social potential, effective socialization is possible – a process of conflict-free entry of an individual with ethnocultural characteristics, values and behavior patterns of his people, into a multicultural society. The purpose of the article is to present the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment on ethnocultural socialization of students in the multicultural educational environment of the university. In the course of the work, environmental, axiological, ethnocultural approaches were used. It was revealed that in student groups before the experiment, the majority of respondents were not familiar with the national culture of other peoples. Moreover, some respondents showed reluctance to get acquainted with a foreign-language culture. Based on the methods of observation, survey and questionnaires, conclusions were made that before the main work on ethnocultural socialization of students, the efforts of teachers should be focused on the formation of motivation to get acquainted with the cultural traditions of different peoples. This work is necessary to ensure the validity of further research in the event that the groups initially differ in the degree of motivation. It is argued that the formation of motivation is facilitated by the implementation of such conditions as the focus of the educational process of the university on the knowledge of ethnocultural traditions, customs of different peoples; reliance in the education of students on national traditions, culture and customs based on elements of ethnocultural reconstruction; the organization of interpersonal communication of students of different nationalities based on the principle of ethnocultural self-presentation.
- Keywords:
- students, university, multicultural educational environment, ethnocultural socialization
Lexicographic Component in Modern Multicultural Education (Electronic Multilingual Dictionary of Military Terms)
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Liudmila A. Iniutina, Tatiana S. Shilnikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The work is devoted to the problem of intensification of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the process of formation and development of lexical competence of students. The Electronic multilingual dictionary, created on the basis of ABBYY Lingvo software for teaching Russian to foreign students of military universities, is presented. His vocabulary includes a special lexicon describing various segments of military activity (weapons, equipment, commands, military life, etc.). For each word there are translations into European languages (boi – English batttle, combat; French combat (m); Portuguese combate) and some Asian languages (boi – Laos ຍິງ). The role of the electronic translated multilingual thesaurus in the formation of speech professional competence, which ensures the removal of language barriers in the study of military-technical sciences by foreigners, is determined. The universality of the vocabulary, created taking into account the national mentality of students, providing opportunities for the redistribution of classroom and independent work of students, is characterized. Its effectiveness has been proven as a tool for modern interactive, multilingual and multicultural education.
- Keywords:
- multicultural education, Russian as a foreign language, multilingual dictionary, lexical competence, professional military vocabulary
Threats and Risks of Schoolchild’s Psychological Safety in the Multicultural Educational Environment
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Svetlana A. Zalygaeva
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- The article examines the threats and risks of psychological safety of the educational environment, analyzes the risks of a multicultural educational environment and hidden threats to psychological safety in schools where representatives of various ethnic groups study. Criteria that characterize the degree of threat to the psychological safety of schoolchildren – representatives of various ethnic groups – are distinguished.
- Keywords:
- multicultural educational environment, psychological safety, risks and threats to psychological safety
Ethno-Cultural Competence of Foreign Language Teachers for General Education Institutions (On Example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Vera E. Neimokhova
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- In the article, the author defines the concept of ethno-cultural competence of a teacher, his or her ability to organize a dialogue of original cultures. The purpose of the article is to study the concept of ethno-cultural competence of a foreign language teacher in the context of intercultural communication. Methods: consideration of the provisions of materialistic philosophy on the harmony of national, interethnic and universal and dialectical unity of form and content; analysis of the main provisions of the competence approach, theories and practices of personal development; review of philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological and pedagogical provisions. The theoretical basis consists of the ideas of prospects for development and formation in the system of moral and ethical priorities, the ideas of socio-cultural modernization of education, multicultural education and upbringing, ethno-cultural education, and the theory of cultural dialogue. As a result of the analysis, the author concludes that the training and upbringing of a globally thinking citizen who knows the cultures and traditions of his or her people is achieved in the process of interaction of a foreign language teacher with representatives of various original cultures. According to the author, only in this case the teacher can improve his or her skills and develop competencies in the field of ethnic culture. The author sees a possible solution to the issue of developing the ethno-cultural competence of teachers in the creation of training sites and offers a number of pedagogical tutorials on the research topic. The key point is to train competent teachers who are able to arouse students' curiosity about their native ethnic culture and take into account the possibilities of interaction, mutual respect, and interpenetration of cultures.
- Keywords:
- intercultural communication, multicultural education, ethno-cultural competence, knowledge of a foreign language, ethno-pedagogical culture
Multicultural Education From the Position of a Dialogue Approach
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Authors:
- Karine Y. Breshkovskaya, Nina S. Ezhkova
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- The article presents a scientific analysis of the problem of multicultural education. The dialogue approach as a methodological component of modern multicultural education, based on the position of the dialogue of cultures and cultural pluralism is characterized in the article. The concept of "dialogue" is characterized as the basis for interaction, support for the subjective position of the individual, its spiritual development in the educational process, and a way to unite different cultures. Cultural identity is highlighted as a favorable factor for introducing children to the world of culture and assimilating the values of other cultures; the relationship between cultural identity and cultural diversity is revealed, as well as the possibility of using such unity in building technologies of modern multicultural education. The methodological aspects of multicultural education of preschoolers: the process of developing values in preschoolers is creation of a multicultural educational environment. The author identifies the levels of development of value concepts in preschoolers: cognitive, evaluative, and activity. The author gives a meaningful description of pedagogical work with children at each selected level, describes the leading positions that should be used in the development of children's ideas about people of other nationalities. Methods. During the study, the authors carried out a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem. It is concluded that in the process of implementing the principle of dialogics in multicultural education, children are prepared to understand another culture, to recognize the surrounding diversity.
- Keywords:
- multicultural education, multicultural educational environment, dialogue, dialogue approach, multicultural education of preschoolers
Formation of Multicultural Competence of the Teacher of Native (Tatar) Language in the Context of Advanced Training Program Implementation
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Rezida N. Safina
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- The ways and means of implementing the contents of an additional professional educational advanced training program consisting of classroom and extracurricular activities aimed at incorporating the mastered experience into the practice of trainees (listeners) to solve specific problems of professional activity are considered. Based on the analysis of legal documents and scientific and methodical literature, the purpose, objectives and content of the formation of professional competences of teachers of the native (Tatar) language within the additional advanced training program implementation and post-course period have been determined. The purpose of the study is to reveal the possibilities of additional professional educational advanced training program aimed at improving the multicultural competence of the teacher of native (Tatar) language “Formation of multicultural competences of the teacher of teacher of native (Tatar) language”. The author outlines that the aim of the additional professional educational program is to improve the professional competence of teachers of the native (Tatar) language, oriented and ready to work in a multicultural educational environment at the entry stage of Russian school in international competition. Methods. During the implementation of the program the following methods were applied: reflexive analysis, modeling, case-study, project method, etc. It is concluded that professional competences formed during the implementation of the additional professional educational advanced training program are designed to implement the tasks of multicultural education in practical activities of teachers of the native (Tatar) language.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, education, multicultural educational environment, learning, multicultural competence, teacher of native (Tatar) language, advanced training program, tolerant person
Rusistika na Severo-Vostoke Rossii i v stranakh Aziatsko-Tikhookeanskogo regiona: innovatsionnye praktiki
ProceedingRussistics in the North-East of Russia and in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region: innovative practices- Author:
- Evgeniia A. Antonova
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Abstract:
- The collection presents the results of scientific and practical research of the authors, describes the best practices for solving problems of multicultural education and the study of Russian language and literature in the multilingual environment of the North-East of Russia, topical issues of Russian science in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, education of the linguistic personality in the context of a dialogue of cultures, as well as ways of solving the scientific and practical tasks of social communications in a multicultural region are characterized. The research materials were tested and transmitted to the professional community in the framework of the IV International Part-time Scientific-Practical Conference (Yakutsk – Harbin, November 1–20, 2018). Propopsed for researchers, teachers of various educational organizations, students of advanced training courses, doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates, bachelors of relevant areas of training, practitioners. Collection of scientific papers is prepared on the materials provided in electronic form, retains the author's edition.
- Keywords:
- Russian Studies, Northeast Russia, countries of the Asia-Pacific region, innovative practices, multicultural education
Kontseptual'nye osnovy formirovaniia kul'tury zhizni v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve vysshei shkoly
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Authors:
- Elena M. Lysenko, Sergei V. Korotenko
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In the article from the position of acmesynergetic and socio-cultural approaches with the help of general theoretical methods of research of pedagogical problems and included monitoring of the processes of socialization, acculturation and acmeologization of university students the key concepts of formation of the culture of life of students in the educational space of higher education were developed and justified.
- Keywords:
- culture of life, multicultural educational process, principle of cultural diversity, culture of being, educational space, vectors of culture of life, concepts
Problems of adaptation of educational migrants to the multicultural educational environment
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Authors:
- Ajzhan K. Kapanova, Klara M. Abisheva, Ryskeldy A. Ajkenova
- Work direction:
- Sociology and statistics of education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the process of adaptation of students in the framework of multicultural educational environment. Objective: to consider the types of conflicts that arise in the intercultural interaction of foreign students and representatives of the indigenous ethnic group, as well as the diasporas of the country, to explore ways of acculturation to the host society. During the study, the method of questioning and discourse analysis were applied. As a result of the work, the intercultural situations of the realization of the ethnic prejudice of the communicants were studied, the difficulties were described, and the ways to overcome them were indicated. Conclusions are drawn on the need to study the process of acculturation of educational migrants both within the framework of an educational institution and to the receiving society.
- Keywords:
- activity, ethnocentrism, educational migrant, multicultural educational environment, acculturation, experience, functional state