List of publications on a keyword: «optimization»
ProceedingSocio–economic landscape of the region: growth investments- Author:
- Ol'ga S. Grigorenko
- Work direction:
- Налоговое регулирование
- Abstract:
- The article examines the role of artificial intelligence in tax regulation. The advantages of using technology to improve reporting accuracy, automate routine tasks, and detect tax fraud are discussed. The risks associated with the introduction of artificial intelligence in the tax sphere are considered, including issues of information confidentiality and the need for employee training. The introduction of technology into tax regulation can significantly improve the efficiency and transparency of tax systems, but requires a careful approach to ethics and legal regulation.
- Keywords:
- improvement, artificial intelligence, optimization, support, fraud, tax regulation, tax evasion, addiction
Marketing territorii v optimizatsii upravleniia sotsial'no-ekonomicheskim razvitiem malykh gorodov Rossii
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Viacheslav I. Lapshin
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The study focuses on the demand for marketing tools in modern conditions in managing the development of problematic territorial-administrative entities of Russia. Despite the increase in the number of studies of individual aspects of territorial marketing (image, destinations), there is a lack of a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of optimizing the structure of the economy and ensuring sustainable development of small towns in Russia. The need to consider not individual areas of territorial marketing, as applied to small towns, but to develop a unified approach to resolving the problems of development lags based on a study of typical representatives in this category is substantiated. In modern conditions, the definition of «unique» market positions, based on the introduction of marketing technologies into the management of a problematic municipality, with their subsequent «business conversion», their most optimal positioning.
- Keywords:
- management, strategy, sustainable development, optimization, monitoring, resource potential, small towns, territorial marketing
Using artificial intelligence to improve business efficiency
ProceedingInnovative approaches to management in economic, technical and legal systems- Author:
- Inna G. Iglinskaia
- Work direction:
- Информационные технологии в управлении бизнесом
- Abstract:
- The article examines the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving the efficiency of business processes. In the context of rapid technological progress, companies are faced with the need to adapt to new realities, and AI is becoming a key tool for achieving competitive advantages. The main areas of AI application are analyzed, including automation of routine tasks, improvement of customer service, forecasting consumer behavior and optimization of resource management. Special attention is paid to examples of successful AI implementation in various industries such as finance, retail and manufacturing. The challenges and risks associated with the integration of AI into business, including issues of ethics and data protection, are also discussed. The article emphasizes the importance of a strategic approach to the introduction of AI technologies, as well as the need to train personnel to work with new tools. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the prospects of using AI to in
- Keywords:
- competitive advantages, machine learning, digital transformation, data analysis, personnel training, forecasting, Artificial intelligence (AI), data protection, business efficiency, process automation, customer service, resource optimization, business innovation, AI ethics, strategic implementation
Finding a Solution to Socio-Economic Problems of Medical Care
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the study of some socio-economic problems of medical care. This topic is quite relevant due to the fact that currently in our country, optimization and modernization processes have been taking place over the past years in the medical environment and the environment of medical education, the ultimate goal of these processes being achieving a significant quality of medical care to patients. The objects of the study were 200 patients of the Voronezh City Emergency Hospital and Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1. All of them were divided into 2 groups depending on gender: 84 men were included in group 1, 114 women in group 2. What was special about this study was the inclusion of only patients with chronic pathology suffering from it for at least 5 years. This moment was used for the patients to give a proper assessment of the changes taking place in the country. The basis of the study was a questionnaire specially developed by the authors, which includes both general questions about the patients' gender, age and the disease they were diagnosed with, as well as special ones concerning awareness of the optimization and modernization processes in medicine in recent years. At the same time, an interesting peculiarity of the study was an attempt to identify the main problems not only of a medical, but also of a socio-economic nature that arise when providing medical care to patients, as well as determining the main vectors of medicine development in general.
- Keywords:
- modernization, optimization, patient, problem
Optimization of teaching the logic of natural language as a method of cognition
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Nikolai N. Zhaldak
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The efficiency of human processing of information from digital devices and other sources must be improved. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to give a scientific understanding of the representational logic of natural language as a method of cognition, and teaching it must be made purposeful and optimized. This logic includes its logical means and rules for operating with them and with figurative models of what they denote. Diagrammatic models make the conclusion purely formal. The author substantiates the possibility of this optimization by making a review of the main results of his own long-term scientific and pedagogical experiment. The author's scientific presentation of this logic covers any existential quantifiers that are featured in the diagrammatic dictionaries of the forms of attributive judgments about objects, places, times, cases, points of view; conjunctions with a relevant definition of conjunctions of logical consequence in a diagrammatic dictionary of judgments about cases; system of logical forms of questions. As for reasoning about properties, the most effective method of line-tabular diagrams is suggested. For a gradual teaching of this method and logical thinking from preschool age, a system of visual means, methods, forms of tasks and a technology for the professional training of educators and teachers is offered. Using this technology, according to the suggested forms, they compose and use meaningful tasks, and a special form serves to teach each rule. For children, a method is proposed for demonstrating the meanings of logical forms of judgments with the quantifiers "is", "no", "all", "not all", "only", "not only", "only all", "not only all", "all , except", "there is only", etc. with their fingers. For the blind, devices for teaching solving logical problems by constructing tactile line-tabular diagrams are patented.
- Keywords:
- optimization, teaching, cognition, natural language, logic, diagrams, questions
Invention of the MP3 format as one of the most successful projects in the digital history of Germany
ProceedingModern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Vladimir V. Chechetka, Aleksei V. Bredikhin
- Work direction:
- Информационные технологии в управлении, экономике и предпринимательстве
- Abstract:
- The creation of the famous format for storing and broadcasting audio data – mp3 solved at one time the problem of high-precision transmission of human speech via telephone lines. But soon a real revolution took place in the world of telecommunications – a fiber-optic cable and an ISDN digital communication network were created. The developers switched to another idea – efficient encoding and compression of audio signals. The scientist who first drew attention to the fact that optimal compression of audio content is impossible without taking into account the features of the human hearing aid was Karlheinz Brandenburg, the "progenitor" of the mp3 format.
- Keywords:
- technological entrepreneurship, optimization of technological processes, compression process
Optimization of production activities for the development of computer software
Book ChapterLaw and economic development: current issues- Authors:
- Liudmila F. Shaibakova, Olga A. Chechulina
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The chapter reveals the essence, necessity, problems and ways to optimize computer software development activities. Theoretical approaches to the business analysis of this activity and the practical experience of LLC «ROSLABSYSTEM» are presented. In the course of the research, such methods as analysis, synthesis, classification, modeling, methods of statistics and mathematical analysis, comparative analysis, generalization, forecasting were used. Based on the results of the study, conclusions and suggestions were formulated: optimization of software development activities is an important step to improve the efficiency of the development team and improve the quality of the product, which ultimately has a positive effect on the company's business result; there are many ways to optimize software development activities. For LLC «ROSLABSYSTEM» it is recommended: creation of detailed technical specifications, automation of testing, training of employees, sale of developed modules. These recommendations will improve the quality of the product, reduce time and costs, as well as increase the competitiveness of the organization in the market and increase its profit.
- Keywords:
- optimization, testing, business process, computer software, efficiency improvement, business analysis, terms of reference, employee training, module sale
Strategiia razvitiia organizatsii v sovremennoi tsifrovoi srede
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Natalia V. Nikitina, Farkhod A. Makhmudov
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The chapter reflects the study of how changes in customer demand and preferences, increased competition in the market and crisis phenomena can affect the directions of the organization's activity. STEEP, SWOT, SMART, BKG, Ansoff matrix and goal setting pyramid methods have been used in the study. It has been revealed that it is important for the employees of the organization to acquire the skills of quick adaptation to the changes, to analyze the market in a timely manner, to identify problems as quickly as possible and to make decisions on the problems identified. Optimization of management processes and the use of digital tools for effective work and are an integral part of the organization's development strategy. The development of the proposed strategic directions related to import substitution, development of new activities, promotion in new markets will provide a competitive advantage and a positive result in the future.
- Keywords:
- strategy, competitiveness, digital tools, building materials' production, management process optimization, customer demand, goal-setting
Analiz kontekstnoi reklamnoi kampanii na primere predpriiatiia sanatorno-kurortnogo kompleksa
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Authors:
- Nikita A. Zonin, Milena S. Ulianets
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена анализу контекстной рекламной кампании, предпринятой одним из санаториев Калининградской области, которая оказалась малоуспешной. В статье проведен SEO-аудит сайта санатория, проанализированы основные настройки рекламной кампании, изучены достоинства и недостатки рекламной кампании основного конкурента объекта исследования. Выявлены причины низкой эффективности рекламной кампании и даны рекомендации по исправлению недостатков.
- Keywords:
- optimization, advertising, search, google, website availability, configure, contextual advertising Yandex, resort, page, campaign
Information Technologies for Decision Support
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana I. Belykh, Daria E. Kireeva, Tatyana L. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the characteristics and purpose of information technologies for decision support that ensure close interaction between a person and a computer. The main types of these technologies are defined, as well as their application in various industries.
- Keywords:
- optimization, data analysis, decision support system, data system, application industries
Artificial Intelligence, Its Structure and Application
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Nadezhda V. Maksimova, Damir K. Nikitenko, Tatyana L. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Международная экономика
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the presentation of the most advanced developments in high technology. The issue of the development of artificial intelligence and the capabilities that scientists have developed in this area today. At this stage in the development of science and technology, there is a tough struggle for the possibilities of replacing the role of man and in his highest achievement of reason with artificial intelligence. The rapid growth of information technology contributes to the solution of this extremely important task, which is being solved by leading scientists and engineers. We will give examples of the use of artificial intelligence in modern life and the horizons that open before humanity in the framework of improving neural connections.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, optimization, neural networks
Neuroscience as a Method of Students' Psychoemotional State Otimization
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (8)- Authors:
- Ekaterina S. Viskun, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The importance of balanced psychoemotional states is defined; neurobiology as a method of psychocorrection of the emotional state and synchronization of the right and left hemispheres as well as activation of thought processes is described in the article. The authors propose the following hypothesis: regular use of exercises of neurobilology can contribute to the optimization of the psychoemotional state and successfully affect students’ psychological health. To prove the hypothesis, the authors conducted a survey to study and test the exercises of neurobiology for the optimization of students' psychoemotional state. Method of research. Psychodiagnostic method, comprising the following techniques: differentiated self-assessment of functional status, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and questionnaire for differentiated assessment of health by Leonov A.B., Velichkovskay S.B.) was used as the basis for the research. The results of the study were subjected to qualitative analysis and mathematical and statistical processing applying the student's t-test. At the formative stage of the study, a formative method – a set of exercises of neurobiology was used by the authors. The results of the study proved the effectiveness of using exercises of neurobiology to optimize the students’ psychoemotional state: after making the exercises, indicators of well-being, activity, mood, and performance significantly improve, and all indicators of anxiety decrease.
- Keywords:
- research, psychoemotional state, methods of psychocorrection, neurobiology, exercises of neurobiology, optimization of the psychoemotional state
Bioheuristics: theory, algorithms and applications
Book ChapterBioheuristics: theory, algorithms and applications- Authors:
- Sergei I. Rodzin, Iurii A. Skobtsov, Samer A. El'-Khatib
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- The book examines the current state and problems of bioheuristics development, biographical and memetic algorithms, the issues of finding optimal solutions by trajectory algorithms and bioheuristics of multicriteria optimization. Ant and swarm bioheuristics, their features and modifications are presented. Hybrid formic and hypeuruistic swarm segmentation algorithms of complexly structured images are considered as applications. The monograph is interdisciplinary, it is addressed to masters and graduate students studying the theory and practice of creating intelligent information systems and technologies, as well as specialists in the theoretical foundations of computer science, software engineering, system analysis, information management and processing, information systems and processes, bioinformatics.
- Keywords:
- experiment, modeling, optimization, machine learning, bioheuristics, drift analysis, ant system, particle swarm, image segmentation, fitness function, evolutionary computation, NFL theorem
The role of psychological training in optimizing the psychoemotional condition of teachers
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Author:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the concept of «professional stress» and its impact on the professional activities of teachers; objective and subjective factors causing professional stress among teachers; the main reasons for the development of professional stress among teachers; types of occupational stress: informational, emotional and communicative. The importance of the development of stress tolerance and optimization of the psycho-emotional state of teachers is proved in the work; the results of the study of the influence of psychological training on the development of stress tolerance and optimization of the psycho-emotional state of teachers are analyzed.
- Keywords:
- research, psychological training, prevention of occupational stress, resistance to stress, optimization of psycho-emotional state, teachers of additional education