Diagnostics of Legal Competences Development Levels of First Year Cadets of the Specialty "Operation of Ship Power Plants"

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-103636
Open Access
Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education»
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Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education»
Aleksandr V. Gruntov 1
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Глава 8
Received: 3 October 2022

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1 Kaliningrad State Technical University


The formation of cadets' legal competencies during their studies at a maritime university is determined by pedagogical conditions, which are developed by teachers in stages, depending on the content of legal disciplines. During the period of study at the university, cadets first get acquainted with the discipline "Jurisprudence" in the first year. The objective of the course is to develop universal and general professional competencies in the field of legal regulation among cadets, which determine the content of the norms of Russian and international law, taking into account conditions, resources and restrictions. The degree of quality of maritime specialist training depends on the level of professional competence development, which includes legal competencies in the field of Russian and international law. However, the course of the discipline "Jurisprudence" includes general rules of law and does not determine the specifics of the training of cadets in maritime law. Thus, the author proposes in the study the pedagogical conditions for the formation of legal competencies in the study of the discipline "Jurisprudence" and an assessment of their effectiveness. The purpose of the study is to develop criteria and indicators for assessing the levels of formation of legal competencies of cadets in the first year. The object of research is the process of developing diagnostics of pedagogical conditions for the formation of legal competencies. The subject of the study is the assessment of the levels of formation of legal competencies of cadets. The author proposes a system for diagnosing legal competencies, which collectively form a part of the professional competence of a maritime university graduate.


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