Regulatory and legal frameworks of outsourcing
Article in Collection

- Published in:
- Сollection of articles «Economics and management: realias and prospects»
- Author:
- Danil I. Iurin 1
- Scientific adviser:
- Liudmila N. Ivanova shvets1
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и его разновидности, диверсификация, маркетинг, ценообразование
- Pages:
- 67-71
- Received: 29 March 2019
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 3563
- Published in:
For citation:
Iurin D. I. (2019). Regulatory and legal frameworks of outsourcing. Economics and management: realias and prospects, 67-71. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
DOI: 10.31483/r-32421
The article is devoted to the issue of absence of normative basis of outsourcing, the current system of normative regulation of outsourcing activity is investigated, the model of crafting such system in Russia has been offered.
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