Components of the Pedagogical Practice of Bachelors Based on the Competence Approach
Book Chapter

- Published in:
- Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society»
- Author:
- Daria M. Zenkova 1
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Pages:
- 29-44
- Received: 17 October 2021
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1810
- Published in:
1 MAOU "Gimnaziia 40 im. Iu. Gagarina"
For citation:
Mychko E. I., Zenkova D. M., Grigorets F. I., Shutova E. G., Ignateva G. A., Sdobniakov V. V., Sotkina S. A., Tulupova O. V., Larina E. A., Patiupina E., Ambartsumian N. A., Kostenko E. G., Tolstykh O. S., Sokolov V. L., Kostenko A. P., Matasova I. I., Voloskov I. V., Vallis I., & Serebrennikova A. V. (2021). Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society, 176. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
DOI: 10.31483/r-99618
The chapter discusses the competence-based approach to the implementation of training during the practice period. The author presents in the form of a table the main types of tasks aimed at developing the professional competencies of future teachers. The conditions of pedagogical practice for students and their impact on the development of professional competencies were also studied. The author is of the opinion that practice-oriented training and individualization are the main conditions for the organization and development of the internship program by heads of educational institutions and methodologists of higher education. The author also considers the basic requirements for the organizers of the practice and analyses the current state of the problem of organizing the practice of students based on documents in the field of education and regulatory documents of a particular educational institution.
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