The article deals with the influence of the historical memory and the traditional values on the formation of the national ideal and the national system of education. The main contradictions of the modern education system are determined and the ways out of the current situation are outlined
The author analyzes and compares the results of the questioning of Moscow student historians in 1999 and 2017 about the problems of the North Caucasus region. The study included three groups of questions: geographic-ethnographic, personal-emotional and historical. The researcher notes an evolution of views at several problems, generally with positive dynamic.
The article contains a survey of the Samarin educational activities from the late ХVIII to the early ХХ centuries. The author analyzes the archival and published material relating mainly to the development of the public education in the Vasilevskoe estate near the Volga river and also in the Moscow province and concludes that the enlightenment was the Samarin family tradition