The article reveals some aspects of mastering professional competencies by students studying in the direction of training 43.03.02. Tourism, in the process of studying the course "World culture and art". On the example of the work of the French impressionist artist E. Manet, the originality of the artistic direction "impressionism" and its characteristic features are shown.
в статье раскрываются некоторые аспекты изучения будущими бакалаврами туризма истории искусств (на примере творчества французского художника XIX века Гюстава Кайботта), способствующие формированию у них профессиональных компетенций. Автором предложен для ознакомления фрагмент лекции, читаемый в рамках дисциплины «Мировая культура и искусство», который позволит студентам освоить новые знания в области искусства того или иного народа, определенного периода.
the authors reveal some aspects of the application of creative tasks when mastering the course «Museums of the World» by future bachelors of tourism in this chapter. The fulfillment of these tasks contributes to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students. The authors introduce the results of educational and research work and completed creative tasks to students of the Ural State Forestry University.
The article reveals the specifics of training future specialists in the travel industry at the Ural State University of Economics. The role of the analysis of tourist resources in studying the course "Geography and culture of tourist destinations" is shown on the example of acquaintance with the history, culture, and art of the Netherlands.
в статье рассматриваются некоторые аспекты формирования профессиональных компетенций у будущих экскурсоводов (гидов), обучающихся по направлению подготовки 43.03.02 Туризм, в процессе изучения курса «Музеи мира». Через знакомство с наследием французской художницы-импрессионистки Б. Моризо раскрывается своеобразие ее творческого почерка.
In the article, the authors reveal the features of the study of some art disciplines by future tourism specialists. Examples of the impact on the personality of the art of Russian artists are described. Excerpts from the mini-compositions of students about their favorite painting in the Tretyakov Gallery are given.
In the article, the authors reveal the concept of "independent work of students" and its types, as well as the place of the teacher in its organization. Examples of studies by students - future specialists in tourism - of L. da Vinci's creativity in the process of performing independent work are given.