целью статьи является выявление уровня сформированности кросскультурной компетентности будущих педагогов ДОУ на основе когнитивного, мотивационно-ценностного и деятельностно-поведенческого критериев.
the purpose of the article is to describe the experience of Night Fest «Open your heart to the world» at Mari State University. Representatives from 35 countries of the world study here: Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, India, Comoros, Kyrgyzstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan, Tatarstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and others. Therefore, the university pays much attention to use various methods and forms of work in multicultural education of students.
Research material. The main source of research is the experience of conducting ethno-cultural festival with students of different...