Igor' A. Gorbatov

Place of work

OOO "RiverSkrin"

Author's articles(3)

Vremia pandemii 2020-2022 - moment istoricheskoi utraty dlia kazhdogo iz nas



«Микс» статей посвящен одной теме: времени пандемии – моменту исторической утраты для каждого из нас. Гибель всего привычного, дорогого не могла сначала обойти стариков – наших пращуров, нашу отвагу, наших детей и внуков, и нас, которые, не потеряв специальность, потеряли работу из-за всеобщей оптимизации, свое здоровье, а приобрели «выгорающую» энергию. Энергия утекает и не успевает восполниться от навязчивых мыслей о том, что жизнь заканчивается, а оптимизма нет. Что делать? Энергия – это сила особенного позитива. Очевидно, что пройден какой-то этап жизни, к которому мы не были готовы. И мыс...

Ustoichivoe razvitie SSO s dual'noi innovatsionnoi tekhnologiei obucheniia v kolledzhe s nepreryvnym operezhaiushchim professional'nym obrazovaniem



september 2020 was the 10th anniversary of the dual education system in Russia. Germany (German school) is considered to be the ancestor of dual education. Its elements can be found in the systems of professional education in many European and Asian countries [2]. Today the dual system of professional education has received worldwide recognition – it is the most widespread and recognized form of personnel training, which combines theoretical training (in our country – 40%, in Germany – 20–25%) in an educational institution and industrial training (75–80% at the enterprises). This model of trai...

Novaia kontseptsiia razvitiia Rossii s suverennoi ekonomikoi - "ekonomikoi predlozheniia"



at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (PIEF–2023), the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin presented a new concept for the development of a country with a sovereign economy. This time, the president did not as much emphasize and highlight priorities, as he summarized the theoretical and methodological basis for the announced model. The President answered the fundamental question: how and in what way will the new Russian economy be built – «the economy of supply». We are talking about the transition to a qualitatively new level of development – to a sovereign economy tha...