в статье рассматриваются различные теоретические подходы к раскрытию понятийных характеристик маркетинговой стратегии предприятия, как с позиции факторов внутренней среды предприятия, так и с позиции факторов внешней среды предприятия, нацеленных на достижение устойчивого конкурентного преимущества на рынке, что дает возможность целостно охватить теоретический каркас различных научных подходов к исследованию маркетинговой стратегии предприятия.
The article defines the specifics of the recovery growth of the tourism industry, determines the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the development of international tourism at the present stage, which makes it possible to more comprehensively consider the dynamics of the tourism industry.
The article examines the specifics of the tools of digital marketing of the city, reveals their features and scope, and analyzes the characteristics of the interactive tourist route in the urban environment, which allows you to explore the practical aspects of the implementation of digital identity of territories.
Abstract: The article deals with the dynamics of the Russian tourist services sector in view of the sanctions pressure, the dynamics of tourist flows in the Russian tourist services market is revealed, the features of the impact of digital transformation on consumer behavior are highlighted, which allows to clarify the specifics of the recovery growth of the Russian hospitality and tourism industry at the present stage.