Iui Sian

Place of work

Armavir State Pedagogical Academy

Author's articles(2)

Emotsional'naia i nravstvennaia ustoichivost' sovremennogo pedagoga



the chapter is devoted to a detailed analysis of the relationship between moral stability and emotional stability, taking into account the philosophical idea of Confucius about the moral education of a noble person. Confucius, as a great teacher of the ancient world, teaches not only to restrain emotions, but to direct their energy to the moral self-improvement of the individual. This article reveals in detail the content of the concept of emotional stability and the role of the teacher's moral stability in maintaining his emotional stability. In this aspect, brief information is given about t...

Strategiia razvitiia emotsional'nogo intellekta u studentov budushchikh psikhologov



статья посвящена феномену эмоционального интеллекта, его компонентам и необходимым личностным качествам у будущих психологов. Акцентируется внимание на стратегиях развития эмоционального интеллекта у студентов – будущих психологов – таких как социально-психологический тренинг, спорт, арт-терапия, игра, поведенческая терапия, психогимнастика, дискуссионные методы и восточные техники.