Svetlana A. Belousova

Place of work

FGBOU VO "Cheliabinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet"
doctor of psychological sciences

Author's articles(1)

Problemy standartizatsii deiatel'nosti obrazovatel'noi organizatsii po profilaktike deviantnogo povedeniia obuchaiushchikhsia: podkhody, instrumenty



difficulties that exist in the prevention of students' deviant behavior, implemented by educational institutions, are shown, requiring establishment of standards and activity regulations that would increase its effectiveness due to the integrative, regulatory, communicative and stabilizing functions of the standards. Effective methods and contents of standardization for this object are discussed. Necessary and sufficient to increase the effectiveness of prevention of deviant behavior in students is considered the following composition of minimal requirements: glossary; identifiers of issues/ri...