Svetlana I. Pavlova

Place of work

Chuvash State University

Author's articles(2)

The role of regional clusters in improving the competitiveness of industries in the region



The article identifies problems that affect the development of promising industries in the region, as well as identifying actions to solve problems. In this regard, conditions have been formed for using the competitive advantages of industries in the region of the Chuvash Republic. The use of regional clusters is proposed, with the help of which it is planned to overcome the lag of selected industries, with the formation of a state order for products, as well as the creation and maintenance of sustainable development of industries, using the innovation implementation strategy.

Napravleniia povysheniia tsifrovoi gramotnosti



в статье рассмотрено понятие «цифровая грамотность». Отражены основные составляющие, формирующие цифровую грамотность общества. Выявлены направления повышения цифровой грамотности. Обозначено влияние развития цифровой грамотности на развитие цифровой экономики.