List of publications on a keyword: «этнокультурное воспитание»
The role of the Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala” in the ethno-cultural education of younger schoolchildren
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Irina V. Komarova
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the issues of ethnocultural education of younger schoolchildren and the features of their solution in the modern information world; the results of an empirical study are presented, showing the insufficiently formed level of knowledge of the culture of the Karelian people by children on the example of the Kalevala epic, the development of which is mandatory in the educational space of the Republic of Karelia; examples of the use of the ideas of the synthesis of arts in the course of creating a choreographic work based on the Kalevala epic have been studied. The work is based on the author's observations of the process of studying the Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala” by students of primary school age in the conditions of the city of Petrozavodsk. The main research methods were theoretical analysis and experimental and practical work with an experimental group of younger schoolchildren. The author has studied the possibilities of applying the synthesis of arts in the formation of knowledge about the Kalevala epic. The epos “Kalevala” is included in the national-regional component of the educational program, the implementation of which makes it possible to achieve the tasks of ethno-cultural development and education of schoolchildren. However, in the conditions of multitasking pedagogical practice, forced to respond to all the challenges of the information world, the issues of preserving cultural traditions and transferring ethnocultural experience in the modern world become difficult to solve and depend on the stereotypes formed by modern mass media.
- Keywords:
- junior schoolchildren, ethno-cultural education, synthesis of arts, art object, epic «Kalevala», choreographic work
Etnokul'turnoe vospitanie detei cherez teatralizovannuiu deiatel'nost'
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Nadezhda V. Ilicheva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается театрализованная деятельность как способ этнокультурного воспитания детей. Утверждается, что театрализованная деятельность – это хорошая возможность раскрытия творческого потенциала личности, воспитания творческой направленности, а также наиболее удачный способ приобщения к национальной праздничной культуре.
- Keywords:
Role of Folk Art in Ethnocultural Education of Children and Youth
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy- Authors:
- Natalia V. Martynova, Valerii V. Martynov
- Work direction:
- Глава I. Современные тенденции развития образования
- Abstract:
- The authors of article review a current problem of ethno-cultural education of youth through familiarizing with art and ornamental culture, folk art and traditions of small nationalities of Outer Manchuria of the Far Eastern of Russia. The authors outline that patriotic education is indisputable problem today, and the task of revival, promotion, maintenance of national culture as well as the formation of the harmonious personality is set out by ethno-cultural education itself. It is noted that a necessary condition of this formation is ethno-cultural competences which are built in at children's age. Teaching to respect traditions begins in families, and then continues at schools, higher educational institutions and institutions of additional education, the ethno-cultural centers. Spiritual communication of national masters and their pupils is based on continuity of generations. It is emphasized that today a lot was lost in arts and crafts of Outer Manchuria. The loss of valuable knowledge as their carriers pass away, leaving this knowledge to younger generation is observed. The question of their preservation is particularly acute. The authors come to the conclusion that this question should be solved in educational institutions by means of introduction of the integrated programs that have an ethnic and art component and modern pedagogical technologies in their contents. Author’s experiment demonstrates revival of interest in folk art in children and youth, in particular, in future teachers-artists.
- Keywords:
- tradition, ethno-cultural education, ethno-cultural competences, ornamental culture of Outer Manchuria
Etnokul'turnoe obrazovanie i vospitanie v sovremennykh usloviiakh
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Rafis K. Shaimardanov
- Work direction:
- Обучение родным языкам и литературам в поликультурной среде
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются вопросы этнокультурного образования и воспитания подрастающего поколения обско-угорских народов, анализ влияния его компонентов на национальное самоопределение и этнокультурную самоидентификацию.
- Keywords:
Etnokul'turnoe vospitanie doshkol'nikov v usloviiakh doshkol'nogo obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdeniia
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Anzhelika D. Fedorova, Mariia V. Larionova
- Work direction:
- Обучение родному языку в полиязычной среде: этнокультурный аспект дошкольного образования
- Abstract:
- В статье представлен опыт дошкольного образовательного учреждения по этнокультурному воспитанию и ознакомлению детей с чувашским орнаментом с использованием авторского пособия на основе технологий ОТСМ–ТРИЗ–РТВ.
- Keywords:
Znachenie khoreografii v etnokul'turnom vospitanii studentov
ProceedingProblems of education, history and culture through the prism of the ethnic diversity of Russia (for the 170th anniversary of the Chuvash educator I.Ya. Yakovlev)- Author:
- Irina V. Radchenko
- Work direction:
- Межконфессиональные и межэтнические отношения: история и перспективы
- Abstract:
- В работе говорится, что воспитание культуры взаимоотношений между людьми разных национальностей является приоритетным направлением современного образования. Автор отмечает, что народная хореография содержит пластическую и духовную матрицу национального искусства, позволяющую сформировать толерантное отношение к национальным особенностям.
- Keywords: