List of publications on a keyword: «этническая культура»
Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo kak sredstvo formirovaniia polietnicheskoi kul'tury studentov
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Author:
- Aigul L. Faizrakhmanova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблема формирования полиэтнической культуры студентов. Отмечается, что декоративно-прикладное искусство обладает большим потенциалом в решении обозначенной проблемы. В работе представлена структура полиэтнической культуры, включающая когнитивную, психологическую, волевую, функциональную и творческую составляющие.
- Keywords:
“The song helps us to build and to live”: the role and functions of the ethnic song in Moscow Chuvash and Mari diasporic groups
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The paper studies the role and functions of songs in an ethnic language in the life of representatives of the internal diaspora. The article is based on the results of sociolinguistic surveys conducted in Chuvash and Mari diasporas of the Moscow region in 2014–2017 and 2019–2021, respectively. The researcher employed the following sociolinguistic methods: direct observation, participant observation, structured interviews of respondents, documentary recording of responses, statistical data analysis. One of the blocks in the sociolinguistic questionnaire included such aspects as the language – in – culture and ethnic culture maintenance in the context of the vitality of ethnic language. Ethnic culture, along with the ethnic language, is one of the key markers of ethnic identity in both samples. As the results of the survey demonstrate, songs in Mari or Chuvash occupy a significant place in the respondents’ life. Several functions of the ethnic song were identified: adaptation to new living conditions; co-optation of new members (i. e., through cultural ethnic events); creative self-realization; language learning (i. e., ethnic songs used for educational purposes in language courses); initiation into language and culture for new speakers of Chuvash and Mari. The role of ethnic song in the revitalization of the language has been equally determined.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash language, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, Mari language, ethnic language, internal diaspora, sociolinguistic survey
Rodnoi iazyk kak dominiruiushchii faktor formirovaniia etnopedagogicheskoi kompetentnosti uchitelia
ProceedingThe legacy of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky- Author:
- Anisiia P. Ignateva
- Work direction:
- Педагогическое наследие К.Д. Ушинского – основа формирования личности
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются роль и значение родного языка в развитии и сохранении этнической культуры, важность родного языка для этнопедагогизации учебно-воспитательной работы в образовательной организации. Автором родной язык представлен как фактор этнопедагогического аспекта обучения и воспитания, как фактор формирования этнопедагогической компетентности учителя родного (чувашского) языка.
- Keywords:
Monitoring ispol'zovaniia nauchnykh periodicheskikh izdanii Chuvashskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta kul'tury i iskusstv v Konsortsiume setevykh elektronnykh bibliotek
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Vladislavna V. Oksana
- Work direction:
- Культурология
- Abstract:
- Сегодня на первый план всё чаще выходят инициативы, способствующие кооперации вузов и их взаимодействию. В 2020 г. по инициативе ЭБС «Лань» при поддержке нескольких вузов появились сетевые электронные библиотеки (СЭБ), которые позже слились в объединенный Консорциум сетевых электронных библиотек, состоящий из шести тематических направлений по профилю вузов-участников. Фонд СЭБ – это учебная и научная литература, изданная вузами-участниками, для совместного бесплатного использования. Анализ использования научных периодических изданий Чувашского государственного института культуры и искусств в Консорциуме СЭБ показал их востребованность среди участников проекта.
- Keywords:
The Language and Culture of the Siberian Chuvash as an Object Of Research
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Albina Kiran
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic culture and language of the Chuvash living in Western Siberia. The purpose of the work is to initiate the beginning of linguistic and, in general, ethnographic studies of this diaspora group of the Chuvash people, the existence of which is an interesting scientific problem. The author mainly relies on the already published scientific developments of Siberian scientists. In fact, these studies are written in the genre of an essay. It provides information about the language, demographic situation, folklore and religion of the Chuvash of the specified region. Studies have shown that the Chuvash of the metropolis and Siberia retain many common features in traditions, customs, religious practice and culture. Their first generation tries to preserve the ethnic culture to the maximum extent possible. The new settlers, as a rule, speak the language and observe the traditional ritual and festive culture, while representatives of the Chuvash Republic often take a significant part in their life. Subsequent generations are more exposed to the processes of language shift and de-ethnization. Observations show that in order to maintain and preserve an ethnic culture, it is extremely important to recognize the need to maintain an ethnic language.
- Keywords:
- language, population, ethnic culture, Siberian Chuvash
Issledovanie praktiki semeinogo vospitaniia detei v kirgizskoi diaspore, prozhivaiushchei v Khakasii
ProceedingDevelopment of Modern Competencies of Teachers and Students through the Study and Popularization of the Traditional Culture of the Peoples of the Russian Federation- Author:
- Olesia edorovna F. Gorbunova
- Work direction:
- Теория и история традиционной культуры народов России
- Abstract:
- Данная работа посвящена исследованию воспитания детей. В статье анализируются результаты эмпирического исследования системы семейного воспитания детей дошкольного, младшего школьного и подросткового возраста в семьях киргизской диаспоры, проживающей в г. Абакане Республики Хакасия.
- Keywords:
Moscow Mari: Ethnic Culture in the Internal Diaspora
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Languages and Culture of Finno-Ugric people
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving Mari ethnic culture in the conditions of an internal diaspora. The purpose of the article is to identify the conditions for maintaining and to determine the prospects for preserving Moscow Maris’ ethnic culture in Moscow’s multicultural urban space. Methods. In 2019–2021, the author of the article conducted a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sample includes 106 respondents (100 respondents belong to the first generation of the Mari diaspora, six to the second). One of the aspects of the survey was to study markers of ethnic identity in two generations of the diaspora. Results. The results, obtained in the interviews, reveal that Mari culture (knowledge and observance of Mari traditions and customs) is one of the key markers of ethnic identity in the first generation (coming only third after the small homeland and the Mari language markers). Respondents in the second generation demonstrate remnant knowledge of ethnic cultural practices due to a weak intergenerational transmission of the Mari language. The author concludes that in order to preserve ethnic traditions and customs in the diaspora, it is extremely important to maintain an ethnic language; at the same time, as the world practice of revitalizing minority languages shows, ethnic culture can be viewed as a source of initiation into an ethnic language, and later become a channel for its maintenance.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, Mari language, ethnic language, internal diaspora, revitalization of minority languages
Treatment of Chlidren Tradition in Folk Pedagogy of Tuvans
ProceedingPreschool Education in Terms of Contemporary Methodological Approaches and Age-Related Values of Children- Authors:
- Olesia edorovna F. Gorbunova, Ailuna A. Dambaa
- Work direction:
- Problems of psychological safety of the environment in the system of special and inclusive education
- Abstract:
- В статье анализируются результаты эмпирического исследования по изучению традиций отношения к детям и к детству в народной педагогике тувинцев.
- Keywords:
To the Question of Interaction of Chuvash and Azerbaijan Cultures: Ancientry and Modernity
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Vladimir A. Vasilyev
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Research of Chuvash Language and Culture of Chuvashia
- Abstract:
- In the development of modern ethnic cultures, there is a paradoxical situation: the more powerful the onset of comprehensive globalization, aimed at the destruction of national cultures, the more actively they develop. “To blame”, in our opinion, is the ethnocultural code, which rebelled against the dominance of the virus of the death of national cultures and thus led to the flourishing, boom of ethnic cultures. Convincing evidence of this is the deep fundamental processes of revival taking place in the Chuvash national culture. Thus, the unique Kokelev International Plein Air has rightfully become a synthesis of the picturesque national schools of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The national TV and radio company “Chavash En” was established. Recreated “Chuvashkino”, designed to develop their national culture. There is a return from oblivion of the runic writing of the Chuvash people. A program for the development of the Chuvash language was adopted. And, as it were, the apotheosis of the renaissance of the Chuvash ethnic culture was the establishment of the Chuvash Embroidery Day on November 26 by the Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic. Globalization pressure is also causing an increase in interest in learning about other cultures. we tell about this phenomenon on the example of Chuvashia and Azerbaijan. In soviet times in Azerbaijan, few people knew that the Chuvash were a Turkic people. Tatarstan knew, Bashkortostan knew, and the Chuvash – the Turkic people – didn't [6]. The aim of our work is to study the interaction of Chuvash and Azerbaijani cultures in historical retrospect, as well as to draw the attention of scientists of Chuvashia, Russia and Azerbaijan to this problem, which is of great cognitive and scientific importance. The author comes to the conclusion that scientists-humanitarians of Chuvashia, Russia and Azerbaijan can and should combine their efforts to create a comprehensive study of the interaction of the cultures of the Chuvash and Azerbaijani nations in historical retrospect.
- Keywords:
- history, Cheboksary, ethnic culture, Chuvashia, Azerbaijan, Suvars, Bulgarians, Bilasuvar, Vata Suvar, pagan religion, Zoroastrianism, runic writing, embroidery, ethno-cultural code
Etnokul'turnye i sotsial'nye problemy obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Natalia S. Pudovkina, Liudmila E. Novokreshchenova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- Этнокультурные и социальные проблемы образования в современном мире очень актуальны. Воспитание детей в духе народных традиций может развить у них национальное самосознание, а значит, и уважение к своему народу. Человек, познавший ценность национальной культуры, будет нравственно действовать во благо Родины. Умение понимать и ценить богатство и красоту национальной культуры русского народа, с уважением относиться к его прошлому – все это воплощено в учебно-воспитательном процессе в дошкольном учреждении авторов.
- Keywords:
Specifics of the Mosaic Reflection Method of Elements of Ethnic Culture
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Iurii A. Kuzmin
- Work direction:
- History and Theory of Art Questions
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the specifics of the methodology for studying ethnic elements of culture. The nomological paradigm of reflection of the socio-humanitarian sphere constituted the scientific status of ethno-cultural knowledge, at the same time leveling the subjective aspects, created a unification of forms and content, which inevitably led to a distortion of its actual parameters. As a tool for overcoming the imperfection of the classical principles of reflecting the phenomena of ethnic culture, they proposed a method of mosaic reconstruction that allows us to identify the relationship between elements of ethnic culture on the basis of common values. Mosaic reconstruction of ethnic culture reveals the logical relationship between its elements, forms of manifestation, and the totality of prerequisites and grounds. In a general sense, the method of mosaic reconstructions involves the following procedures, such as fixing specific ethnic elements of culture, creating a complex of links of ethnocultural integrity, determining the principles of interaction of system elements with the external and internal environment, applying the mechanism for restoring cultural integrity based on the principles of a cultural research program, visualizing a holistic image ethnic culture. The methodology of mosaic reconstruction is based on the fact that culture is the product of a social form of existence that expresses itself in the corresponding spheres of social activity, the restoration of which in its entirety is a necessary condition for creating an exhaustive image of culture. The author comes to the conclusion that mosaic reconstruction of ethnic culture reveals the logical relationship between its elements, forms of manifestation, and the totality of prerequisites and grounds.
- Keywords:
- methodology, cognition, ethnic culture, mosaic reconstruction method, theory of cognition
Vospitanie na tsennostiakh kul'tury kak kachestvennyi indikator bytiia obshchestva
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Nadezhda V. Solodovnikova
- Work direction:
- Социальная педагогика
- Abstract:
- Культурный выбор и культурное наследие порождают чрезвычайно сложный процесс. Рациональное понимание и критика традиционной культуры нации служат отправной точкой для обращения с традиционной культурой. Культурные антропологи утверждают, что традиционные культуры формируются из различных уровней институциональной культуры, концептуальной культуры, артефактной культуры и народной культуры. Общечеловеческая культура – это наилучшие образцы, формы научной, художественно-поэтической, производственной деятельности, мировосприятия жизни и действительности и единые способы-мироощущения, выработанные разными поколениями, народами, на основе которых человечество строит сейчас одну единую цивилизацию. Подобные образцы культуры и в данный момент являются ориентирами, идеалами в процессе построения единой цивилизации.
- Keywords:
Ethnic Musical Culture of Moscow Mari (II)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic musical culture of the Mari people in the conditions of the diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for preserving the ethnic musical culture of members of the Mari diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural Moscow region. Methods. The article is based on the data obtained when conducting a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling include 100 respondents, all of them are natives of the Republic of Mari El or places of traditional compact settlement of the Mari ethnic group, currently living in Moscow or in the Moscow region. One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic musical culture. In particular, the respondents were asked questions about the language or languages in which they are likely to sing or listen to songs, about the value and significance of Mari songs in their lives. Based on their answers, tables, reflecting the results, were drawn. Results. According to the results of the sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora, a vast majority of the respondents (96%) listen to (and/or sing) songs in their ethnic language one way or another, under completely different circumstances and using a wide range of modern technologies and telecommunications. The representatives of the Mari Diaspora take an active part in various cultural and musical events, which are held not only within the framework of the ethnic Mari community in Moscow, but also on the private initiative of young Mari activists. The author concludes that the ethnic musical culture, which the members of the Diaspora maintain both independently and in groups, undoubtedly plays an important role in uniting the Moscow Mari people and attracting new members of the Mari Diaspora, it slows down assimilation processes and contributes to the preservation of their ethnic and cultural identity.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, Mari diaspora, Mari ethnic culture, Meadow Mari, Hill Mari, Eastern Mari
Ethnic Musical Culture of Moscow Mari (I)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic musical culture of the Mari people in the conditions of the diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for preserving the ethnic musical culture of members of the Mari diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural Moscow region. Methods. The article is based on the data obtained when conducting a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling includes 100 respondents, all of them are natives of the Republic of Mari El or places of traditional compact settlement of the Mari ethnic group, currently living in Moscow or in the Moscow region. One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic musical culture. In particular, the respondents were asked questions about the language or languages in which they are likely to sing or listen to songs, about the value and significance of Mari songs in their lives. Based on their answers, tables, reflecting the results, were drawn. Results. According to the results of the sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora, a vast majority of the respondents (96%) listen to (and/or sing) songs in their ethnic language one way or another, under completely different circumstances and using a wide range of modern technologies and telecommunications. The representatives of the Mari Diaspora take an active part in various cultural and musical events, which are held not only within the framework of the ethnic Mari community in Moscow, but also on the private initiative of young Mari activists. The author concludes that the ethnic musical culture, which the members of the Diaspora maintain both independently and in groups, undoubtedly plays an important role in uniting the Moscow Mari people and attracting new members of the Mari Diaspora, it slows down assimilation processes and contributes to the preservation of their ethnic and cultural identity.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, Mari diaspora, Mari ethnic culture, Meadow Mari, Hill Mari, Eastern Mari
Food Design and Film Art in the Preservation of Ethnic Culture
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Valeri I. Kukenkov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that the study of food design and film art as part of the country's ethnic culture examines the preservation and development of traditions and interethnic ties. Given that folk traditions have a peculiarity to develop, being in constant search of new solutions, taking into account the emergence of new materials, technologies and information tools, an idea to combine the potential of film art and food design in research has started up. It is noted that the search for analogues of the issue studied has no positive effect. The purpose of the study is a theoretical justification for the possibility of using different art forms as tools to unlock the possibilities and diversity of the art of food and filmmaking. Based on the study of various sources, it has been found that the topic of preserving the ethnic cultures of Russia is relevant and new, due to the unusual combination of the art of food and filmmaking. Hypothesis. It is suggested that the preservation and development of the country's ethnic cultures and intercultural ties is possible if best practices and achievements of food design as an essential part of people's culture will be applied while modelling different forms and spaces in film art. Results. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the hypothesis put forward has historical evidence in the works of such scientists as: Kostomarov N.I., Orlovskaya A.V. and Pokhlebkin V.V. Based on their experience and knowledge the following is possible: formation of new approaches, serch for new solutions and development of new forms and spaces, using advances in food design, film art and people's culture.
- Keywords:
- ethnic culture, intercultural exchange, folk traditions, film art, food design
National Cinematograph and National Mind-Set
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Eduard O. Krank
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of national cinematograph in the conditions of the dominance of mass cinema products at the market, especially the American film industry. Paradigms and criteria in the definition of national (ethnic) cinema are presented. The aim of the article is to confirm its working hypothesis, which is that the development of national cinematograph becomes significant only when, reproducing by filming their own narratives, imbued with national mind-set, the authors create cinematographic artifacts with their own manner, style, language, which is able to develop and enrich the film language. The descriptive and analytical methodology used in conjunction with the historical and genetic method allows us to come to certain conclusions. These findings consist in the position that such national cinematograph becomes pervasive, which is permeated by the national mind-set and at the same time responds to both ethnic and world cultural challenges, creates national narratives that due to their relevance become meta-ethnic narratives. An analysis of the existing definitions and properties of what should be understood as national cinematograph allows one to discuss the topic of what the essence of national cinema is: in the local and regional desire to establish itself as having a right to exist, or in the meta-ethnic aspect, which allows national cinema to become a direction in cinema. Thus, the necessary property of national cinematograph for its equal existence among others, the author singles out such a feature as the situation of passionarity in which the nation lives. Its mind-set creates its own national narrative, and therefore its own cinema language. The article is the part of a fundamental study on the theory of cinema, in which the main points are categories such as "film narrative", "conventionality of cinematograph" and "film language".
- Keywords:
- ethnic culture, national cinematograph, national mind-set, German film expressionism, new wave, Ingmar Bergman, dogme 95, film language, film narrative
Preservation of the Chuvash Ethnic Culture in the Conditions of the Moscow Region Diaspora Group
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of preservation of Chuvash ethnic culture in the conditions of diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects of preserving the ethnic culture of the members of the Chuvash diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural environment of the Moscow region. Methods. The author of the article conducted a sociolinguistic survey in the Chuvash diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling included 100 respondents (85 respondents belong to the first generation of the Chuvash diaspora, 15 – to the second). One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic traditions and customs. The respondents were asked questions concerning the criteria of their belonging to the Chuvash ethnic group, observance of national traditions and customs, features of the Chuvash ethnic culture, intergenerational transmission of ethnic culture. Based on their answers, tables on age cohorts for representatives of both generations were compiled. Results. More than half of the respondents in the sampling in the first generation (55%) observe Chuvash traditions and holidays, especially representatives of younger and middle cohorts; in the second generation, ethnic culture is somewhat fading (27%). More than half of the respondents in the first generation (58.6%) intend to transmit knowledge about their ethnic culture to children. Women in the sampling rather tend to transmit material culture, while men spiritual one. The author concludes that, despite the fact that living far from the small homeland affects the preservation of ethnic culture, however, at present, in the conditions of polycultural urban environment, the diaspora is the most demanded form of social adaptation, especially among the younger generation, among whom many demonstrate an active life position and involvement in the process of preserving Chuvash ethnic culture in the Moscow region.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash diaspora, Moscow region, Chuvash ethnic culture
Rodnoi iazyk kak sposob formirovaniia etnicheskoi kul'tury u mladshikh shkol'nikov (na primere buriatskogo iazyka)
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Anastasiia S. Maslenchenko, Liubov E. Smirnova
- Work direction:
- Обучение родным языкам и литературам в поликультурной среде
- Abstract:
- В статье анализируются роль и место родного языка (бурятского) в системе обучения и состояния уровня владения им. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам формирования этнической культуры у младших школьников при изучении родного языка.
- Keywords: