List of publications on a keyword: «интеллектуальный потенциал»
Realization of Intellectual Potential: from Shatr to Alphazero Interactive Deep Neural Networks
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 3- Author:
- Arslang Y. Doglaev
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- One of the priorities of the system of ethno-cultural training is the development of inclinations and abilities, the realization of the intellectual potential of the individ-ual. The intellectual game of chess is a resource for the mental development of a person. In the article, the author offers a brief overview of the history of Kalmyk chess, as well as shows the effectiveness of modern Kalmyk chess players, an analy-sis of the development of logical thinking, speed and accuracy of mental opera-tions, from the origin to the use of artificial intelligence. The work also touched up-on various modern ways of playing a game in chess, and the effectiveness of their results in the context of this study. The materials and methods of this work are the theoretical method (analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic). The results of the study and their discussion: the results of the tournaments were analyzed in the work, within the framework of which the study of the participants was conducted. The results of this experiment are presented. On the basis of the study, it can be concluded that the chess game is used to develop such human qualities as ingenuity and discipline, as well as a number of other important human qualities.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, intellectual potential, chess, interactive activities
Vozmozhnosti interaktivnogo obucheniia v protsesse intellektual'nogo razvitiia mladshikh shkol'nikov
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education- Authors:
- Liudmila N. Koniagina, Olga V. Ilina
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The content sets out the theoretical foundations of the problem of developing the intellectual potential of modern children in the information world. Emphasis is placed on interactive learning as a condition for the development of mental cognitive processes in children of primary school age. An analysis of the presented program “Sherlock” is given; the results of the introduction of this program into the practice of the educational process in the primary grades of the school are presented. The study shows that the presented project can be successfully used to develop the intellectual potential of younger schoolchildren in the process of interactive learning.
- Keywords:
- intellectual potential, interactive learning, “Sherlock” quest program, quest games, cognitive mental processes, psychodiagnostic techniques
Neobkhodimost' i vozmozhnost' realizatsii protsessa modernizatsii natsional'noi ekonomiki
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Author:
- Sergei S. Gusev
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- В статье обосновывается необходимость и возможность реализации процесса модернизации и инновационного развития национальной экономики в современных условиях с учетом специфики и возможностей, входящих в нее регионов на основе сочетания мульти-проектного и корпоративного подходов с системообразующей ролью региональных университетов. Данный подход используется в Международном университете природы, общества и человека «Дубна» для организации взаимодействия с учреждениями среднего профессионального образования и работодателями.
- Keywords:
Formation of Motivation for High School Students to Acquire Knowledge in the Field of Entrepreneurship
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Author:
- Leisan F. Akhmetova
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономические процессы в российском обществе и ближнем зарубежье
- Abstract:
- Сегодня в определенной степени детерминируется пересмотр традиционного школьного образования, исходя из запросов российского общества, начинающего жить в условиях рыночной экономики во всех ее аспектах. Это вызвано тем, что приходится преодолевать противоречия между ростом экономических отношений и школьным образованием; между высоким уровнем требований к этической культуре предпринимателей и недостаточным уровнем методического обеспечения формирования предпринимательской культуры. В связи с этим, в статье рассмотрены компоненты предприимчивости, возможности интеллектуального потенциала, личные качества старшеклассника, необходимые навыки в области предпринимательства, планирование старшеклассником ближних целей и отдаленных целей.
- Keywords:
Universitety tret'ego pokoleniia: realizatsiia innovatsionnoi obrazovatel'noi paradigmy
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Galina N. Selianskaia, Katerina V. Isaeva
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study is detremined be the necessity to form a new structure of educational activities of universities, focused on the preparation of competitive graduates, whose competencies meet the needs of the modern stage of the changes of technological structures in the economy and the formation of a new post-industrial society. The analysis and generalization of theoretical approaches and practice of educational activity organization in contemporary higher educational institutions is carried out and possible ways of educational process modernization with application of competence approach to definition of educational process results are defined. The prerequisites for changing the educational paradigm in the Russian higher school are studied and the levels of competencies formed in the traditional educational process based on the concept of «supporting education», as well as the levels of competencies that can be formed in students while organizing the educational process using the concept of «innovative education» are determined. The interrelation of higher school teachers' information competence with the possibility of increasing the education system innovative ability is revealed. The ways of creating information and methodological system to support the training environment that accompanies the learning process, using the capabilities of the Internet are proposed in the article. The article describes four blocks of the educational process modernization, combining the basic tools for the innovative educational process implementation at the University, and lists the main conditions for the implementation of the proposed innovations in University practice. Innovative type of teaching methods at the University should be based on the fundamental condition of students' innovative methods of thinking and activity mastering – the principle of the Trinity of educational, research and project activities of students, both independent and in a single team with teachers. The main goal of all methodological technologies is to involve the student in the learning process, to make him an active participant in the learning process, to form his independence, interest in the active acquisition of knowledge, skills of self-education and research abilities.
- Keywords:
- higher education, creativity, competence approach, intellectual potential, research University, innovative educational technologies, project learning
Tendentsii realizatsii gosudarstvennoi politiki v sfere obrazovaniia v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: problemy i perspektivy
ProceedingTrends in the education development: teacher, educational organization, society – 2018- Author:
- Anna A. Grevtseva
- Work direction:
- Использование нестандартных решений для повышения качества, доступности и эффективности образования
- Abstract:
- Проблема реализации политики российского государства в области образования является актуальной, что подтверждается многочисленными и постоянными публикациями и дискуссиями в научных журналах, СМИ. В центре изучения оказались проблемы взаимосвязи государства и образования, роли и места высшего образования в развитии российского общества, политической эффективности нормативной базы в сфере образования в Российской Федерации. Особую значимость приобретает анализ принципов прогрессивного развития современной нам системы подготовки и переподготовки профессиональных кадров, а также политического управления в области образовательной сферы, политики развития конкурентоспособности вузов, социально-политического мониторинга приоритетных направлений инновационного развития.
- Keywords: