List of publications on a keyword: «Investment»
Kovenantnye usloviia dogovorov kupli-prodazhi tsennykh bumag
ProceedingSustainable Development of Russian Regions in the Age of Transformation Processes- Author:
- Roza O. Voskanian
- Work direction:
- Современная финансовая и денежно-кредитная политика – меры антикризисного финансового регулирования и бюджетного стимулирования
- Abstract:
- Автором исследуются ковенантные условия как один из видов финансового инструмента, позволяющего снизить риски инвестора. В рамках статьи подчеркивается, что несмотря на широкое распространение ковенантных условий в кредитных договорах представляет интерес и практическую значимость возможность применения ковенантов инвесторами-совладельцами. Автором выделяются четыре основных ковенанта для дополнения договоров купли-продажи со стороны инвестора для снижения уровня неопределенности участников уставного капитала.
- Keywords:
- capital structure, financing, venture investments, majority owner, financial instrument
Formation of innovative projects in the context of international economic sanctions
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Mikhail V. Alekseenko, Ivan I. Golub
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy, analyzes various theoretical approaches to the concept of economic integration and financial and legal mechanisms, their role in ensuring national security and stimulating economic growth. Special attention is paid to the problems of Russian tax legislation and its impact on attracting foreign investment, as well as the possibility of using cryptocurrencies in international settlements under sanctions pressure.
- Keywords:
- cryptocurrencies, innovative projects, national security, economic sanctions, economic integration, financial and legal mechanisms, tax legislation, foreign investments, international settlements, sanctions pressure
Social Entrepreneurship: the Essence and Evaluation of Effectiveness
ProceedingInnovative approaches to management in economic, technical and legal systems- Author:
- Iurii K. Balashov
- Work direction:
- Bioinformatics and systems biology
- Abstract:
- The article examines the essence and existing proposals of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of social entrepreneurship. The conclusion is made about the special relevance for the Russian practice of social entrepreneurship of using evaluation results in the process of making managerial decisions, creating an internal evaluation culture.
- Keywords:
- social entrepreneurship, social impact, social investments
The Essence, Causes and Main Forms of Capital Export and Import from Macroeconomic Entities
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Arsenii A. Samokhin, Natalia V. Sergeeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter analyzes the essence, causes and main forms of capital export and import in the context of modern economic reality. The scope of the study is based on the need of understanding the impact of capital flows on the economic development of the country and identifying factors that contribute to or hinder their effective regulation.
- Keywords:
- tax policy, investment climate, capital flows, capital export, capital import, economic globalization, direct investments, portfolio investments, capital outflows, investment risks, capital legalization, financial schemes, capital withdrawal
The Impact of the Western Sanctions Policy on the Socio-Economic Indicators of Automotive Clusters in Russian Regions (on the Example of the Kaluga Region)
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The empirical component of economic processes does not tolerate statics, which can only, perhaps, serve as a separate theoretical justification of some aspects in certain spheres of life. For reliable results, due to the fact that practice is the ultimate criterion of veracity of any new tool (model), it is necessary to proceed from the phenomena of dynamic order. It is the situational analysis with a minimum share of inaccuracy that allows to see the true advantages and disadvantages of the studied object, its risks and opportunities depending on the also changing realities of the environment. As the results of leading research institutes show, today the speed of updating information series (including the field of economics) is growing literally in geometric progression. If in the last century it took decades for the basic knowledge to become obsolete, now it becomes obsolete within a year. Without a doubt, this is due to the factors of informatisation, growth of human resources and artificial intelligence, computerisation and many other factors inherent in modern society. As the model of socio-public relations changes, and so does the very model of the relations of the economic order. And this phenomenon is especially grotesque in foreign economic activity. It is in its context that the author considers different periods of the automotive clusters' activity in the Kaluga region. A retrospective analysis is made. Appropriate assessments of each stage of development are given. The peculiarities of this sphere of life lie in the presence of many foreign investors, who played a favourable part in the establishment of a self-sufficient budget of the region. But any foreign investor, being oriented first of all on its own profit, at the same time is very much dependent on political aspects of the country of its original origin. And what was good for everyone yesterday, today turns into an "economic collapse" due to the replacement of economic priorities with political ambitions. The author proves that the political and economic model created by Western countries is a pseudo-model and has no long-term mutually beneficial prospects in foreign economic cooperation.
- Keywords:
- region, foreign economic activity, resources, budget, automotive cluster, territorial development, economic realities, political relations, preventions, investment appeal
Evaluation of the Investment Attractiveness of the Company on the Example of the PJSC M.Video
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Perezhogina, Iuliia S. Tsertseil
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- This article considers the topic of investment attractiveness of the company in the framework of value-based management. The concept of profit maximization as the main goal of business operations is no longer actual and is being replaced by the concept of maximizing the value of the company. Potential investors shift their attention to value indicators, the components of which demonstrate the operational, investment, and financial performance of the corporation. In the article, two models of assessing company performance and investment attractiveness are reviewed.
- Keywords:
- investment attractiveness, company value, value based method, spread of effectiveness
Factors of Changes in the Investment Attractiveness of Russian Regions in Years 2022–2023.
ProceedingRegions of Russia in a changing world: stable priorities and new opportunities- Author:
- Andrei E. Gerdo
- Work direction:
- Инновационное развитие и конкурентоспособность регионов
- Abstract:
- The article is dedicated to research of factors that influenced the changes in investment attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation after major geopolitical changes in the first half of year 2022, provides a theoretical explanation of the terms "Investment Attractiveness " and "Investment Grade Rating" and reveals a correlation between changes in the field of Investment (including Foreign Investment) in the regions of Russia and in the field of International Trade of Russian regions in the researched time frame.
- Keywords:
- Investment, regional economy, investment attractiveness, Foreign Trade, Investment Grade Rating
Vliianie upravlencheskogo ucheta na povyshenie investitsionnoi privlekatel'nosti kompanii
Book ChapterEconomics and Law: problems, strategy, monitoring- Authors:
- Marina A. Latypova, Irina E. Volokitina
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- In the modern business environment, where investments play a key role in the development of companies, management accounting is an integral part for decision-making and evaluation of investment projects. The chapter focuses on aspects of management accounting in investment project appraisal, such as WACC cost of capital, net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return ((IRR) analyses. The study focuses on how the use of these tools can enhance the investment attractiveness of a company. In addition, the authors disclose in detail the main concepts that characterise the investment activity of the company.
- Keywords:
- Investment, investment attractiveness, management accounting, investor, investment project, cost of capital, net present value, rate of return
New industrialization of Russia through new ways of attracting investments
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Adgur A. Ardizinba, Vadim V. Novikov, Viacheslav V. Novikov, Larisa S. Shakhovskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- Based on the analysis of specific legislative initiatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, it has been proved that the method of economic incentives for organizations with private capital to increase investment by changing the income tax rate depending on the share of reinvested profit is sharply inferior in terms of economic efficiency to the method based on changing the VAT rate. The shortcomings of the initiative (with "manual control") of the Government of the Russian Federation to reduce the VAT rate by 20 points for organizations of the ship repair industry are revealed. Based on the official data of the Federal Tax Service, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, an analysis was made of the effectiveness of the “manual control” investment mechanisms in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the new direct action mechanism to stimulate investment activity. Three options for the implementation of a new mechanism were analyzed, which would further increase the volume of private investment in the industry of the Russian Federation up to 1 trillion rubles per year. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the VAT rate by 2–5 points for industrial organizations that reinvest more than 50% of their profits, and to compensate for shortfalls in federal budget revenues from VAT, increase the federal income tax rate by 0,2–0,5 points. At the same time, it is not necessary to increase the base income tax rate. It is proved that the new mechanism does not require "manual control" and can be used in the form of a direct action law, which brings the system of encouraging investments in industry to a qualitatively different (higher) level.
- Keywords:
- public-private partnership, investment in industry, investment mechanism, share of reinvested profits, stimulating GDP growth
Approaches and Methods of Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of an En-terprise in the Conditions of Ecodigitalsocioeconomic Transformation
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Valeriia A. Borovkova, Viktoriia A. Borovkova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The process of implementing a sustainable development strategy requires the formation of adequate financing and investment mechanisms, which determines the need to study methodological approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise. The chapter clarifies the concept of «investment attractiveness of an enterprise», analyzes existing approaches and methods, offers its own approach (the system of indicators and methodology) to assess the investment attractiveness of enterprises in the conditions of ecodigitalsocioeconomic transformation.
- Keywords:
- sustainable development, assessment, methods, enterprise, integrated approach, investment attractiveness of the enter-prise, ecodigitalsocioeconomic transformation
The structure of the modern model of financing investments in fixed assets of Russian ferrous metallurgy enterprises
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Author:
- Ekaterina I. Stepanova
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства
- Abstract:
- Abstract: the efficiency of metallurgical enterprises depends on the availability of high-tech fixed assets, therefore ferrous metallurgy is one of the industries that requires large amounts of investment. The article discusses the main sources of financing of the fixed capital of metallurgical enterprises, on their basis a modern financing model is compiled.
- Keywords:
- инвестиции, investments, финансовый лизинг, черная металлургия, синдицированный кредит, облигационный заем, ferrous metallurgy, syndicated loan, bond loan, financial leasing
Introduction of principles of Green Economy into Russian industry
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Author:
- Alina I. Sivkova
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the concept of "Green Economy", examines the degree of implementation of the principles of "Green Economy" in the industrial sector of the Russian Federation and in the Russian economy
- Keywords:
- Green Econony, Russian industry, environmental investment
Investitsionnyi faktor razvitiia ekonomiki regiona
Book ChapterStrategic Directions of the Development of Russian Regions: Issues of Economy, Accountance, Taxification, Economic Security, Theoretical and Applied Finance- Authors:
- Tatiana E. Sitokhova, Kantemir A. Khachirov, Zaurbek V. Turiev
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The search for solutions related to the problems of modernization and technological renewal of the national economy and its regional components, the formation of resource potential and the strengthening of the competitive status of the subject (macro, mesolevel), as well as the provision of conditions for economic growth, will not have an effect in the strategic aspect if the level of investment activity in the economy is declining, and the volume of investment in various programs and projects that are significant for the federal center and regions are declining. The paper clarifies the dual nature of the investment paradigm of the development of the region as a system element of the national economic space and as a situational localizer of the investment benchmark for the development of regional economies, which made it possible to reveal the functional relationship between the concepts of «investment climate», «investment attractiveness» and «investment activity» in a single categorical series of investment components of the development of spatially localized economic subsystems.
- Keywords:
- region, investment attractiveness, investment potential, investment risk
Analiz mirovogo opyta innovatsionnoi deiatel'nosti
Book ChapterStrategies of Sustainable Development: External-economic, Law and Social Aspects- Author:
- Aleksandra I. Tarasova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the global practice of financial support of innovation for the period 2007–2015. The analysis is based on the Global Innovation 1000 study, which examines the world's largest public research and development companies. The study of world experience in the formation and development of innovative practice of using modern tools for financing innovative activities is important for the Russian Federation and its companies. The author of the article offers recommendations that the company management should take into account for successful innovation management.
- Keywords:
- innovation, innovative activity, investments, amp, Global Innovation 1000, global companies, countries, R&amp
Investment Paradigm of Regional Economic Space Development
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Authors:
- Tatiana E. Sitokhova, Kantemir A. Khachirov
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The work considers the dual nature of the investment paradigm for the development of the region as a systemic element of the national economic space and as a situational localizer of the investment benchmark for the development of regional economies, which allows to reveal the functional relationship of the concepts of «investment climate», «investment attractiveness» and «investment activity» in a single category of investment component of development of spatially localized subsystems of management.
- Keywords:
- region, investment attractiveness, socio-economic development, investment activity, investment climate
To the question of the essence of the investment attractiveness of the region
ProceedingCurrent Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences- Authors:
- Tariel R. Salmanly, Dafik F. Khafizov
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития экономики в условиях неопределённости. Экономическая безопасность организаций и государства
- Abstract:
- Questions about the essence and significance of the investment attractiveness of the region are investigated in the article. The analysis of the points of view of various authors on the essence of investment attractiveness, its relationship with investment activity, the essence and concept of investment attractiveness of the region are revealed, the point of view of the authors of the article on the problem under study is substantiated.
- Keywords:
- investments, investment attractiveness, investment activity
Investment attractiveness of organizations
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management: Theory and Practice- Authors:
- Vladislav V. Karpukhin, Natalia N. Rykhtikova
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- In the modern world, the situation when a sufficiently promising organization suffers from a lack of funds to implement its goals and objectives is quite common, and it is investment that helps such organizations to attract additional funds and improve their position. However, there are a number of problems, one of which is limited resources. Limited resources make organizations struggle to attract these resources and create competition between them. The second problem is the level of risk. There are a huge number of organizations, each of which has an individual structure and different financial position. Thus, the level of risk from investing in a particular organization will also be different. Together, all of the above is a prerequisite for the emergence of the concept of "investment attractiveness".
- Keywords:
- Investment, investment attractiveness, financial analysis, investment attractiveness assessment, liquidity ratios, financial stability coefficients, profitability coefficients, Key
Innovatsionno-investitsionnaia privlekatel'nost' agrarnogo regiona
Book ChapterManagement Problems in Socio-Economic Systems: Theory, Methodology, Practice- Author:
- Svetlana V. Kulakova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Проблемы экологизации экономики, повышения эффективности управления и обеспечения экономической безопасности аграрного сектора
- Abstract:
- Innovation and investment attractiveness of the agricultural region is considered in the article. The author defines the concept of investment attractiveness as well as its evaluation techniques. Using qualitative technique and method of scoring the author analyses innovation and investment attractiveness of the agricultural region drawing on the example of Kostanay region, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the data obtained, the author concludes that the Kostanay region does not occupy the leading positions in the Republic of Kazakhstan in attracting investments, having an average rating according to the Kazakhstan Rating Agency «Expert RA» (2B – low potential / moderate risk). The directions for improving effectiveness of investment activities in the region are determined.
- Keywords:
- investments, innovation and investment attractiveness, investment potential, investment risk, criteria of innovation and investment attractiveness
Method of assessing the attractiveness of the territory from a business perspective
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Elena A. Shirokova, Rudolf I. Vlasov
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства
- Abstract:
- This article discusses some of the different approaches to assessing the attractiveness of the territory from a business perspective. Considered methods of assessing the image and investment attractiveness of the territories. Gaps in the existing methodologies are indicated in relation to the territory of the northern city.
- Keywords:
- attractiveness of the territory, image of the territory, branding, investment attractiveness
Razrabotka i realizatsiia regional'noi investitsionnoi politiki v sovremennykh usloviiakh
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Authors:
- Viktoriia A. Borovkova, Valeriia A. Borovkova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- In the modern context complex, stable and balanced development of the region is possible only with the presence of developed and effectively implemented regional investment policy. In this regard, there is a need for the continuous development of scientific, methodological and practical aspects of the effective formation and implementation of RIPs, the search for methods and mechanisms for attracting investment resources to the regional economy, and ensuring a favorable investment climate. The research involves general methods for studying: observation, comparison, comprehensiveness, consistency, analysis, synthesis, as well as modeling and logical approach. The study clarified the concept of “regional investment policy” and its content, identified RIP types, identified the goal, objectives and principles of RIP development and implementation, proposed a model of RIP development and implementation, disclosed factors and problems of RIP formation and implementation, improved efficiency measures process of formation and implementation of the RIP. Application of the presented approach and model makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the development and implementation of the RIP, to ensure the region’s high competitiveness, stability, security, and improved adaptation to changing conditions.
- Keywords:
- management, investments, policy, region, regional investment policy, process of regional investment policy implementation, investment activities, regional development
Investments in education – investments in the future
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Educational policy
- Abstract:
- In this article, the problem of quality education in general and the question of investing in education in particular are studied. Modern consumers invest in their education, seeing in these investments the opportunity to increase their attractiveness and value in the labor market, and large organizations, industries invest in training of personnel, considering this contribution as a guarantee of their own survival in the conditions of global competition. The author notes changes and updates of investment directions in the field of education, as well as promising areas of activity in the secondary vocational education of Sevastopol.
- Keywords:
- getting quality education, effective investment of free money, the education system and management of the education system, administrative competence of the administrative structure of educational organizations, quantitative and qualitative indicators of secondary vocational education, standards of academic performance of students
Obrazovanie v Rossii: innovatsionnyi put' razvitiia
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Author:
- Natalia A. Pankova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In the modern world, in the era of globalization and Informatization of human society, the leaders are those countries that pay special attention to the disclosure of human potential. Education plays a major role here. The introduction of working innovations in the field of education, investment in human capital will lead to economic growth, technological modernization and social stability, strengthening the role of Russia on the world stage and improving the quality of life of every citizen of our country.
- Keywords:
- human capital, education, innovation, economic growth, Investment, cooperation, social stability, quality of life