List of publications on a keyword: «online learning»
Digital transformation of education: new horizons and challenges of modern education
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: from theory to practice- Author:
- Inna G. Iglinskaia
- Work direction:
- Цифровая трансформация образования
- Abstract:
- The article examines the key aspects of the digital transformation of education, which radically changes approaches to education and upbringing. The article analyzes new horizons opening up due to the introduction of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, online platforms and interactive tools. The advantages are discussed, including the availability of educational resources and the individualization of the educational process. At the same time, attention is focused on the challenges faced by educational institutions and teachers, such as the need to improve digital literacy, ensure data security and adapt to rapidly changing conditions. The article offers recommendations for the successful integration of digital technologies into educational practice, emphasizing the importance of a balance between traditional teaching methods and innovation.
- Keywords:
- education, digital literacy, online learning, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, innovative technologies, educational platforms, individualization of learning, new horizons, interactive tools, accessibility of educational resources, challenges of modern learning, data security, adaptation to changes, traditional methods of learning
Educational online technologies as effective tools for learning English terminology of language for specific purposes (LSP) by the students of non-linguistic university specialties: interdisciplinary approach
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 3- Author:
- Olga V. Kosonogova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The paper describes the research conducted by the team of the English teachers of English for Humanities Dpt. of Southern federal university. The investigation aimed at the study of effectiveness of learning English terminology for special purposes by the non-linguistics university program students with the help of IT-technologies. In the experiment the online course "Legal Communication: Legal Writing and Oral Communication in the Practice of Law", developed by the interdisciplinary team of university teachers of the Faculty of Law and the English teachers of English for Humanities Dpt. on the Moodle LMS. Interdisciplinary approach applied in the course of investigation embraced the main principles of two sciences: methods of teaching foreign languages and terminology study. The results obtained show that both the usage of educational IT-technologies and the educational IT- products increases the students’ motivation for learning the language of their future profession if the content of the educational IT- products is thoroughly developed on the main subjects of theoretical and practical terminology study: the description of the history of formation and development of a language for special purposes, the linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that influenced its development, its vocabulary, style and genres, the techniques of appropriate use of terms in the special context.
- Keywords:
- online learning, online course, motivation for learning, interdisciplinary approach, LSP, Legal English terminology
Voice assistants and spoken English language teaching
ProceedingThe Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology- Author:
- Volha A. Hurskaya
- Work direction:
- Прикладные аспекты формирования и развития образовательных компетенций
- Abstract:
- Through theoretical analysis, the study aims to determine the main advantages of voice assistants in teaching spoken English. The methodology analyzes well-known voice assistants: Alexa from Amazon, Google Assistant, Siri from Apple, Alice from Yandex, and Alesya from the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences. As a result of the study, data was obtained that the help of the above services facilitated learning spoken language. The study's author concluded that the main advantages of voice assistants are mobility, multilingualism, and fast feedback. With the help of voice assistants, a student can increase his vocabulary, improve pronunciation, and master English grammar.
- Keywords:
- education, online learning, teaching, English language, Miro, online format, Universarium
Kachestvennaia virtual'naia uchebnaia sreda
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Viktoriia V. Sizova, Tatiana A. Ivanova, Anna E. Shabanova
- Work direction:
- Инновационные технологии как ресурс повышения качества образования
- Abstract:
- В статье перечисляются три фактора, оказывающих основное влияние на восприятие онлайн-обучения. Качественное обучение должно быть четким, кратким и понятным для учащихся. Неоднозначное обучение может быть связано с непонятностью обучения без каких-либо четких ожиданий. Социальное взаимодействие имеет решающее значение для эффективного общения и установления хороших отношений между преподавателями и учащимися. Оно делится на три типа: взаимодействие ученик – ученик, ученик – преподаватель и взаимодействие ученик – контент. Учебная и технологическая поддержка имеют решающее значение для повышения эффективности обучения, способствуя когнитивному процессу учащихся при онлайн-обучении.
- Keywords:
- education, quality, Training, online learning, teacher, interaction, support, student, English
Rol' i mesto tsifrovizatsii v dostizhenii planiruemykh rezul'tatov nachal'nogo obshchego obrazovaniia
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Sergei S. Pichugin, Liubov A. Gromova
- Work direction:
- Chapter 8
- Abstract:
- The chapter analyzes the role and place of digital educational resources in achieving the planned results of primary general education. The conditions for increasing the effectiveness of distance learning at the level of primary general education are considered. Possible options for updating the didactic content and organizing training sessions are proposed, which allow overcoming the shortcomings of distance learning for primary school children and getting closer to solving the problem of high-quality organization of the digital educational environment in primary school.
- Keywords:
- online learning, distance learning, primary school students, e-education, digital content
Adaptatsiia metodiki prepodavaniia inoiazychnoi grammatiki k usloviiam onlain-obucheniia
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education- Authors:
- Svetlana E. Rakhmankulova, Robert A. Kuzmin
- Work direction:
- Chapter 7
- Abstract:
- This paper presents the results of a study aimed at revealing specific features of teaching a foreign language and, in particular its grammar, online (via a video conference) as compared with off-line training. By analyzing works on the problem, evaluating the teaching experience, studying the data of a student survey (open-ended questions type) and the data of previous similar surveys, we reveal positive and negative aspects of online foreign language classes. Next, we suggest ways to eliminate or diminish the disadvantages of online learning and ways to use its advantages in teaching foreign grammar. The adaptation of a grammar teaching methodology to the «online» mode is presented as a revision of ways (forms, techniques, tools) to present and master the material. The teacher is to take into account the psychological difficulties of online learning, while following the general didactic principles and preserving the content of the methodology.
- Keywords:
- online learning, EFL teaching, interactive learning, a cognitive linguistics model of teaching foreign grammar
Webinar as a Basis for the Development of Digital Competence of a Teachers of SVE
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Maria V. Khompodoeva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to summarize the experience of conducting webinars in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The article considers the aspect of remote interaction with teachers and the transition to information platforms, distance learning. The goal is to determine the role of information technologies in the vocational secondary education in modern conditions. Research methods. The article presents the experience of organizing webinars for teachers of secondary vocational schools. Webinars were held for educational institutions of vocational secondary education. The following methods were used: quantitative and qualitative analysis. Discussion of the results. The analysis of the survey results showed that in the conditions of distance learning, the webinars held aroused interest. The conducted webinars on digital competence of teachers of vocational secondary education allowed to determine the impact of the digital educational space on their professional development and to identify the level of their readiness to participate in didactic communications using digital technologies. The institute sees the task in the organization and common approaches to the creation and implementation of distance learning technologies in the educational process in order to train highly qualified specialists with self-education skills that will allow them to independently develop and improve their competence and maintain professional mobility. In conclusion it is formulated about the organization and conduct of educational webinars for teachers of secondary vocational education in the region.
- Keywords:
- online learning, distance learning, webinar, vocational secondary education, electronic educational resources
Distantsionnoe obuchenie i onlain-obuchenie kak kliuchevye faktory razvitiia vysshego obrazovaniia
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Iuliia N. Tochilina
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Дистанционное обучение и цифровизация высшего образования
- Abstract:
- The relevance of this article stems from the current situation in the higher education system associated with the abrupt transition of universities to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The author attempts to distinguish and describe different terms used to describe learning that is carried out via the Internet.
- Keywords:
- e-learning, online learning, distance learning, ICT tools, m-Learning
Risks of the Interaction Between the University Lecturer and Students in Condition of Pandemic
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Emiliia M. Rangelova
- Work direction:
- Security of educational activities during quarantine measures
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to a particularly important problem for higher education: the possible risks in the interaction between the university lecturer and the students in the conditions of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Views of various university professors on the problem are presented. Special attention is paid to several possible risks in the interaction between university lecturer and students: disruption of normal human communication; the state of modern technology – the Internet and the computer; the readiness of the two subjects – the university lecturer and the students to communicate optimally in the Internet space, realizing the two main forms of education: online learning and distance learning; the identification of the two forms of organization of the interaction between the university lecturer and the student in the conditions of a pandemic – online learning and distance learning; the overcrowding of the university lecturer when using online learning or distance learning, which has a negative impact on his health.
- Keywords:
- online learning, students, risks, distance learning, interaction, pandemic, university lecturer
Modern digital education: development forecasts
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Svetlana B. Kondratieva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to understanding the role of digital resources in the modern educational space. It is shown that the development of education is inherently associated with the introduction of computer technologies in the educational process that expand the boundaries of cognitive activity of students. However, despite the presence of positive aspects, there are a number of problems related to the use of technical means, and requiring their solution. The main attention in the work is accentuated by the fact that the development of science in the field of high technologies has a huge influence on the development of education. In this regard, views are expressed on the search for new approaches to teaching in the modern digital society.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, digital society, digital literacy, Internet resources, online learning