List of publications on a keyword: «educational technologies»
Methods of teaching the discipline "Life safety" in the context of maintaining health and preventing negative tendencies among students
ProceedingThe development of modern education in the context of educational competence- Author:
- Nikolai A. Molchanov
- Work direction:
- Современные подходы в обучении и воспитании
- Abstract:
- Abstract: The article discusses methods of teaching the discipline "Life Safety" with an emphasis on preserving students' health and preventing negative tendencies. The article analyzes modern interactive and practice-oriented approaches that contribute to the formation of an informed attitude towards safety, a healthy lifestyle and stress tolerance. Such techniques as the case method, role-playing games, discussions and debates, and project activities aimed at developing critical thinking, decision-making skills, and preventing antisocial behavior are considered. The importance of using digital technologies, self-regulation trainings and measures to promote a healthy lifestyle is emphasized.
- Keywords:
- project method, interactive methods, educational technologies, Keywords: life safety, students' health, prevention of negative tendencies
The study of the relationship between the motives of learning with self-regulation and student academic performance
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Galina A. Glotova
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The study is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between the motives of learning, measured by two methods based on different theoretical approaches, with the main regulatory processes (planning, modeling, programming, evaluation of results) and regulatory and personal properties (flexibility, independence), as well as with students' self-reports on academic performance. The study used the following methods: «Diagnostics of students' learning motivation» (Badmaeva, 2004), «Scales of academic motivation» (Gordeeva, Sychev, Osin, 2014), «Style of self-regulation of behavior – SSP-98» (Morosanova, 2000) and self-report of students on their academic performance over the past semesters. The study was conducted using an online survey in a Google form on a sample of 82 university students aged 18–29 years. Correlation analysis (according to Spearman) and factor analysis (with Varimax rotation) were used in data processing. The results of the study: multiple significant correlations of learning motives, measured by two different methods «Diagnostics of student learning motivation» and «Scales of academic motivation», with scales of the SSP-98 methodology were obtained; significant positive correlations of learning motives with self-report on academic performance allow us to analyze the types of students' activities that include learning activities, that requires the use of already developed educational technologies and the development of new ones in the educational process at the university.
- Keywords:
- self-regulation, academic performance, educational technologies, university students, motives of learning
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Elena A. Burykina
- Work direction:
- Война как фактор формирования национальной идентичности
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the importance of the patriotic education at the English lessons and during the extracurricular activities. Also the article provides the positive examples of forms and methods of work on the implementation of the second-generation GEF.
- Keywords:
- patriotic education, formation of a civic position, project and research activities, modern educational technologies
Tsifrovaia transformatsiia vysshego obrazovaniia
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Zarina A. Ailarova, Tamerlan V. Kaloev
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The chapter describes current trends in the digitalization of higher education. The pros, cons and prospects of digitalization of higher education in the technologically advanced era are considered. It offers pedagogical recommendations for the introduction and development of active digital learning, identifies barriers to its implementation and analyzes the necessary institutional actions to accelerate its implementation.
- Keywords:
- higher education, digital transformation, educational technologies, teaching models, digital learning
Formirovanie professional'nykh kompetentsii spetsialistov na osnove ispol'zovaniia v vysshei shkole interaktivnykh metodov obucheniia
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Raisa P. Meshechkina, Aleksandr S. Vysochinenko, Elena M. Ustinova, Svetlana I. Shilenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- Ensuring the high quality of student learning involves improving the process of vocational training, one of the areas of which is a competency-based approach to training specialists in higher education. To increase its effectiveness, it is advisable to use interactive forms and teaching methods, the essence of some of them, as well as the expected results of implementation in the educational process, are disclosed in this chapter.
- Keywords:
- students, professional activity, competencies, interactive methods, educational technologies, results, interactive forms, practice-oriented approach, dual training, practice-oriented model
Pedagogicheskii fenomen tsifrovoi transformatsii vysshego obrazovaniia pri vnedrenii distantsionnogo rezhima u studentov-ochnikov na primere distsipliny "Anatomiia TsNS"
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Sofia V. Krasovskaia, Gennadshchii V. Iudin, Liana M. Bogatyreva, Ramazan K. Satiev, Nina A. Gubieva
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрены проблемы и перспективы замещения очного образования на дистанционное на примере преподавания дисциплины «Анатомия центральной нервной системы» в гуманитарном вузе. Отмечены основные методические и методологические проблемы, возникшие в ходе такого переноса, проведено сравнение с образовательным процессом по данной дисциплине при заочной форме обучения. Выявлены основные принципы построения электронной образовательной среды по данной дисциплине для создания единого цифрового образовательного пространства ВУЗа с перспективой для реализации приоритетных проектов цифрового образования. Предлагаются пути решения задачи о безусловном достижении каждым обучающимся требуемого (зафиксированного в утвержденной образовательной программе) уровня образовательной подготовки по данной дисциплине и вопросы разностороннего развития его личностного потенциала с использованием возможностей цифровой педагогики.
- Keywords:
- transformation of education, educational programs, digitalization, digital transformation, digital educational environment, level of educational training, diversified personality development, personalized learning, rich information environment, standards of educational technologies
Distance Learning during a Pandemic: Invaluable Experience or Missed Opportunities
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education- Author:
- Tat'iana M. Trifonova
- Work direction:
- Chapter 9
- Abstract:
- The paper discusses the results of distance learning for students of the Pacific National University Pedagogical Institute, Department of Biology, Ecology, Chemistry. The positive and negative sides of the «distance» are revealed. Specific examples show that distance learning in the preparation of future teachers of chemistry and biology can be just one of the issues of the disciplines «Theory and methodology of teaching biology» and «Theory and methodology of teaching chemistry» as an innovative technology of teaching methods. Distance learning should not completely replace the traditional one.
- Keywords:
- distance learning, teacher education, educational technologies, modern lesson, biology and chemistry teacher
Formation of regional identity of teenagers by integrating school subjects in the context of digitalization of the educational process
ProceedingDigital Education: A New Reality- Author:
- Anastasiia N. Danilova
- Work direction:
- Формирование понимания значимости развития цифровых навыков и цифровых образовательных технологий
- Abstract:
- Digitalization is a global process that covers all aspects of modern life. Firmly introducing digital technologies into everyday life at the time to think about their unconditional progressive value. The economy, management, education and other areas are already products of digital realities, which leads to the need to improve the digital literacy of the younger generation. School, as the most socializing institution for developing individuals, shows the importance of acquiring digital skills. Students through the integration of school subjects enter the digital space, improve reading skills and geographical thinking, build new forms of communication, consolidate previously acquired knowledge in a new and more effective form, which motivates them to study their country, small Homeland and form a regional identity
- Keywords:
- digitalization of the educational process, integrated lessons, educational technologies, regional identity, integrated learning technologies
Advanced Technology in Distance Education
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Svetlana N. Popova, Anna B. Zhdanova, Irina S. Antonova
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- Modern tendencies in Russian education and the shift of accents towards distance education need detailed analysis of the new technological solutions. The analysis of relevant technologies of the distant education with the use of classical approach, gamification of the educational process and automatized educational platforms is undertaken in the article. The possibilities and the limits of the development of modern educational technologies are examined.
- Keywords:
- educational technologies, gamification, VR/AR technology
Social Security and Healthcare of University Students: Content and Technology Aspect
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Marina G. Novikova
- Work direction:
- Personal health and security in the modern educational system
- Abstract:
- The article reveals aspects of training university students on healthcare and social security. We consider the goal and result of the presented program to be the creation of a socially safe and health-preserving environment at the university. The program is based on personal, active and systematic approaches, which involve the study of the student's personality as a subject of social and professional activity. As a result of the study mechanisms for organizational, managerial and content-technological support for the creation of such environment in the university have been developed. That allows, with the help of extracurricular and classroom sessions with students, to carry out theoretical and psychological training of young people, as well as provides social security and health preservation.
- Keywords:
- healthcare, educational technologies, Safe educational environment, social security, methodological principles
Problems and features of teaching information cycle disciplines to undergraduate students of economic specialties in modern conditions
Book ChapterModern challenges of education and psychology of personality formation- Authors:
- Svetlana G. Pankrateva, Elena V. Rezak
- Work direction:
- Особенности педагогического процесса
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problems and peculiarities of the elaboration and application of methodological tools for teaching disciplines of the information cycle for undergraduate students of economic specialties. The main goals, objectives, types and functions of lectures, practicals and seminars for university students and the methodology of teaching disciplines of the information cycle, which makes it possible to realize the goals and objectives are described. Examples of practicals and seminars using new educational technologies are presented.
- Keywords:
- information and communication technologies, methodology of teaching disciplines of the information cycle, traditional and new educational technologies, interactive techniques, bachelor's competencies, professional activities of students
Innovative Educational Technologies for Teaching the "Philosophy" Discipline in a Hybrid Learning Model
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Galina V. Valeeva
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- The article discusses educational technologies used in teaching the discipline "Philosophy" in a hybrid learning model. Technologies of distance learning (video lectures, presentations, e-textbooks, online course, etc.) and face-to-face training (case technology, portfolio technology) are highlighted, and their implementation is shown.
- Keywords:
- philosophy, students, distance learning, self-education, educational technologies, self-development, hybrid learning model, face-to-face training
Universitety tret'ego pokoleniia: realizatsiia innovatsionnoi obrazovatel'noi paradigmy
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Galina N. Selianskaia, Katerina V. Isaeva
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study is detremined be the necessity to form a new structure of educational activities of universities, focused on the preparation of competitive graduates, whose competencies meet the needs of the modern stage of the changes of technological structures in the economy and the formation of a new post-industrial society. The analysis and generalization of theoretical approaches and practice of educational activity organization in contemporary higher educational institutions is carried out and possible ways of educational process modernization with application of competence approach to definition of educational process results are defined. The prerequisites for changing the educational paradigm in the Russian higher school are studied and the levels of competencies formed in the traditional educational process based on the concept of «supporting education», as well as the levels of competencies that can be formed in students while organizing the educational process using the concept of «innovative education» are determined. The interrelation of higher school teachers' information competence with the possibility of increasing the education system innovative ability is revealed. The ways of creating information and methodological system to support the training environment that accompanies the learning process, using the capabilities of the Internet are proposed in the article. The article describes four blocks of the educational process modernization, combining the basic tools for the innovative educational process implementation at the University, and lists the main conditions for the implementation of the proposed innovations in University practice. Innovative type of teaching methods at the University should be based on the fundamental condition of students' innovative methods of thinking and activity mastering – the principle of the Trinity of educational, research and project activities of students, both independent and in a single team with teachers. The main goal of all methodological technologies is to involve the student in the learning process, to make him an active participant in the learning process, to form his independence, interest in the active acquisition of knowledge, skills of self-education and research abilities.
- Keywords:
- higher education, creativity, competence approach, intellectual potential, research University, innovative educational technologies, project learning
Main requirements for the modeling of pedagogic tests for the purpose of’ knowledge level control of the students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Authors:
- Larisa Y. Lazareva, Tatiana S. Larina, Tatiana V. Stebeniaeva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The given article says about the process of IT development of education. Nowadays the said process becomes the most important factor of the extension of the practice of the implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process. The authors of the article gave the detailed definition of the pedagogic test. The article contains requirements for pedagogic tests and its main characteristics, expressed by such indices as reliability, validity and efficiency, as well as discloses its essence and provides formulas for its calculation. The opinion was made that in terms of the application of module educational technologies the testing becomes one of effective forms of the control of students’ knowledge level.
- Keywords:
- modeling, field of education, IT development, module educational technologies, knowledge level control, pedagogic tests, expert evaluation of knowledge