List of publications on a keyword: «power»
Psychology of the mass movement
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 21
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to ethology and the driving forces of mass movements, highlighting fanaticism, power, and the blogosphere. Where there are social problems and literate people, sharp minds with a mastery of words arise to define these problems and create unrest among those who can read, hear, and understand. Unless those in power shower honors and rewards on these sharp minds and masters of words, thus ripping out their stings and destroying their utility in creating dissension, conditions will ripen to the point where a leader will arise as the savior of the disenfranchised. Those who come to power are not fanatics; they are usually practical men of action, possessed of a different kind of genius. They know how to shape working problems out of the seething masses of people. They are career rulers – a different set from those who have recently fallen from power. The masses desire the strong and support power while it is strong. The masses rebel not against the wickedness of the old regime, but against the weak. At first, the masses feel that the government has weakened, and then they begin to remind it of the bad things it did.
- Keywords:
- education, youth, power, fanaticism, fanatic, mass movements, Eric Hoffer
Sravnitel'naia otsenka besplatnykh BI sistem, ispol'zuemykh dlia povysheniia ekonomicheskoi effektivnosti predpriiatii malogo i srednego biznesa
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Authors:
- Andrei A. Kurbatov, Elena I. Balalova
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- В обширной области науки о данных бизнес-аналитика (BI) и анализ данных являются двумя наиболее актуальными темами на сегодняшний день. Независимо от типа данных, с которыми приходится работать конечному пользователю, визуализация и/или аналитика данных могут стать ценной поддержкой для успешного процесса принятия управленческих решений. Для этого на рынке появились бесплатные решения для бизнес-аналитики с открытым исходным кодом, которые предоставляют компаниям незаменимую возможность начать получать выгоду от анализа данных бесплатно. Кроме того, в настоящее время эта задача облегчена с помощью группы инструментов BI и аналитики «Self-Service», которые являются разделом расширенной аналитики и предназначены для того, чтобы пользователи, не имеющие опыта работы в области ИТ, могли самостоятельно анализировать данные и находить возможности для бизнеса с минимальной помощью ИТ-специалистов или вообще без нее. Учитывая это, чтобы помочь малым и средним предприятиям выбрать бесплатный инструмент для обработки данных самообслуживания в соответствии с их потребностями, в статье мы сравниваем с точки зрения функциональности 5 популярных BI систем: Power BI Free, QlikView, Tableau Public и Yandex DataLens.
- Keywords:
Cadastral registration in the planning and development of tourism infrastructure
ProceedingModern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice- Authors:
- El'mira A. Subkhangulova, Guzel E. Gilmanova
- Work direction:
- Правовые аспекты управления, экономики и предпринимательства
- Abstract:
- This study examines the complex world of cadastral considerations in the planning of tourist infrastructure with an emphasis on tourist and ecological trails (TET). On the basis of an integrated approach, the key indicators of the TPP are identified and the technical aspects of engineering structures at the TPP are considered. Based on Federal Law No. 221-FZ, the study examines in detail cadastral activities on extensive TET, with special attention paid to problems related to the diversity of land plots. The main conclusions emphasize the key role of cadastral works, contributing to informed decision-making in the field of sustainable tourism development.
- Keywords:
- law, cadastral registration, planning of tourist infrastructure, tourist and ecological trails, thermal power plants
Strategy for the development of solar and wind energy in the states of modern Asia
Book ChapterEconomics and Law: problems, strategy, monitoring- Author:
- Dmitrij N. Ermakov
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The chapter shows that solar battery and storage battery systems are capable of providing up to 70% of the needs of the population of a country located in the «southern» region of the world in electric energy. In conditions of strong sun and favorable wind rose, small-area solar panels and wind generators located in private homes are ways to solve global government tasks of saturating the country with energy. The monograph examines individual countries of Western Asia (Middle East) and the Arab Republic of Egypt. In some Asian states, within the framework of the «road maps», large-scale financing of programs is carried out, including on the terms of public-private partnership, aimed at the development of solar and wind energy. The Russian Federation undoubtedly has the necessary technological resources to help the countries of modern Asia in the development of solar and wind energy. The Russian Federation undoubtedly has the necessary technological resources to help the countries of modern Asia in the development of solar and wind energy. In the countries of modern Asia, the number of sunny days per year is many times higher than the climatic conditions of Europe. This circumstance creates favorable opportunities for the deployment of both small and global solar power plants, the installation of wind generators. The richest source of clean energy in the Arab world with its vast deserts is the sun.
- Keywords:
- modern Asia, green energy, wind power, renewable energy sources, solar energy
The Ethics of visibility in the context of Z. Bauman's Post-Panoptic Society
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Author:
- Anastasia S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы в контексте глобализации
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the situation of the visibility of subjects (observation of them) in a digital society, which, in terms of Zygmunt Bauman, should be described as post-panoptical. Panopticism has lost its popularity in the era of digital hegemony, post-panoptical surveillance has become extraterritorial, thus spreading far beyond social institutions and expanding the horizons of possibilities for forms of suppression and control. Observation no longer affects subjects directly, but their data, digital traces, and since in the conditions of digitalization virtual self-representation is the dominant way of legitimizing the Self through others, identity completely turns from a long-term, “subjective” substance into an object. Post-panoptical surveillance of “objectified” individuals reveals the paradoxes of visibility and raises a number of acute ethical issues, thereby revealing the need for an ethics of visibility as a regulator of the conditions of mass surveillance.
- Keywords:
- power, surveillance, privacy, visibility, (meta)data surveillance, post-panopticon, post-panopticon society, banopticon, digital footprint
O neobkhodimosti professional'noi ekonomicheskoi etiki
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Zalina M. Dzokaeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- Economists exercise power over those they serve by virtue of their intellectual monopoly on a subject of vital importance to society. Many economists today also wield considerable institutional power. Economic interventions, as a rule, bring both the expected harm and benefit. Economists work in a world of epistemic insufficiency, which implies the risk of unforeseen harm. Each of these statements does not cause any doubts. The chapter examines the problem of the fact that each proposal individually and, of course, all of them together imply the obligation of the profession to solve professional ethical problems that economic practice entails. The profession of an economist has too much influence today to allow its further resistance to serious interaction with professional ethics.
- Keywords:
- economic ethics, professions, professional ethical issues, institutional power
Information technology in communication
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Bakiia A. Safarova, Tatyana L. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the concept and types of information technologies, their impact on the nature of modern communication and information transfer processes,as well as the consequences of the introduction of information technologies that serve the communication process in various spheres of society.
- Keywords:
- information technology, management, communication, system of power and, economic conjuncture, sphere of public administration, interpersonal communication, communication technology
History of Relations Between Argentina and Countries of Latin America and the United States in XXI Century
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oleg I. Kazenkov, Dmitrij N. Ermakov
- Work direction:
- Историко-правовые проблемы развития государственности
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the history of difficult relations between the United States and Latin American countries in recent times. The author, using a wide source base, examines the prospects for US participation in the overthrow of legitimate political regimes in the States of the region.
- Keywords:
- soft power, Peronism, economic sanctions, the Monroe doctrine, southern cone States, Organization of American States»
Modern concept of administrative jurisdiction
ProceedingProspects for Socio-Economic Development of Russia- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Igor V. Stepanov, Elena V. Vetrova
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономические процессы современного российского общества
- Abstract:
- The article discusses various approaches to the concept of administrative jurisdiction in modern Russian law, analyzes the problems and contradictions in the development of the theory of administrative jurisdiction in administrative law science
- Keywords:
- administrative jurisdiction, administrative-judicial jurisdiction, administrative responsibility, judicial power, offense, justice
On the Question Legal and Cultural Interaction Between the Sasanian Iran and the Eastern Roman Empire
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Viktor M. Melnik
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to prove the presence of a deep (archaic) ideological foundation in the Roman-Persian political and legal complementarity of the times of late antiquity. Methods. The author uses the «panoramic approach», сomparative analysis of primary historical sources and the structural-functional method. Results. The author’s attention is devoted to the antique community in the legal content of imperial titles, the correlation of temporary and spatial understanding of the power of the Roman emperors and the power of the Persian Šâhanšâh’s. The main author’s thesis: 1) the provision on the Hellenization of Persia during the time of Khosrow Anushirvan; 2) the thesis on the principle of extraterritoriality of imperial power, formulated by the Romans in the era of dominatus and transfered from the Eastern Roman Empire into the Sassanian Eranshahr; 3) the author’s definition of the imperial form of government, based on the principle of «over-sovereignty» common to Iran and Byzantium. Discussion. Firstly, the spaces of Eranshahr and the Roman Empire were considered by ancient intellectuals as the «common heritage» of the Hellenistic Asian kingdom of Alexander the Great. Secondly, the roots and semantic content of the titles of the higher sovereigns of Persia and Rome (emperors) had common cultural and political origins and military-administrative premises. Thirdly, if at the initial stage of the interaction between the Persians and the Romans there was a strong influence of Persia on the everyday life of the population of the East Roman provinces, then in the 6th century the East Roman ethnocultural pattern «Christian Oecumene» became decisive in the Sassanian Mesopotamia.
- Keywords:
- Sasanian Empire, Eranshahr, Achaemenid Empire, Persia, Sahansah, King of Kings, Empire as a Type of State System, Legal Essence of Imperial Power, Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), Christian Oecumene
Visual Semiotics of Inequality in the Structure of an Architectural Text
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Authors:
- Viktor V. Fedorov, Mikhail V. Fedorov, Dmitry A. Hanygin
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of the architectural environment as a form of materialization of social existence. It is noted that the architectural text of a large city contains special subject and spatial inclusions – loci of power. The article focuses on the relations of topological segregation – the disproportionate distribution of structural elements in the space of a populated place. This is a set of obstacles in choosing a place, and at the same time a condition for the formation of a social hierarchy of urban spaces. Methods. In the course of the work, the problem and thematic, structural and functional and comparative and historical methods to identify basic concepts of architectural spaces of power were applied. Results. It is shown that social inequality and topological segregation occur in the city in a “natural” way, since it embodies various facets of inequality inherent in society. The typology of constantly reproducible principles of organization of architectural objects and spaces of power such as monumentality, static character, conciseness, verticality, hierarchy, the presence of a central structure, tradition, consistency, syncretism is clarified. It is shown that the emerging signs of inequality, embodied in architectural and urban planning decisions, participate in the formation of the social structure, reproduce and transform its value and semantic content. The basic principles of the organization of architectural objects and spaces of power are considered. Models for implementing these principles in the process of creating new loci of power are proposed. It is concluded that the hypothesis put forward by the authors that loci of power are the spatial embodiment of complex mechanisms for maintaining the dynamic balance of the social system is confirmed by the results of research on the semiotics of inequality in the structure of the architectural text.
- Keywords:
- semiotics of architecture, locus of power, topological segregation, inequality
Master-klass "Ispol'zovanie triggerov pri sozdanii interaktivnoi igry v programme PowerPoint" (iz opyta raboty)
ProceedingDigit: A Teacher's Helper- Author:
- Svetlana I. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Лучшие практики обучения по предметной области «Информатика» с использованием цифровой образовательной среды с последующей диссеминацией позитивного опыта
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрывается опыт создания с обучающимися 6–7 классов интерактивной игры в программе PowerPoint на занятиях учебной лаборатории «В мире мультимедиа» в рамках внеурочной деятельности.
- Keywords:
Ispol'zovanie IKT i TsOR na urokakh tekhnologii
ProceedingDigit: A Teacher's Helper- Authors:
- Elena I. Anufrieva, Mikhail V. Kondrashkin
- Work direction:
- Лучшие практики обучения по предметной области «Технология» с использованием цифровой образовательной среды с последующей диссеминацией позитивного опыта
- Abstract:
- В статье дана характеристика возможностям использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий на уроках. Сделан вывод, что ИКТ способствуют самоорганизации труда и самообразованию, сложный материал с использованием ИКТ-технологий на уроках образовательной области «Технология» вызывает интерес у учащихся и способствуют более успешному достижению образовательных целей.
- Keywords:
Primenenie tsifrovykh resursov na urokakh tekhnologii v nachal'noi shkole
ProceedingDevelopment and dissemenation of best practices in the field of digital skills development in an educational organization- Author:
- Nadezhda L. Ivanova
- Work direction:
- Опыт реализации инновационных образовательных технологий в школе
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена рассмотрению применения цифровых образовательных ресурсов на уроках технологии в начальной школе. Представлены различные виды работ программы «Microsoft Power Point», которые используются на уроках. Автор приходит к выводу, что при активном использовании компьютерных технологий на уроках и при подготовке к домашним заданиям, у повышается как творческий потенциал учащихся, так и качество и эффективность образовательного процесса.
- Keywords:
Factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 6- Author:
- Chao Khan'
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
- Abstract:
- Многообразие публикаций и научных трудов как отечественных, так и зарубежных исследователей отражает объективную сложность научного исследования категории «конкурентоспособность предприятия». Поскольку она характеризуется возможностью в течение длительного периода времени удерживать конкурентные преимущества, то под конкурентоспособностью, как считают С. Клименко и другие, следует понимать динамику приспособления предприятия к изменяющимся условиям внешней среды с целью сохранения и развития уже имеющихся или создания новых преимуществ. Это объясняется тем, что конкурентоспособность определяется множеством факторов, влияние которых, по мнению Н. Тарнавской, И. Макаровой, может повышать и уменьшать ее общий уровень, выявлять сильные и слабые стороны деятельности как самого предприятия, так и его конкурентов.
- Keywords:
- competitive power Maneuverability Enterprise, Capacity to pay, Financial position
The dialogue of spiritual and political power in the moral aspect
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 2- Authors:
- Alfred N. Bodrov, Aleksandr D. Pokhilko
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономическая политика России и зарубежных стран
- Abstract:
- The proposed notes address the moral aspects of social dialogue between political and spiritual authority. The authors conclude that genuine dialogue is built on the basis of mutual understanding, interaction around common goals, mutual trust and mutual responsibility. All parties to the dialogue should seek a common language, leading to a reasonable compromise, rejection of traditional monologism, destructive egoism and repetition of the facts of glaring injustice. The development of the legal consciousness of the individual, the formation of an authentic citizen, is likely to become a key element in the process of establishing a constructive dialogue between civil society and the authorities
- Keywords:
- morality, dialogue, monologue, power, politics, civil society
Voennaia revoliutsiia kak faktor evropeiskoi modernizatsii XVI-XVIII vekov (na primere teorii U. Mak-Nila, Ch. Tilli, M. Manna)
ProceedingHistorical science and education: the past, the present and the future. VI Smirnov readings- Author:
- Sergei S. Buldygin
- Work direction:
- Власть и общество в истории
- Abstract:
- В статье приводится анализ основных идей известных историков и социологов Уильяма Мак-Нила, Чарльза Тилли, Майкла Манна относительно роста политической и военной мощи европейских государств в раннее Новое время. Исследователи отмечали значительный рост коммуникационного и инфраструктурного потенциала национальных государств. «Военная революция» являлась одной из причин социально-экономической трансформации на Западе.
- Keywords:
- state, power, William McNeil, Charles Tilly, Michael Mann, Military Revolution
Socio-economic aspects of accident and occupational disease insurance in the United States of America.
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Authors:
- Galina V. Surkova, Daria D. Petrova, Aleksandr A. Razumov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The economic and legal aspects of the organization of the American system of insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in the United States of America are analyzed in the paper. The first part of the monograph presents a comprehensive overview of various methods of financing and ways to monitor insurance schemes, as well as the practical implementation of various approaches. The authors described various systems, disclosed the principles of evaluation, and methods for creating flexible schemes. The purpose of the second part of the review is to present the experience of markets with different systems and to show the impact of the rating system on the insurance compensation system for employees.
- Keywords:
- social insurance, occupational safety, occupational risk class, economic efficiency, occupational disease, working conditions, tariffs, occupational risks in the electric power industry, implementation stages, accident at work, occupational safety of workers, energy industry