List of publications on a keyword: «social media»
Pedagogical support for the formation of professional qualities of future journalists in the process of socially significant activities: theoretical understanding
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Elena S. Doroschuk
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The modern system of journalistic education assumes a focus on rapid adaptation in the professional activities of future journalists with the formation of a number of competencies that allow a specialist in the field of media activity to respond to major challenges. This provision actualizes the need for new approaches to the formation of professional qualities of a future journalist. They should determine the trajectories of development and self-development of creative and professional potential, professional mobility and competitiveness of future journalists. Based on the monitoring of the main bachelor's, master's and postgraduate educational programs for 2004–2024, implemented at Kazan Federal University, the author identifies the main patterns of the educational process and the degree of application of socially significant activities in the concept of education of future journalists. Within the framework of a systematic approach and taking into account the fact that journalistic activity as socially oriented includes varieties of socially significant activities, is an organizational property of a personality reflecting its unity, the grounds for its application as the main subject of educational activity of future journalists in the format of projective activity were determined. This technology is provided by a system-targeted approach to the projective activity of students and their prosocial activity / media activity, which makes it possible to identify in this technology a variety of composition; hierarchical structure; versatility and identify the principles of its organization: diversity; hierarchy; integrity; communication; dynamic development. The future journalist's projective activity in solving socially significant problems is based on integrativity, normativity, value orientation, and creativity in the implementation of two main pedagogical conditions: the development of the axiological potential of the future journalist's personality and the actualization of the student's subjective position.
- Keywords:
- professional orientation, pedagogical technologies, social practices, professional training of future journalists, prosocial media activity, socially significant activity
Osobennosti vedeniia sotsial'nykh setei molodiozhnykh soobshchestv v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Zukhra A. Tselishcheva, Elen R. Avagian
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются особенности ведения социальных сетей молодёжных сообществ в системе высшего образования. Анализируется потенциал социальных медиа для коммуникации, повышения узнаваемости и достижения целей объединений. Поднимается вопрос значения медиацентра в укреплении положительного имиджа университета и привлечении новых студентов. Особое внимание уделяется применению социальных сетей в контексте государственной молодежной политики как инструмента информирования и вовлечения молодежи в общественно значимые инициативы.
- Keywords:
ProceedingModern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Bella Z. Karmova, Diana K. Shikagasova
- Work direction:
- Особенности менеджмента и маркетинга в современных условиях
- Abstract:
- The article examines the impact of SMM on the development of entrepreneurial activity in the digital economy. The study revealed the positive and negative sides of the use of SMM and social media, as well as their impact on the interaction of economic entities. It is concluded that SMM contributes not only to the rapid development of business, but also to the effective interaction of all economic entities, contributing to the sustainable growth of the national economy
- Keywords:
- digitalization of the economy, SMM, business, social media, sustainable growth
Nravstvennost' kak osnova povedeniia advokata v professional'noi srede
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Natalia A. Zyzina, Elizaveta A. Kuklina, Valeriia D. Semenkina, Svetlana V. Lukashevich, Nataliia S. Boiko
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы юриспруденции
- Abstract:
- In the article, an attempt is made to reveal the basics of the professional activities of defense lawyers, because it requires maximum adherence to moral standards, principles of independence, objectivity, honesty and respect. A defense lawyer must strive to ensure justice and protect the rights of his client, without violating the rights and interests of other parties. In addition to the above, each lawyer exchanges information with his colleagues. The legal community is based on the principles of respect, mutual assistance, and adherence to professional standards. Violation of these norms leads to conflicts or loss of reputation among colleagues.
- Keywords:
- Lawyer, professional standards, Digital technology, social media, Global and communication tools, ethical aspects, The online space, Electronic correspondence, confidentiality
Evolution of Media in China: From Traditional News Outlets to New Media
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Author:
- Wenxiao Xu
- Work direction:
- Современные тенденции развития мирового сообщества
- Abstract:
- This article explores the transformation of China's media landscape, highlighting the shift from traditional news outlets to the emergence of new media platforms. Historically, news dissemination in China was dominated by state-controlled media organizations, limiting public participation and freedom of expression. However, with the advent of the internet, social media, and online news portals, the Chinese population now has unprecedented access to information and the ability to engage in public discourse. The rapid growth of social media platforms and the rise of online news portals have challenged the traditional notion of news reporting and provided more diverse perspectives. Nonetheless, the government's censorship efforts and control of content raise concerns about freedom of expression. This article concludes by discussing the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolution of media in China.
- Keywords:
- China, social media, media landscape, traditional news outlets, new media platforms, state-controlled media, online news portals, citizen journalism, censorship, freedom of expression, government control
Marketing Strategies of Chinese Enterprises in the Media Environment
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Author:
- Yiyang Wang
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- The article explores the key marketing strategies used by Chinese enterprises for successful expansion in the global market. The main focus of the article is on the development of effective marketing strategies that correspond to the media environment of the target markets. Strategies such as the use of digital platforms as means of communication and promotion, the integration of traditional and digital media channels, the creation of content marketing campaigns, the use of influencer marketing and the adaptation of marketing campaigns to local characteristics are considered.
- Keywords:
- localization, social media, digital platforms, traditional media, marketing strategies, Chinese enterprises, content marketing, influencer marketing, global expansion
The Influence of Social Networks on Effective Communication of Students: Pros and Cons
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Authors:
- Madina A. Akoeva, Kristina B. Dzhadzhieva
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- Social media has forever changed the way we interact. They have established themselves as a solid communication tool and have managed to conquer the global marketplace. They offer users access to a global audience with an amplified voice. With such a huge impact on our daily lives, social media is largely responsible for the shift from face-to-face contact to brief digital interactions. This has both positive and negative consequences, which are discussed in the chapter.
- Keywords:
- students, communication, Digital technology, social media