Tamara N. Erina

Place of work

Chuvash State University
associate professor
candidate of philological sciences

Author's articles(3)

About the Dictionary of the Cheboksary Regional Speech of the Russian Language



this work is devoted to the discussion of the problems associated with the compilation of the the Russian language dictionary of the Cheboksary region speech. The purpose of the work is to consider the macro- and microstructure of the dictionary of speech of the residents of Cheboksary and the agglomeration. The authors use traditional methods of linguistics: descriptive, comparative, contrastive. The article is based on the materials of the designed dictionary, which, in turn, were collected in the course of many years of observation of the speech of the Cheboksary residents in natural condit...

Cheboksary Regiolect of Russian Language: the New Vernacular



this article is devoted to the study of non-literary units that exist in the Cheboksary regiolect of the Russian language and are recognized as important speech markers of the residents of Cheboksary. The purpose of the work is to characterize the Cheboksary regiolect of the region as a complex phenomenon that combines two hypostases – literary and new vernacular, as well as to analyze uncodified colloquial vocabulary. The material of the research was, first of all, lexico-phraseological units collected by the authors in the course of long-term observations of the speech of the inhabitants of...

Visitors' View on the Dialect of Cheboksary – 2



the research continues the cycle of the group of authors devoted to the problem of regional variation of the Russian literary language. The paper analyzes the observations of newcomers over the speech of Cheboksary residents. This technique is new in the linguocheboksaryka and, in theory, should help in replenishing the markers of the Cheboksary region with elements that are familiar to the permanent residents of the city, but from the point of view of the Russian literary language are specific uses. As a result of the study, the authors come to the following conclusions: from the point of vie...