Sergei S. Mikhailov

Place of work

Museum of the History and Culture of the Old Believers
research scientist

Author's articles(3)

On the History of the Formation of Assyrian Diasporas in Cities on the Riga Railway



in the article the author talks about a local episode in the history of the formation of one of the little-studied diasporas of the cities of Central Russia – the Assyrians. The author's goal is to consider the emergence of communities of the considered ethnic group using the example of small Assyrian diasporas known from the Riga Railway. Since the Assyrians settled in the cities of European Russia for the most part after exodus from their places of traditional residence, fleeing the genocide unleashed by the Turkish authorities during the First World War, their new places of residence anyway...

The Moscow Karaite Community of the Twentieth Century (According to the Memoirs Recorded in the 1990S From the Old-Time Karaites of Moscow)



the Karaites are one of the very small, but at the same time the most interesting ethno-confessional groups that appeared in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. in a number of large cities of Central Russia, including Moscow. The purpose of the article is to acquaint readers and the scientific community with the results of a study of the Moscow diaspora of Karaites. When writing this article, the author primarily relied on field materials collected by him since 1993, by recording the memoirs of Moscow Karaites-old-timers. This ethnic group, whose representatives began to move f...

The Research of the Assyrian Diaspora in Central Russia on the Example of the Communities of the Ryazan Region Cities



the history of the Assyrians who settled on the territory of Russia is an important and understudied topic. The purpose of the article is to acquaint readers and the scientific community with the results of the study of the Assyrian diaspora in the Ryazan region. The local Assyrian communities formed in the 1920s-1930s were studied. Ryazan region of Russia. Using the methods of field research, we find out that in Ryazan in the twentieth century, two small Assyrian necropolises arose – at the historical Lazarevskoye and Skorbyashensky cemeteries. The author inspected the graves preserved for...