Irina M. Ryzhova

Place of work

ANOO "Fiztekh-litsei" im. P.L. Kapitsy

Author's articles(3)

Analysis and Synthesis of the Scientific Research Carried Out on the Topic “Duality of the Target Contract System of Teaching Students of Vocational Education and Training: Scientific and Methodological Support of a Practice-Oriented Approach in Assessing the Quality of Vocational Training”



a strategic study of the socio-economic development of Russia determines significant changes in the vocational education system which is discussed in this chapter. Professional training of workers, employees, specialists is the basis for the reform and modernization of production in accordance with innovative technological equipment. Decisions on how to «tune as much as possible» (V.V. Putin's statement) vocational education to the needs of the economy, to solve the problems of development of individual regions and the country as a whole system of dual education, but also strengthening the cou...

Dual'naia innovatsionnaia podgotovka konkurentnosposobnykh na rynke truda rabochikh kadrov i spetsialistov srednego zvena, vladeiushchikh tsifrovymi kompetentsiiami, vysokimi patrioticheskimi kachestvami, na osnove nepreryvnogo operezhaiushchego professional'nogo obrazovaniia i sokhraneniia liderstva kolledzha v SVO



modern economic development of Russia determines the reforming of vocational education system and production in accordance with innovative technological equipment. The dual system is the most common form of personnel training which combines theoretical training (in Russia 40%, in Germany 20–25%) in educational institutions and the industrial training (75–80%) at enterprises. 96% of young people who completed dual training got a job at enterprises.

Novaia kontseptsiia razvitiia Rossii s suverennoi ekonomikoi - "ekonomikoi predlozheniia"



at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (PIEF–2023), the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin presented a new concept for the development of a country with a sovereign economy. This time, the president did not as much emphasize and highlight priorities, as he summarized the theoretical and methodological basis for the announced model. The President answered the fundamental question: how and in what way will the new Russian economy be built – «the economy of supply». We are talking about the transition to a qualitatively new level of development – to a sovereign economy tha...