List of publications on a keyword: «dual education»
Integration of the processes of education, upbringing and self-development of the individual at the university
Book ChapterPsychological and pedagogical issues of modern education- Authors:
- Ilona A. Pankina, Elena S. Belokurova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- This chapter presents the experience of using some modern educational technologies as a means of increasing students' motivation for learning. Motivation plays a decisive role, is the leading and system-forming link in the structure of a student's educational activity, acting as a stable factor in its success. The chapter also notes the special role assigned to independent work of students, which is one of the key ones in mastering the disciplines of the natural science cycle. Options for independent work of students are proposed, aimed at high practical orientation, helping to arouse great interest in students. The following educational technologies are considered: interactive, distance learning resources, problem-based learning, student-centered and modular learning, the use of which increases the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities received by the student. This has a decisive impact on the quality of student education as a whole, since all technologies complement each other and favor in-depth study of disciplines by university students. Prospects for the development of a modern individual educational trajectory at the university provides the basis for the professional and personal development of each student.
- Keywords:
- motivation, student, independence, educational technologies, modular rating system, individual educational technology
Actual Problems of Dual Education of University Students in Modern Conditions
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology- Authors:
- Gulmira S. Belekova, Ilmira B. Kanaeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses current problems of dual education for students of higher educational institutions in modern conditions. The dual education system, combining theoretical training at universities with practical training at enterprises, is one of the most effective ways to train specialists. However, despite the obvious advantages, the implementation of a dual system faces a number of difficulties and challenges. The study analyzed the main problems, such as insufficient interaction between educational institutions and business, limited funding, insufficient motivation of students and teachers, as well as regulatory and organizational obstacles. Particular attention is paid to analyzing the current state of dual training, as well as offering recommendations for improving this system.
- Keywords:
- educational institution, enterprise, dual education system, training of qualified personnel, social partners
Neobkhodimost' razvitiia refleksivnoi kompetentnosti u budushchego pedagoga na etape vuzovskoi podgotovki
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical in High School- Author:
- Tat'iana F. Usheva
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- In considering the theoretical and methodological development of the validity of the reflexive competence of the future teacher in research, presenting the implementation of innovative practice on experimental conditions for the reflexive activity of students – experienced teachers. Reflective teaching of ideas in educational activities in higher education implements: subjectivity in the educational process, individualization, dialogicity and metasubjectivity. Research work was carried out with students of different levels and areas of training: bachelors, masters, specialists (in the areas of training: 44.03.01 and 44.04.01 «Pedagogical education» and 44.03.02 and 44.04.02 «Psychological and pedagogical education»). Research results show that the development of the reflective competence of the future teacher at the university occurs as a result of the systemic work of the university and the pedagogical community. The author comes to the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to develop the reflective competence of a teacher not only on the basis of his many years of professional experience, but also in a reflective environment at the stage of studying at a university.
- Keywords:
- higher education, Bachelor, student, Specialist, Master, reflective education, individual educational program
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Roman I. Kondratov
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article discusses approaches to the development of a mathematical model of digital knowledge monitoring based on a semantic network. The hierarchical structure of training within the framework of the implementation of the state standard is presented. The analysis of the requirements for the semantic network within the framework of the claimed model is carried out. The article also describes approaches to the representation of the learning process in the form of an oriented graph of the development of educational programs.
- Keywords:
- set theory, semantic network, individual educational trajectories, digital knowledge monitoring, intelligent learning systems, oriented graph
Ustoichivoe razvitie SSO s dual'noi innovatsionnoi tekhnologiei obucheniia v kolledzhe s nepreryvnym operezhaiushchim professional'nym obrazovaniem
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Irina M. Ryzhova, Gennadshchii V. Iudin, Tat'iana N. Vasiagina, Sofia V. Krasovskaia, Igor' A. Gorbatov
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- September 2020 was the 10th anniversary of the dual education system in Russia. Germany (German school) is considered to be the ancestor of dual education. Its elements can be found in the systems of professional education in many European and Asian countries [2]. Today the dual system of professional education has received worldwide recognition – it is the most widespread and recognized form of personnel training, which combines theoretical training (in our country – 40%, in Germany – 20–25%) in an educational institution and industrial training (75–80% at the enterprises). This model of training is used in specialized secondary and higher educational institutions, and is financed jointly with business, which is interested in qualified personnel, and the state. The new training system should "arm" the graduates with three main competences, behavioral and personal qualities: Decision-making skills (Soft Skills); professional qualities (Hard Skills), because unprofessionalism is ruining Russia; modern technologies (Digital Skills).
- Keywords:
- quality of teaching, restructuring of the education system, World Skills technology competencies in Russia, game-technical environment, demonstration exams, the order of diploma papers protection, engineering and pedagogical consulting, development of dual education
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Viktoriia V. Levchenko, Ekaterina S. Lapshova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- This paper focuses on the continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework, provided by all stages of education. Presently, continuity is a factor of competitiveness and the main component of its development. The purpose of the study is to identify the conceptual foundations of the continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework within the pedagogical studio. The research methods are theoretical, general scientific and empirical methods, statistical methods, etc. Firstly, we highlighted the factors of continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework such as targeted, substantive, technological, psychological and pedagogical, managerial, procedural. Secondly, we highlighted the components of the system of continuing professional pedagogical education. They are conceptual, substantive, procedural, emotional, methodological and analytical. Thirdly, we considered the pedagogical studio as a means of implementing continuity. Then, individual educational path were examined. Theoretical and practical results are the following: based on the program-target method the continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework contributes to teacher's personality development.
- Keywords:
- continuity, stages of education, individual educational path, teachers training, lifelong teachers training development framework, pedagogical studio
Analysis and Synthesis of the Scientific Research Carried Out on the Topic “Duality of the Target Contract System of Teaching Students of Vocational Education and Training: Scientific and Methodological Support of a Practice-Oriented Approach in Assessing the Quality of Vocational Training”
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Irina M. Ryzhova, Viktor P. Ermakov, Sofia V. Krasovskaia, Gennadshchii V. Iudin
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- A strategic study of the socio-economic development of Russia determines significant changes in the vocational education system which is discussed in this chapter. Professional training of workers, employees, specialists is the basis for the reform and modernization of production in accordance with innovative technological equipment. Decisions on how to «tune as much as possible» (V.V. Putin's statement) vocational education to the needs of the economy, to solve the problems of development of individual regions and the country as a whole system of dual education, but also strengthening the country's technological sovereignty, factors of national security and «quality of life of people». In fact, today it is necessary to adjust the model of vocational training in colleges and institutes in line with strengthening its practice-orientation, targeting and mobility. Today, the dual system of professional (German) education has received worldwide recognition, it is the most widespread and recognized form of personnel training, which combines theoretical training (in our country 40%, in Germany 20–25%) in educational institutions and industrial training 75–80% enterprises); 96% of young people who underwent dual training got a job in enterprises, today this is the best indicator in Western Europe.
- Keywords:
- dual education, FGOS 3++, technological sovereign of the country, NTO, TOP-50, education in the SSO system, FGOS 4++
Individual Educational Trajectories in Russian Universities: The Essence and Problems of Their Implementation in Modern Conditions
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- Currently, university teachers have many questions about the introduction of individual educational trajectories (IET) into the educational process of universities. Unfortunately, the introduction of such educational technologies is often interpreted by researchers without a proper understanding of the principles and foundations of pedagogy, such as from simple to complex, individual approach to learning, etc. All this is due to the fact that most often the development of the introduction of IET in universities is carried out by people who do not have a professional pedagogical education or at least sufficient experience in professional pedagogical activity in universities, or even in general, who simply seek to make money on it. As a result, the introduction of individual educational trajectories turns into a process of far-fetched provisions that are incomprehensible to teachers and have nothing to do with the development of higher education, and, accordingly, are not perceived by the teaching staff of universities. At the same time, the necessary technical and software for the implementation of IOT is often missing. And this gives rise to numerous problems in the development of domestic higher education in modern conditions and negatively affects the increase in its effectiveness. This article attempts to deal with the essence and problems of the implementation of IET in universities from the standpoint of pedagogy and practical pedagogical experience.
- Keywords:
- individual educational trajectories in higher education, principles of pedagogy in the implementation of individual educational trajectories, individualization, from simple to complex, problems of information support for the implementation of individual educational trajectories
Psikhologo-pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie postroeniia individual'noi obrazovatel'noi traektorii studentov vuza
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Shvets
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the concept of an individual educational trajectory and the conditions for its implementation. The author also analyzes the algorithm for creating an individual educational trajectory and the main components of psychological and pedagogical support for building an individual educational trajectory of students.
- Keywords:
- individual educational trajectory, psychological and pedagogical support, personality-oriented educational system
Upbringing, Additional Education and Professional Orientation as the Most Important Elements of Modern Education
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- In the chapter of the monograph, upbringing, additional education and professional orientation of Russian schoolchildren is considered as an activity aimed at personal development through the creation of conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of traditional socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values and modern educational technologies.
- Keywords:
- individual educational route, personal education, system of additional education, professional self-determination of schoolchildren, full-time school
Socio-Dispatching Activity of the School Psychological and Pedagogical Concilium Specialists in the Modern Conditions of the Development of an Inclusive Educational Process
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Sergey V. Zinin
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The state policy in the field of education poses new practical tasks, in particular, to learn how to include students with conditions that differ from the norm of health in an inclusive educational space, preserving and strengthening their health. The socio-dispatching activity of the school concilium is considered in the article as a key mechanism that ensures a decent quality of life for schoolchildren in the conditions of a protective clinical and pedagogical regime and an individual educational route. It has been practically established that teaching staff can competently navigate medical issues, take into account the special educational needs of students. Research methods. 68 referrals of students to medical specialists subscribed by the school concilium of the Moscow State Educational Institution «Secondary School No. 25 of Nizhneudinsk», whose professional work was seen to be of high importance for the educational process, were studied. The conducted research allowed us to draw the following conclusions: the effectiveness of providing social and pedagogical assistance from the school concilium specialists can reach 89.7% success rate and contribute to the formulation of new diagnoses, clarification or modification of previously given medical recommendations to students; 94.1% of constructive appeals to the health care system can subsequently have a qualitative impact on the special conditions of teaching schoolchildren. The analysis of social dispatching activities is carried out, problematic issues are raised, possible solutions are outlined. Therefore, the results of the study may be of interest to medical specialists; teachers working in the modern conditions of the implementation of Federal programs in the system of central and territorial PPCs, school conciliums, higher educational institutions; representatives of the legislature.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, special educational needs, individual educational route, social dispatching activities, psychological and pedagogical concilium (PPc), protective clinical and pedagogical regime
The Center for Continuous Professional Development “Ashmarin-Center” as an Instrument of Individual Trajectory of Professional Development
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Tamara V. Andrushchenko, Olga L. Bogatyreva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to present the practical experience of the regional center for continuing professional skills of pedagogical workers in the framework of the national project "Education", to describe the algorithm for the development and implementation of an individual educational route of pedagogical workers and management teams in the Chuvash Republic. Methods. In order to effectively organize the process of continuous improvement of professional skills of teaching staff, monitoring studies and analysis of professional skills of teachers at various levels of the education system - primary, general and secondary vocational - were carried out. Results. Based on the data obtained, advanced training courses for teachers with a focus on the practical part and individual work were reformatted. The practice-oriented component of the courses has been expanded by increasing the number of hours allocated for internships, practical classes and master classes by leading teachers. The methodological work of the Center is inextricably linked with the activities of professional communities, subject associations and methodological services. There is a constant exchange of experience and best practices to solve the problems of professional growth, in the process of discussing significant professional problems. Conclusions. The application of these techniques allows us to build an effective system of continuous professional development, which ultimately contributes to the development and strengthening of education in the region.
- Keywords:
- the center for continuous professional development, professional deficits, individual educational route of a teacher, professional counseling
Itogi realizatsii federal'nogo proekta po rannei professional'noi orientatsii uchashchikhsia 6-11-kh klassov obshcheobrazovatel'nykh organizatsii Chuvashskoi Respubliki "Bilet v budushchee"
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Zhanna V. Murzina, Larisa A. Stepanova, Alla V. Shtykova
- Work direction:
- Глава I. Национальный проект «Образование»: раннее профессиональное самоопределение обучающихся
- Abstract:
- This material describes the implementation of the Federal project "Ticket to the Future", which includes familiarizing students of 6-11th grades of general education institutions with modern professional occupations, determining children’s professional interest, forming recommendations for building an individual educational trajectory in accordance with the selected professional competencies (professional areas of activity) and in accordance with the control point 3.1. The action plan for the implementation of the Federal project "Success of every child" which is "Education" National Project Charter. The organizer of the project "Ticket to the future" in 2019 is the Union "Young professionals (WorldSkills Russia)", the operator of the project for the Chuvash Republic for 2 years in a row is the budget institution of the Chuvash Republic of additional professional education "Chuvash Republican Institute of Education" of the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic.
- Keywords:
- Professional self-determination, competence, professional education, project "Ticket to the future", individual educational trajectory, professional route, mini-test, unconscious incompetence, festival of professional occupations, teacher-navigator, improvement of practical skills and abilities, professional test, career guidance platform for large-scale and significant educational events
Olimpiadnaia podgotovka shkol'nikov po distsiplinam gumanitarnogo tsikla (na primere istorii, obshchestvoznaniia, prava)
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Pavel I. Gorbunov, Roman I. Gorkinskii, Natalya A. Milioshina, Liudmila A. Potapova
- Work direction:
- Глава V. Приемы и методы формирования и развития учебной мотивации обучающихся
- Abstract:
- The article on the example of history, social science and law, analyzes and systematizes the authors' experience in the field of olympiad training of students. The relevance of the problem in the context of the need to implement the national project “Education” is revealed, the advantages of schoolchildren having achievements in various competitions when entering universities are described. The important role of competent scientific consulting and mentoring in the system of olympiad training is emphasized. On the example of the project “Growth Story”, the need for early preparation for the Olympiads is substantiated, non-standard approaches to this process are proposed. The most common types of olympiad tasks are analyzed, methodological methods aimed at improving the efficiency of their implementation are proposed.
- Keywords:
- history, olympiad training, author's tale, social science, law, mentoring system, individual educational routes, levels of the educational system, tutor support
Osobennosti realizatsii modeli lichnostno-orientirovannogo obucheniia v estestvennonauchnom obrazovanii mladshikh shkol'nikov
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Svetlana B. Barashkina
- Work direction:
- Глава V. Приемы и методы формирования и развития учебной мотивации обучающихся
- Abstract:
- This article pays special attention to the issue of personality-oriented education of children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standards of the IEO. The author defines an individual educational route as a condition for teaching younger students. Promising techniques and methods of working on natural science concepts with children are identified. The importance of the teacher's methodological preparation for this interaction is highlighted.
- Keywords:
- Federal State Educational Standards, individual educational route, student-centered learning, interaction technologies, Singapore technologies, self-development of students