Liubov' K. Iliashenko

Place of work

Surgutskii institut nefti i gaza (filial) FGBOU VO "Tiumenskii industrial'nyi universitet"
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(1)

Features of the Implementation of Project Activities of Students in a Technical University (By the Example of the Surgut Oil and Gas Institute)



the monograph reveals the features of the implementation of project activities specifically on the example of a technical university. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature in this area is carried out. The content of the basic concept of «project activity» is revealed through the main components: the project (in education) and the method of projects. The stages of project activity are described in detail, which are expressed by the design, technological, presentation and reflective phases. The author's own experience in the implementation of project activities at 1–2 courses of...