Nonna V. Guremina

Place of work

FGBOU VO "Morskoi gosudarstvennyi universitet im. admirala G.I. Nevel'skogo"
candidate of geographic sciences

Author's articles(4)

Psychological Practice Project Development «Federal Security Service Employee Professionally Important Qualities Assessment»



The study is devoted to psychological practice project development aimed to assessing professionally important qualities Federal Security Service employee. The analysis of the basic phenomenon was carried out, the project tools of psychological practice were developed (affine diagram, intellect map of the concept, sketch of the person of a potential client), a schedule of thematic consulting meetings of a psychologist and a client was drawn up, organizational and managerial conditions for the psychological practice implementation were determined.

Приморские патриотические каникулы «Дальневосточный поход–1945. Время героев»

О развитии музейных практик семейного воспитания в дошкольном образовании



в статье проведен анализ важности традиционных семейных ценностей и традиций среди родительского сообщества г. Владивостока, дана оценка условий современной жизни, препятствующих укреплению и развитию семейных традиций, выявлены проблемы и дефициты семейного воспитания. Авторами предложен проект, направленный на вовлечение родителей, детей и педагогов дошкольного образования в сохранение и укрепление семейных традиций через организацию городского фестиваля музейных практик семейного воспитания «Моя семья – моя Родина».

Psychological Practice Project Development “Women Victim Behavior in Domestic Violence Situations”



The study is devoted to psychological practice project development, analysis of psychological factors and characteristics of women victimized behavior in situations of domestic violence, aimed at studying the phenomenon of victimized behavior. An analysis of the basic phenomenon was carried out, a design toolkit for psychological practice was developed (a mind map of the concept, a sketch of the persona of a potential client), a schedule of thematic consultation meetings between the psychologist and the client was drawn up, and the organizational and managerial conditions for implementing the...