Nikolay A. Voronov

Place of work

the Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
senior lecturer
candidate of biological sciences

Author's articles(2)

Development of forms of physical activity for cerebration maintenance



for maintenance of intellectual working capacity and maintaining health students can't cost without regular physical activity. It is confirmed by numerous researches. In this paper, such form of physical activity of students as self-sufficient physical training, which involves physical education and sports in free from study time and the goal of which is to maintain mental performance is represented. Physical training, carried out by the student independently, can include training in various sports: running, swimming, football, tennis, bicycle, skiing, hockey and many other sports.

Development of sports psychology: psychological methods of training of athletes



in this article the characteristic of use of various psychological technologies in sport is given, the psychological methods used by sports psychologists for studying of relationship in team and drawing up individual psychological cards of the athlete are given. On the basis of the carried-out diagnostics and drawing up psychological cards of athletes selection of candidates in the course of the trainings can be made and also during competitions and preparation for them that allows to improve personal qualities of athletes.