List of publications on a keyword: «inclusive education»
Methods of interactive training in the medical field
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Viktoriia V. Zaritskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents a practical development of the situational role-playing method used in the course of teaching the discipline "Life safety" at a medical university. The goals and objectives of the lesson are considered, the competencies formed during the lesson are described, as well as the work plan.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, medicine, interactive forms of education, situational role-playing
Analiz sovremennykh zakonov i normativnykh aktov, reguliruiushchikh defektologicheskoe obrazovanie
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Author:
- Liudmila K. Azizova
- Work direction:
- Глава 16
- Abstract:
- This chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the modern laws and regulations governing defectological education in the Russian Federation. The study examines the key legislative acts, federal state educational standards, and legal mechanisms that ensure the rights and social guarantees of students with disabilities. The monograph explores the organization and implementation of educational activities, the creation of special conditions for the education of students with disabilities, and the provision of psychological and pedagogical support. The work also presents examples of the practical implementation of defectological education, including the experience of inclusive education in schools, the activities of special (correctional) educational organizations, and additional education for children with disabilities. The findings of the study contribute to a deeper understanding of the regulatory framework for defectological education and its application in the Russian educational system.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, special educational needs, students with disabilities, regulatory framework, defectological education
Организация взаимодействия образовательного учреждения и семьи при реализации СИПР
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Evgeniia M. Tokmakova
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- This scientific article covers the topic of education of children with developmental disabilities in Russia. The article emphasizes the importance of equal rights to education for children with disabilities in accordance with legislation and established state policy. Methods and approaches to teaching children with different levels of mental development are discussed, including the creation of individual development programs (SIPR) and the use of various methods for successful learning. The integration of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) into the educational space, methods of behavior correction and the importance of interaction between educational institutions and the family for the optimal development of each child are also considered.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, autism, individual development program, limited educational opportunities, correctional assistance
The role of the mentor in the process of speech therapy work
ProceedingInclusive education: from mass standardization to mass uniqueness- Authors:
- Anita I. Miasoedova, Natalia V. Zimovets
- Work direction:
- Наставничество в практике инклюзивного образования
- Abstract:
- Наставничество в логопедических группах является одним из ключевых методов работы с детьми, испытывающими проблемы в речевом развитии. Логопедические группы предоставляют возможность детям общаться и взаимодействовать друг с другом, что способствует более эффективному прогрессу в их развитии. Однако для достижения максимальных результатов необходимо наличие квалифицированного наставника, который будет оказывать поддержку и руководить процессом работы. В статье рассмотрены основные принципы наставничества в логопедических группах, а также его роль в индивидуальном развитии каждого ребенка. Обсуждены практические аспекты работы наставника: от выбора подходящих методик до создания эффективных коммуникативных стратегий. Познакомившись с этой темой ближе, можно получить ценные знания о том, как помочь детям преодолевать трудности в речевом развитии через коллективную работу и процесс наставничества.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, speech therapist, mentoring, speech therapy group
Deti s SDVG: nauchnyi obzor problemy i metodicheskie orientiry obucheniia
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Roman V. Demianchuk, Tatiana P. Volosheniuk
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents a brief review of domestic and foreign scientific and methodological works on the problem of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical-psychological and psychological-pedagogical features. Special attention is paid to the methodological guidelines for teaching children with ADHD, tested by the authors and successfully used in practical pedagogical activities.
- Keywords:
- education, inclusive education, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, special education, ADHD, hyperactive disorders, effective lesson
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Shunina, Irina A. Kuvshinova
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the process of organizing speech therapy assistance to children of primary school age on the example of a general education school in Moscow, describes the experience of speech therapists with children of primary school age who need speech therapy support.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, children with disabilities, children of primary school age, speech therapy support, children with speech pathology
Issues of Forming Preparedness of Medical Lecturers to Create Inclusive Learning Environment
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Valentina V. Gorbunova, Natalia K. Maiatskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The need to implement the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities to receive higher professional education, including in a medical university. When receiving medical education, students with disabilities need to create an inclusive educational space, the leading role in which is played by the inclusive competence of teachers and their willingness to build constructive inclusive interaction. The readiness of medical university teachers for inclusive interaction is ensured by the development and implementation of a program to create an inclusive educational space and organize the training of teachers under an additional professional development program.
- Keywords:
- medical education, inclusion, inclusive interaction, inclusive educational space, inclusive competence
Tolerance as the basis of inclusive education in pedagogical universities
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Iuliia A. Chapala, Natalia A. Peshkova
- Work direction:
- Инклюзивное образование как ресурс создания толерантной среды
- Abstract:
- Pedagogical universities have become increasingly popular among applicants in recent years. Pedagogical universities train not only students with normative development, but also students with disabilities. The article discusses the concept of tolerance and the need for its development in modern society.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, tolerance, students with disabilities, pedagogical specialties
Application of digital technologies in inclusive education
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Kirill A. Belitskii
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- Every individual should receive an education. However, there are individuals who need special conditions for work, and this is what inclusive education studies. With the help of digital technologies, it is possible to improve working conditions in an educational institution when working with children with complications. In this article we will consider the main problems of this industry.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, distance learning, children with disabilities, The younger generation, inclusion, digitalization of automated systems, automation of education
Razvitie inkliuzivnogo obrazovaniia v Shvetsii i Norvegii
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Liubov I. Efimova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The paper analyzes and interprets a comprehensive view of the development of inclusive education in Sweden and Norway. The author states that special education is still an alternative form of education for children with special needs who cannot attend secondary schools in most countries. Thus, the connection between inclusive and special education allows the researcher to draw some parallels between these two types of education in order to trace the transition from one to the other.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education in Sweden, inclusive education in Norway, special education, history of education
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Authors:
- Svetlana A. Shabalina, Olga A. Shmeleva
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- The opening of combined groups in preschool educational organizations, in which children without speech pathologies and children with severe speech disorders are educated together, allows solving the problem of obtaining a quality education for children with special education needs. The article presents a description of a set of special conditions for organizing the educational process in the context of inclusive practice in a preschool education organization.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, children with severe speech disorders, combined group, special conditions, adapted education program
Formation and Development of an Educational Ecosystem for People with Disabilities
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Iuliia I. Platonova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- The chapter of the monograph is devoted to the consideration of the prospects for building educational ecosystems for people with disabilities. New requirements for the system of education of persons with disabilities in modern conditions have been determined, directions for the development of digitalization in education have been identified. The author analyzes new reserves in the training of people with disabilities to understand this historical time, systemic activity in the context of increased interaction, inclusion, new competencies, professional behavior and responsibility in the learning process. The chapter considers the integration processes in the education of persons with disabilities, the implementation of inclusive educational programs, including remotely, the opportunities and prospects for them to receive higher statuses, and a general improvement in their quality of life.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, digitalization, inclusion, educational ecosystem, people with disabilities, information accessibility of education
Socio-Dispatching Activity of the School Psychological and Pedagogical Concilium Specialists in the Modern Conditions of the Development of an Inclusive Educational Process
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Sergey V. Zinin
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The state policy in the field of education poses new practical tasks, in particular, to learn how to include students with conditions that differ from the norm of health in an inclusive educational space, preserving and strengthening their health. The socio-dispatching activity of the school concilium is considered in the article as a key mechanism that ensures a decent quality of life for schoolchildren in the conditions of a protective clinical and pedagogical regime and an individual educational route. It has been practically established that teaching staff can competently navigate medical issues, take into account the special educational needs of students. Research methods. 68 referrals of students to medical specialists subscribed by the school concilium of the Moscow State Educational Institution «Secondary School No. 25 of Nizhneudinsk», whose professional work was seen to be of high importance for the educational process, were studied. The conducted research allowed us to draw the following conclusions: the effectiveness of providing social and pedagogical assistance from the school concilium specialists can reach 89.7% success rate and contribute to the formulation of new diagnoses, clarification or modification of previously given medical recommendations to students; 94.1% of constructive appeals to the health care system can subsequently have a qualitative impact on the special conditions of teaching schoolchildren. The analysis of social dispatching activities is carried out, problematic issues are raised, possible solutions are outlined. Therefore, the results of the study may be of interest to medical specialists; teachers working in the modern conditions of the implementation of Federal programs in the system of central and territorial PPCs, school conciliums, higher educational institutions; representatives of the legislature.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, special educational needs, individual educational route, social dispatching activities, psychological and pedagogical concilium (PPc), protective clinical and pedagogical regime
The Problem of Integration of Children with Disabilities in General Education Institutions
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Authors:
- Tatiana S. Minakova, Mariia N. Mishina, Elena V. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- This article presents an analysis of the problem of integration of children with disabilities in general education institutions, which they have to face in the process of their socialization and learning in new conditions, and outlines the main provisions of successful correctional and pedagogical work.
- Keywords:
- integration, inclusive education, children with disabilities, general education institutions
Relevant Questions of Provision of Voluntary Assistance for Disabled People and People with Reduced Capabilities Studying Branches of Jurisprudence in Higher Educational Institutions
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Kseniia D. Gordeeva, Aleksandr V. Nikolaev
- Work direction:
- Глава I. Педагогические аспекты обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the issues of student volunteering in the field of education for people with disabilities and the analysis of the regulatory, methodological and technical conditions for the effective functioning of inclusive education in higher educational institutions in the field of jurisprudence disciplines. The factors for creating conditions for a comfortable psychological stay of students with disabilities are determined. There are also assessments of inclusive volunteer activities by public and political figures.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, volunteers, jurisprudence disciplines
The Adapted Program as the Main Tool of Modeling the Educational Environment of Students with Disabilities in the System of Secondary Vocational Education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Authors:
- Nadezhda P. Polyakova, Olga L. Bogatyreva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- Introduction. The problems of inclusive education in the system of secondary vocational education have recently become particularly relevant due to the increasing number of students with limited health opportunities and disabilities. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find the best ways to build an educational route for students of these categories. Such an educational trajectory should not only include special conditions that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of such students, but also be aimed at mastering the professional competencies necessary for a modern competitive individual in the labor market. The main tool for implementing the inclusive model of education should be considered an adapted educational program of secondary vocational education. However, the implementation mechanism of this normative document still continues to raise many questions and difficulties. That is why this study was conducted, which involved teachers and masters of vocational training in the system of secondary vocational education, aimed at identifying the difficulties that arise in the implementation of adapted educational programs. The obtained results demonstrated the ambiguity of the current situation in the field of building and implementing an inclusive model in the system of secondary vocational education and allowed us to offer the authors possible solutions to these situations.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, teachers, students with disabilities, masters of vocational training, adapted educational program, individualized education
Designing the Activity of a Class Leader with the Parents in the Conditions of Inclusive Education
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Marina A. Kuvyrtalova, Yulia A. Tarasova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- The implementation of the concept of inclusive education in Russia determines the study of theoretical and practical aspects of this problem, in particular, in the context of the tasks facing class teachers as organizers of student teams. The inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational environment creates certain risks for its subjects. In this regard, the responsibility of the class teacher increases for creating conditions that ensure the success of each child in an inclusive class, and especially – to support families with children with disabilities. Ideas of the child's intrinsic value, the conformity of upbringing, the organization of the «childhood space» in the interaction of all its subjects are of methodological significance for the design of work with parents. The design of the activity of a class leader with the parents in the conditions of inclusive education is examined in the article.
- Keywords:
- design, inclusive education, family, parents, class teacher, subjects of inclusive educational environment
Opportunities to Optimize Social and Psychological Adaptation of Elementary School Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Elena Y. Borisova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The results of testing the model of psychological and pedagogical support for elementary school children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities who are studying in inclusive education are presented in the article. The main target groups and activities of specialists within the framework of the implementation of this model are identified, and the possibilities of using applied behavior analysis in the organization of support are determined. The importance of interaction of all subjects of the educational environment in creating the conditions necessary for successful socialization of children is updated. Research methods and materials: observation, comparison, analysis of testing the model of psychological and pedagogical support for children with intellectual disabilities. Testing was carried out on the basis of 7 educational organizations in Yoshkar-Ola and rural settlements of the Republic of Mari El. The study involved elementary school children studying in a resource class at a secondary school. Methods of assessment and schemes for identifying the level of social and psychological adaptation of elementary school children are reviewed. Research result. Positive dynamics of indicators of social and psychological adaptation could be observed. The following indicators were improved: emotional and volitional sphere, behavior in general, interaction with peers. All those components characterize the emotional and behavioral components of social competence. It is concluded that testing the model of psychological and pedagogical support for school children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities, based on the cooperation of all subjects of the educational environment, is effective and advantageous.
- Keywords:
- social adaptation, inclusive education, social competence, socialization, elementary school children with intellectual disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder
Features of the formation of interpersonal relationships in primary school students in an inclusive education
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Sofia D. Dzheiranova, Ilya N. Kolesnikov, Anna B. Kuzmina
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Современные образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- The results of an empiric study of the characteristics of interpersonal relationships in an inclusive environment in primary school children with normal and impaired development are presented in the article. The authors describe the features of the correctional development work, the methods and techniques used; features of theatrical and design activities application to optimize interpersonal relationships in an inclusive environment are considered. Based on the results of the study, the recommendations for teachers on the studied issues are proposed by the authors.
- Keywords:
- activity, inclusive education, interpersonal relationships, primary school children
The Challenge of Identifying Gifted Children With Disabilities
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Marina N. Danilova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы диагностики и выявления одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of children with disabilities in the framework of inclusive education, as well as the difficulty of identifying gifted children in this category. The types of giftedness, the features of gifted children with disabilities, the difficulties of their socialization in society, the conditions for the development of the giftedness of these children are described.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, children with disabilities, abilities, gifted children, types of giftedness
Organizational and Content Aspects of Implementation of Inclusive Education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Nadezhda P. Polyakova, Svetlana N. Silanteva, Valentina I. Trofimova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the implementation of a model of inclusive education in general education organizations and the construction of an educational route for students with disabilities. It is through the substantive and organizational sections of the adapted basic general education programmes that special conditions are created and observed to ensure that children with special needs and disabilities have equal access to quality education in general education organizations, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development and the recommendations of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions. The main aim of the study is to systematize and improve the professional competencies in supervisors and teachers – members of the working groups on the development of adapted basic general education programs of educational organizations. In order to achieve the aim of this study, the following analytical methods have been employed: retrospective analysis of scientific literature, content analysis of periodical press and proceedings of scientific conferences on the subject; as well as practical methods (including own experience of working in the fields of specialized education and advanced training). In addition, BE of FVE “Chuvash Republican Institute of Education of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia” proposed a program of advanced training “Organizational and Substantive Aspects of Inclusive Education,” based on legal, theoretical and methodological principles. The results of the conducted study show that supervisors and teachers – members of the working groups – are gaining significant practical knowledge of developing adapted basic general education programmes. It can be concluded that the planned results of the program suggest elimination of professional deficiency concerning the organizational and substantive issues of constructing an educational route for children with disabilities in conditions of inclusive education, as well as development of adapted basic general education programs of an educational organization.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, students with disabilities, adapted basic general educational program of an educational organization, individual child development program, Federal state educational standard for elementary general education of students with special needs, Federal state educational standard for the education of students with intellectual disabilities
Prerequisites for the development of a universal template of an interactive simulator for a foreign language at the University of Telecommunications
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (5)- Authors:
- Tatyana S. Ilina, Anastasiya V. Oshkina
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the need to create an interactive simulator for a foreign language at the University of Telecommunications. The advantages of such a simulator for use in classroom and out-of-class work are given. The prospects of using a universal simulator in the educational process for students and teachers of the university are identified and presented. The article describes the interrelation of various university disciplines through a universal simulator, that is, it is shown that competent application of an interactive simulator leads to the integration of disciplines, which increases the level of education.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, interactive technologies, interactive simulator, improving the quality of education, universal tool
The determination of professional competences of educational psychologists, providing support of inclusive education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (5)- Authors:
- Nikolay A. Riapisov, Alevtina G. Riapisova
- Work direction:
- Education system in Russia
- Abstract:
- The article presents the result of the work on the determination and formulation of mandatory professional competencies of the educational psychologist, providing support for an inclusive educational process, as well as indicators of their achievement. They are the target guidelines for the content of the master's program «Psychology and pedagogy of inclusive education» in the direction of training 44.04.02 Psychological and pedagogical education in the framework of the development of the approximate basic educational program of the master’s programme.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, inclusive education, support, educational psychologist, types of professional activity tasks, professional standard, indicators of achievement
Features of tolerance among schoolchildren in the context of inclusive education
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Lyudmila S. Frolova
- Work direction:
- Инклюзивное образование как ресурс создания толерантной среды
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problems of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren through a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities in conditions of inclusive education in a secondary school. The model of inclusive education is revealed, which is based on the following conviction: tolerance education among schoolchildren in an inclusive education is systematic and complex work, where the participants are teachers, children and their parents, as well as society and its relationship to such children. The difficulties arising during inclusive schooling are represented. However, there are new opportunities for inclusive education for the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation, which have a positive effect on the adaptation in society of children with disabilities, and the spiritual and moral development of healthy children.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, tolerance, children with disabilities
Formation of readiness of future teachers to professional activity in inclusive educational space
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Author:
- Marina P. Malinovskaya
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article defines the essential characteristics and structural components of the readiness of future teachers to work in the conditions of inclusion. The problem of formation of inclusive competence of students is considered in terms of the requirements of modern standards of higher education, as well as three models of formation of readiness for professional activity in an inclusive educational space. The article also shows the experience and results of activity of teachers of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University on preparation of students for work in the conditions of inclusive education are presented.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, inclusive readiness, structural components, readiness of the future teacher, work in the conditions of inclusion, models of formation