List of publications on a keyword: «гимназии»
Sozdanie uchebnykh zavedenii povyshennogo urovnia obrazovaniia: rossiiskie gimnazii v XVIII - pervoi polovine XIX v.
ProceedingUniversity humanities education in Russia: on the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor A.V. Arsentieva- Author:
- Marina N. Paravina
- Work direction:
- Проблемы преподавания истории России в современных условиях
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена истории создания гимназий в Российской империи. Автором на основании изученных источников дана характеристика начального периода существования учебных заведений нового типа.
- Keywords:
Women's gymnasiums in Russia: from the history of their formation and development
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Alexander N. Pozdnyakov
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The presented work analyzes the most important steps for the formation and development of women's gymnasium education in Russia, compares the roles of the main organizational structures in this activity, identifies areas of interaction between government authorities and the Russian public as a determining factor in achieving significant positive results.
- Keywords:
- the Department of Institutions of Empress Maria, the Ministry of Public Education, women's gymnasiums
Problemy reformirovaniia rossiiskoi srednei shkoly v publikatsiiakh kontsa XIX - nachala XX v.
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Alexander N. Pozdnyakov
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- Российская система образования являлась результатом образовательной реформы императора Александра II и последующих мероприятий в этой сфере. Особое звено в ней составляли учреждения среднего общего образования в форме гимназий и реальных училищ. К концу XIX в. все более явно стали проявляться зародившиеся в них еще в период реформационных преобразований проблемы и недостатки. Цель работы в том, чтобы рассмотреть существовавшие в исследуемый период точки зрения по вопросу о реформировании среднего образования, глубине преобразовательных процессов, их конечных результатах. Источниками исследования явились публикации конца XIX – начала XX в.
- Keywords:
The Origin and Main Trends of Education in Russia
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Tatiana K. Kirillova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the origin and main trends of education in Russia. The formation of educational institutions in the Russian state, including women's educational institutions, is considered in the historical aspect.
- Keywords:
- education, gymnasiums, women, colleges
Some Aspects of Pedagogical Education Establishment in Russia in the First Half of the XIX Century
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Alexander N. Pozdnyakov
- Work direction:
- Education Policy
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to review some aspects of pedagogical education establishment in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. The author outlines that the period of the reign of Emperor Alexander I was characterized by a large-scale educational reform, the purpose of which was to create a single multi-level education system. Its implementation required a large number of teachers. It is emphasized that the solution of the problem of training teachers for gymnasiums was entrusted to the universities. Gymnasium, in turn, had to prepare teachers for primary schools. During the study the following methods and materials were used: analysis of documentary sources, assessments on the development of Russian education, published in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. It is concluded that state structures attached great importance to the system of pedagogical education. Measures on training teachers for secondary and primary schools were taken. It is pointed out that the most important place has begun to be occupied by activities related to the training of teachers for the primary public education system. The existing system of pedagogical education was developed during the reign of Nicholas I. Its most important component was the Main Pedagogical Institute established in Saint Petersburg.
- Keywords:
- educational reform, universities, gymnasiums, pedagogical education
Development of domestic gymnasium education in the XIXth century
Book ChapterDevelopment of domestic gymnasium education in the XIXth century- Authors:
- Elena N. Solomakha, Mikhail M. Serafimov
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Abstract:
- Развитие современных гимназий происходит в процессе преодоления многих трудностей и противоречий, возникающих в ходе реформирования учебно-воспитательного процесса в новом типе образовательного учреждения. В связи с этим важно понять тот исторический опыт, который накоплен предыдущими поколениями российских педагогов. Первая и вторая глава написаны Е.Н. Соломахой, М.М. Серафимовым, третья глава – Е.Н. Соломахой. Для студентов, специалистов управления образованием и педагогов, а также для всех интересующихся данной проблематикой.
- Keywords: