List of publications on a keyword: «дизайнер»
Determining the content of professional competence of a bachelor of the profile "Applied computer science in design" based on the requirements of employers
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Tatiana V. Prokopeva, Tatyana A. Lavina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- This article defines the concept of professional competence of a bachelor's degree in "Applied Computer Science in Design". To fill the content of the components of professional competence of a graduate, the requirements of employers for specialists in the field of computer design are considered: graphic designer, web designer, UX / UI designer, combined in accordance with the component composition of professional competence - cognitive, activity and motivational. A job search site with a description of vacancies for the above positions is analyzed and the level of competition for the positions is identified. The main requirements of employers for candidates for the position are identified, which contribute to determining the content of professional competence of a bachelor's degree in the profile "Applied Computer Science in Design". Vacancy announcements for each of the design areas we selected are analyzed. The analysis allowed us to formulate requirements for applicants for the positions of graphic designer, web designer, UX / UI designer in accordance with the component composition of professional competence. The identified requirements can serve as a tool for assessing the level of acceleration of professional competence of graduates in the field of training, applied informatics, profile applied informatics in design.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, components of professional competence, bachelor's degree in "Applied Computer Science in Design", employer requirements for graduates, graphic designer, web designer, UX/UI designer
Professional'noe obrazovanie budushchego dizainera: trendy, soderzhanie, perspektivy i riski
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Daria G. Kazakova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в профессиональной школе и среднем ПО
- Abstract:
- В статье описаны организационно-педагогические условия подготовки специалиста в ПОО по специальности «Дизайн (по отраслям)», в частности дизайнера одежды, с учетом требований современных промышленных предприятий по производству модной одежды и востребованности будущих специалистов на рынке труда. Рассмотрены понятия «дизайн», «промышленный дизайнер», показана разница между художником и дизайнером, даны краткие характеристики этих понятий. Определены потребности и возможности для подготовки специалистов высокой квалификации для производств, занимающихся выпуском одежды массового потребления.
- Keywords:
Design education in creative industries as the engine of a new sector of the creative economy
ProceedingModern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice- Author:
- Viktor A. Klimenko
- Work direction:
- Роль человеческого капитала в сфере управления, экономики и предпринимательства
- Abstract:
- One of the key areas of the creative economy, which the government has been pinning serious hopes on in recent years, is the field of design. Design should not only contribute to the development of the creative potential of the population. With its help, with effective management, significant development of the country's economy as a whole is planned, including an increase in the added value of goods and services, GDP growth, and the development of the labor market. However, the field of design needs not only financial and organizational support from the state and investors. Its development is impossible without the involvement of professionally trained specialists in this process. The article provides a rationale for the importance of design education for the training of professionals in the creative sector of the economy.
- Keywords:
- creative industries, design education, designer, creative economy
Research on the creation concept of "beautiful material and skillful workmanship" in modern product design
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Authors:
- Ying dong Wu, Ariunaa Shajinbat
- Work direction:
- Вопросы культурологии
- Abstract:
- In contemporary society, product design is no longer limited to simple functional considerations, but has gradually evolved into a comprehensive discipline that integrates art, technology and humanities. As the three core elements of product design, material, aesthetics and technology play a vital role in shaping product shape, improving user experience and transmitting cultural connotation. This paper aims to deeply explore the creation concept of "material beauty and workmanship" in product design, through the analysis of Chinese traditional creation concept and pragmatic aesthetics, as well as the study of the post-industrial era and personalized consumption trend, combined with the relationship between materials, aesthetics and technology in modern product design, to explore its application value in contemporary product design. It is hoped that these studies can provide useful inspiration and reference for the development and innovation of product design field.
- Keywords:
- material beauty, technical beauty, practical beauty, design function
Portfolio design solution in the process of professional development of design students
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- Marina M. Golovanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The research is devoted to the main issues of designing the author's portfolio of students in the process of studying at the senior courses of the university and the transition to the professional activity of a designer. Under the current conditions, the portfolio is considered not only as a technology for evaluating educational results, but also as a starting point for further individual trajectory of professional growth, and a means of professional identification of design students when changing social roles during the period of graduation from higher education, and as a design object to which aesthetic and functional requirements are imposed. The study reveals the content of the main stages of project activity in the work on the designer's portfolio. As a result of the research, methodological recommendations on designing a portfolio as a design object in the process of professional development of design students of senior courses of the university were improved.
- Keywords:
- design education, design activity of design students, project solution of the designer's author's portfolio, portfolio as an object of design
The Importance of Studying Printing Technologies for Students of the Graphic Design Specialty
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- O M. Zhiliaeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- A designer with deep knowledge in the field of printing technologies can more accurately imagine the final result of his work and offer the customer better and more innovative solutions. Knowledge of printing technologies helps students to better navigate the dynamically developing graphics industry and follow new trends and technological innovations. This allows you to be one step ahead and introduce new ideas and approaches in your work, which becomes the key to a successful career in graphic design.
- Keywords:
- graphic design, designer, printing technologies, advertising technologies, advertising production, printing, printing products, packaging, label, teaching graphic students
Influence and interaction: art, design and advanced technology
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Authors:
- Tamam M. Ramazanova, Alina V. Chalaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- Covers a list of analytical and original scientific research, the result of creative activity in the field of creating innovations in costume design and communications, design and manufacturing technology of fashion industry objects; consideration of the concept of creating design products and solutions that are not only functional and comfortable, but also have deep aesthetic and cultural content. The implementation and elaboration of the designated concept is due to the fact that design and art are closely related and these large areas today are very closely intertwined, enriching each other. Design often takes inspiration from art, using its elements, techniques and ideas to create new products, services and spaces, and art, in turn, uses design methods and approaches to expand its influence and achieve greater relevance and social significance in relation to costume design on the example of the creativity of modern world designers and students of the Department of Computer Science and Design of ISOiP (branch) of DSTU in Shakhty.
- Keywords:
- design, technology, collection, artificial intelligence, fashion, collaborations, artists, designers, trend
An interdisciplinary approach to costume design
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- Larisa A. Klimova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- Based on an analysis of the available scientific and methodological literature, the chapter examines the impact of interdisciplinarity on the learning process in higher education. The results of the analysis of the curriculum of the professional educational programs of the Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch) of the Don State Technical University in the city of Shakhty in the context of interdisciplinary ties between the blocks of humaппities of a general scientific and specialized nature, propaedeutic, methodological, design and engineering disciplines are presented. Theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis were used, design methods – combinatorics, analogies, figurative-associative. The chapter shows that interdisciplinarity involves combining or integrating two or more academic disciplines into one activity, for example, in the educational process using the example of the structure of the curriculum of the 54.03.01 Design direction and the main stages of the author's design project. students of the Shakhty School of Design as an illustration of the provisions of the study.
- Keywords:
- educational program, design methods, interdisciplinary training of designers, design design
The basics of teaching propaedeutics to future designers in modern conditions
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- Vera A. Shepilova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The study reveals the specifics of teaching basic art disciplines in the junior courses of the undergraduate direction of the Design 54.03.01. Modern conditions are presented that form the sphere of professional activity of future designers. It reflects the importance of introducing students to moral, ethical and aesthetic values. Attention is focused on creating an artistic image as the fundamental principles of compositional tasks. The fundamental significance of the Propaedeutics discipline is revealed. Didactic teaching principles in the context of design education are outlined. The author's set of propaedeutics exercises is disclosed, which have increasing complexity, coordination of interdisciplinary ties and the development of the emotional sphere of students. The logic of interaction and continuity of disciplines can be traced. Features of training using computer tools and the use of neural networks in training are disclosed. The conditions for the further development of the designer in the professional field on the basis of fundamental knowledge are formulated.
- Keywords:
- information technology, artistic image, neural network, design training, composition fundamentals, moral and ethical values, aesthetic values, propaedeutic knowledge, propaedeutics, didactic principles, propaedeutic exercises, laws and means of composition, plastic plot composition, professional competencies of designer
An ecological approach is one of the priorities in teaching graphic design
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- Varvara A. Pugach
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- This chapter touches on various aspects of the ecological approach in design when teaching the basics of design activities to future graphic designers using the example of students of DSTU. The issues related to the concept of rational consumption and the possibilities of the influence of graphic design objects and personal positions of designers on solving environmental problems are considered.
- Keywords:
- ecology, graphic design, design activity of design students, ecological approach, environmental well-being, rational consumption, fundamentals of project activity
Issues of integration of the socio-cultural component into landscape design in the training of bachelor designers
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- Natalia I. Zakharova
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The presented scientific discourse examines some aspects of the integration of the sociocultural scenario into landscape design in the context of training bachelor designers. In the process of teaching bachelors in landscape design, the priority should be the increasing role of space ecology and the health-improving capabilities of the living environment. Various options for combining and interconnecting landscape design components are analyzed from the point of view of their social and cultural dominance. It is noted that in the current environmental situation, green spaces are an important factor in optimizing the development of urban areas and explore the ecological component of urban landscapes, indicating that the presence of plants stabilizes and reduces the environmental tension of the urban environment. Cultural recognition of landscape components creates a psychologically comfortable environment in the city space.
- Keywords:
- design, ecology, urban environment, sociocultural component, urban ecology, bachelor designers
Involvement of design students in the design activities of universities
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Varvara A. Pugach, Marina G. Plotnikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter discloses interrelationships of a ‘teacher – student – project activity’ system with the construction of the design concept of printed products and well-established graphic advertising images of the established higher school of design. The chapter deals with the issues of students’ practical activity during the preparation of specific printing products. The chapter presents an overview of the experimental planning of the booklet design, which is the basis for collaboration of various professional design areas, including communicative design and costume design. In the course of the research, real experience is presented and the stages of involving design students in project activities are revealed, identifying the peculiarities of presenting information and career guidance material in modern printing products, suggesting methodological recommendations. The chapter explores new aspects of information about the experience of design schools. New methods of collaborative work of ‘teacher – student – project activity’ system are shown in the chapter. The study considers the algorithm of student's work in the project activity of creating a booklet. The research results in defining improved methodological recommendations for the involvement of design students in the project activity of higher education institutions.
- Keywords:
- project activity of design students, booklet, professional culture of future designers, design education
Predstavleniia uchitelei o predmetno-prostranstvennoi srede shkoly
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Galina A. Glotova, Mariia V. Verkhoturova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- Currently, considerable attention is paid to the role of the substantive-spatial environment in the functioning of educational institutions, from preschool institutions to higher educational institutions. The aim of the exploratory study was to examine teachers' perceptions of the substantive-spatial environment of secondary school. The study was conducted by online polling in Google form using a pilot questionnaire that included questions-statements regarding various aspects of the school's substantive-spatial environment. The respondents were 39 school teachers (33 women and 6 men). When processing the results, φ*-criterium of the Fisher angular transformation was used. The results of the study showed that the teachers showed the greatest unanimity, characterizing in general their positive attitude towards design innovations at school, and equally unanimously they did not agree that the substantive-spatial environment of the school was indifferent to them; it was shown that about two-thirds of the surveyed teachers showed interest in improving various aspects of the substantive-spatial environment of the school, which made it possible to identify their preferences in the design of the school interior (living plants, places for quiet rest, color scheme, etc.); it was noted, although less common, but also found in teachers, resistance to design innovations in the school substantive-spatial environment, varying from neutral to conservative.
- Keywords:
- the substantive-spatial environment of the school, architectural and design innovations, teachers' perceptions
Osobennosti prepodavaniia distsipliny "Estestvoznanie" v tekhnikume dlia studentov neprofil'nykh napravlenii podgotovki
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Iuliia E. Briukhanova, Ekaterina N. Liubina
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в профессиональной школе и среднем ПО
- Abstract:
- Автором представлена статья, посвященная проблемам преподавания химии студентам в техникуме, для которых эта дисциплина не является профильной. Предлагаются принципы организации учебного процесса на основе единства общеобразовательного и профессионального циклов обучения, что, в свою очередь, способствует более успешному формированию профессиональных знаний и умений будущих квалифицированных рабочих.
- Keywords:
Formirovanie dizainerskogo myshleniia na urokakh tekhnologii
ProceedingDevelopment and dissemenation of best practices in the field of digital skills development in an educational organization- Author:
- Tat'iana N. Vasil'eva
- Work direction:
- Современные инновационные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье анализируются новые современные методы и формы преподавания предмета «Технология»; возможность познакомить учащихся с профессией «дизайнер» и ее видами, вызвать интерес к выбору профессии «дизайнер».
- Keywords:
Morfologicheskie pokazateli embrionov na kriticheskie periody embriogeneza v usloviiakh intoksikatsii 4-fenilpiperidinom
ProceedingFundamental and applied research for key propriety areas of bioecology and biotechnology- Authors:
- Elena I. Antonova, Svetlana V. Fedorova, Olga V. Kalinovskaia, Aleksei V. Solovev, Olga M. Kostina, Ekaterina S. Vakulova
- Work direction:
- Клеточная биология, цитология, гистология, анатомия и физиология
- Abstract:
- В работе проанализированы морфологические показатели – масса, размер тела и летальность эмбрионов, развитие которых проходило в условиях пренатальной интоксикации 4-фенилпиперидином на критические (сенситивные) периоды эмбриогенеза на организменном уровне. Определено, что значения веса и размер тела эмбрионов на критические периоды эмбриогенеза под воздействием 4-фенилпиперидина в группе с отягощенной беременностью выше, чем в контрольной группе. Так же отмечается более насыщенный красный цвет кожи и хорошо определяются в большом количестве полнокровные сосуды различного калибра.
- Keywords: