List of publications on a keyword: «factors»
Institutsional'nye bar'ery i vozmozhnosti: vliianie na razvitie sportivnoi infrastruktury i ekonomicheskii rost v promyshlennykh regionakh Rossii
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Nikita A. Zharikov, Artur E. Valeev
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы юриспруденции
- Abstract:
- The development of sports infrastructure in Russia's industrial regions faces a number of institutional barriers, including administrative obstacles, legislative restrictions, and insufficient funding. However, there are also significant opportunities associated with public-private partnerships, import substitution initiatives, and local economic development. This article analyzes the key institutional factors influencing the formation and development of sports infrastructure.
- Keywords:
- economic growth, institutional barriers, sports infrastructure, industrial regions of Russia, institutional factors
Stress resistance of teaching psychologists and pediatrics students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Anna V. Mordyk, Tatiana Y. Udalova, Zulfiia A. Aksyutina
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The importance of the problem under study is due to the identification of the specifics of stress resistance of students of professions in the “person-to-person” group using the example of future educational psychologists and pediatric students. The purpose of the study was to identify differences in the stress tolerance of students of helping professions, using the example of pediatric students and students of educational psychologists. The hypothesis was that the manifestations of stress tolerance among students of pedagogical psychologists and students of pediatrics are due to differences in the organization and content of professional training and the commonality of future professions in the field of "human-to-human" and aimed at interacting with children. Test methods were used for the study. The study involved 257 students of medical and pedagogical universities. Analysis of the results showed that the majority of students' level of resistance to stress is within the average range; significant differences were found in lack of time. The results of the study are useful for the development of pedagogical technologies for the professional training of stress-resistant specialists in helping professions.
- Keywords:
- stress, stress resistance, factors determining stress resistance, student teachers-psychologists, students-pediatrists
The essence of the crisis and factors of entrepreneurship development
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Author:
- Liliia M. Parfenchuk
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- The article explores the phenomenon of crises of entrepreneurial activity, their causes, signs and stages. Their dual nature - a threat and a stimulus for renewal - is emphasised. The article considers the system approach to analysing and managing crises, as well as the need to adapt management to changing conditions in order to increase the sustainability of business.
- Keywords:
- crisis, system approach, entrepreneurial activity, crisis management, business processes, development strategy, retrospective analysis, crisis factors
Osobennosti protsessa adaptatsii pervokursnikov meditsinskikh spetsial'nostei k obucheniiu v vuze
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Elena V. Rusina, Ekaterina G. Kniazeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- The paper presents the results of the study of the problem of adaptation of first-year students of medical specialties to learning at a university, reveals the importance of the problem of insufficient psychological and theoretical preparedness for study and motivation to receive a vast amount of information, relations within educational teams, as well as between students and teaching staff at the initial stage of training. The main factors affecting adaptation are considered.
- Keywords:
- motivation, problems, adaptation, innovations, adaptation measures, medical specialties, factors affecting adaptation, first-year students
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Ilia S. Fedotov
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the theoretical foundations and practical approaches to the prevention of addictive behaviors in adolescents. Special attention is paid to the analysis of factors contributing to the formation of addictive behavior, as well as the development of comprehensive prevention programs aimed at the harmonious development of a teenager's personality, strengthening his social skills and increasing the level of psychological stability.
- Keywords:
- educational programs, psychology, adolescents, prevention, emotional stability, social factors, addictive behavior
Factors causing crisis situations in business entities
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Author:
- Liliia M. Parfenchuk
- Work direction:
- Проблемы и перспективы развития малого бизнеса
- Abstract:
- The article examines economic theories about the emergence of crisis states of business entities. The scientific works of famous economists - theorists are analyzed, on the basis of which conclusions are made about the causes of internal and factors of the emergence of crisis situations and an algorithm for identifying the causes of the emergence of a crisis of entrepreneurial entities is compiled.
- Keywords:
- crisis, algorithm, business entities, cyclicality, internal factors, reasons
Ecosystem approach in transport infrastructure projects as a basis for classification of factors affecting their economic efficiency
Book ChapterPrinciples of building a new ecosystem: Economic, legal and social aspects- Author:
- Mikhail S. Malov
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The results of the application of ecosystem connectivity in research on the management of infrastructure projects in the transport sector are presented based on management theories and energy management theories. Given the understanding of the project ecosystem, its tasks are defined within the framework of different approaches to understanding the project life cycle. The purpose of the study is to determine the list of economic subjects of the project (stakeholders) and factors influencing the economic efficiency of infrastructure projects in the transport industry. The results obtained have scientific novelty and can be used to enrich the theory of project management, as well as practical significance for organizations – project developers and other interested parties.
- Keywords:
- economic efficiency, quality management, economic factors, ecosystem, transport infrastructure projects
Risks in the managerial activity of the head
Book ChapterPrinciples of building a new ecosystem: Economic, legal and social aspects- Author:
- Vladimir B. Kvasov
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the specifics of the managerial activity of the head, methods of identifying adverse aspects affecting the effectiveness of such. The specifics of the stabilization of the work of the team as a result of the implementation of administrative forms and methods, both internal and external. The author presents a number of predicted results in the implementation of the application of a set of administrative resources.
- Keywords:
- team, managerial activity, administrative activity, head, factors influencing management
The functioning of innovative enterprises, their essence and content
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Aleksandra O. Verenikina
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- Modern trends in the development of the world economy «force» the enterprises of the Russian Federation to look for new ways to activate their production capacities. The core of this revitalization is innovation activity. Innovations permeate all types of society's activities and are the main factor and incentive for the development and competitiveness of the country. The Russian economy has a high innovation potential, but the level of application of this potential and mastering of innovation processes is still not high enough. Innovation management is perceived by many specialists with distrust, which makes it difficult to choose a development path for the growth of innovation activity. In enterprises focused on the creation and implementation of innovations, this problem is very relevant. The study of the essence of innovative enterprises, the peculiarities of their functioning will improve the quality of their management, and, consequently, will increase the level of economic development.
- Keywords:
- innovations, innovative enterprises, development factors, functioning, development conditions
Assessment of the competitive position of a transport and logistics company in the market of freight forwarding services
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Aleksandr S. Shpak
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The problem of ensuring the company's competitive position in the market of transport and forwarding services is being updated by assessing external and internal factors for various models of the transport services market. Based on a competition analysis matrix for market segments of similar transport services, an assessment is made of the competitive position of a transport and logistics company operating in the Far Eastern Federal District.
- Keywords:
- competitive position of the company, transport and logistics company, transport services market models, criteria for assessing external and internal factors, competitor analysis matrix
The content of the training of mixed pairs, taking into account the factors of successful development of acrobatic supports in rhythmic gymnastics
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Liudmila G. Pimenova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- Currently, the international movement follows the principle of reaching athletes without gender differences, and both men and women should be involved in all sports. In this regard, recently the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics has been actively promoting new directions in rhythmic gymnastics, one of which is working in mixed pairs. This is a rather spectacular direction, the content of the competitive compositions of which includes both objects from women's rhythmic gymnastics (hoop, ball) and from men's (hoop, gymnastic stick). A distinctive feature of this direction is the use of complex supports, throwing objects and acrobatic elements. A distinctive feature of the competitive activity of this sport is the demonstration of the best male and female qualities and abilities. And all this is embodied in a single compositional solution. This requires an appropriate approach to training athletes. For example, acrobatic elements in women's disciplines are different: mostly on the floor and in isolation, and men are not ready to simultaneously interact with a partner and simultaneously demonstrate mastery of the subject, which allows them to demonstrate a completely different level of coordination complexity. In this combination, male and female skills are shown together. For men it is strength, endurance, for women it is plasticity, lightness, virtuosity of possession of an object. As a rule, the partners in sports pairs have good classical training in rhythmic gymnastics in an individual program. As partners, with an insufficiently developed structure of departments of sports schools that have been working in this direction for a long time, they attract athletes from other sports - gymnastics, competitive acrobatics, martial arts. Thus, the problems of this study are due to the presence of the following contradictions: on the one hand, there is a global trend towards the active involvement of men in artistic gymnastics, on the other hand, the lack of training technologies in rhythmic gymnastics that ensure the formation of the skills of athletes of mixed pairs, taking into account gender differences; On the other hand, there is a wide variety of interactions through acrobatic supports in mixed pairs, which allow to increase the technical value and entertainment of competitive programs, on the other hand, there is a lack of knowledge about the factors of successful development of acrobatic supports by athletes of mixed pairs in rhythmic gymnastics.
- Keywords:
- rhythmic gymnastics, mixed pairs, activity specifics, acrobatic supports, compatibility factors
Analysis of the current system for ensuring sustainable development of the Chuvash Republic
ProceedingSustainable Development of Russian Regions in the Age of Transformation Processes- Authors:
- Irina N. Urusova, Nataliia V. Berezina
- Work direction:
- Управление устойчивым развитием региона на основе формирования экосистемы ESG
- Abstract:
- It has been established that the paradigm of sustainable regional development is a process occurring over time, consisting of a sequence of positive changes that entail an increase in the harmony and balance of the social, economic and environmental aspects of such development, and aimed at solving problems that exist within the life of the regions. The sustainable development of the region is considered from the perspective of a systems approach, as a result of which it is concluded that the definition of “sustainable development of the region” is directly related to such a key property inherent in any socio-economic systems as the preservation of organizational and functional integrity under the influence of external and internal negative factors.
- Keywords:
- sustainable development, region, socio-economic development, external and internal factors
Coaching as an Effective Method for Developing the Professional Motivation of Young Teachers
ProceedingCoaching and mentoring: theory and practice- Authors:
- Anna S. Stepanova, Daria A. Tikhomirova, Daniil I. Turkenich
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- This article explores the potential of using coaching to enhance the motivation of young teachers. The authors conducted a sociological study using a survey method to examine the impact of coaching on teachers' motivation, self-development, and professional satisfaction. The results of the study demonstrate that coaching can be an effective method for boosting teachers' motivation.
- Keywords:
- motivation, education, teachers, motivation factors, self-development, self-organization, effectiveness, coaching, professional satisfaction, demotivation
Assessment of the attractiveness of the region, taking into account its agricultural specialization and ways to improve it
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Andrei A. Frolov
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the problem of assessing and increasing the region's attractiveness to ensure the country's development in modern conditions. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that, despite significant investment in many components of the socio-economic regional system, the level of population density in the territories of agricultural area of specialisation remains low. One of the reasons is the insufficient attractiveness of the region. The purpose of the study is to clarify the concept of " region's attractiveness", to identify and selectively assess the factors that determine it. The peculiarity of the methodology is the use of comparative analysis. Based on the materials of the Oryol Oblast, we have analysed the indicators of the main attractors in the block "attractiveness for the population". It was revealed that a relatively low level of population density is explained by low indicators of attractiveness. At the same time, the presence of favourable factors should be noted.
- Keywords:
- attractors, the region's attractiveness, attractiveness for the population, attraction factors, density index, territorial and industrial economic system, TIES, agricultural specialisation, Oryol Oblast
Sotsial'no-psikhologicheskie faktory v fizicheskom vospitanii studentov
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Elena S. Aivazova, Iurii A. Gorchaniuk, Elena N. Dorofeeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- This chapter studies a complex interaction of socio-psychological factors in the context of students' physical education. Recognising the central importance of both social and psychological aspects, the work considers how these factors influence students' engagement, motivation and general well-being during physical education. Based on multidisciplinary frameworks, the authors use qualitative and quantitative techniques to analyse the multifaceted influence of social and psychological factors on students' attitudes, performance and predilection for physical activity. The outcomes obtained make a valuable contribution to educational practice by highlighting the importance of individual strategies that take into account socio-psychological dynamics to increase the impact of physical education programmes.
- Keywords:
- motivation, physical education, educational practices, physical activity, student engagement, socio-psychological factors, multidisciplinary frameworks, educational strategies
The impact of geopolitical factors on company value
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Authors:
- Leonid R. Nikulin, Natalia S. Semina, Daria I. Nazarova, Iuliia S. Tsertseil
- Work direction:
- Анализ и прогнозирование основных тенденций современной экономики на макро-, мезо- и микроуровне
- Abstract:
- In order to understand the influence of geopolitical factors on the value of the company the value of PJSC Sberbank will be estimated using dividend discount model and earning multiplier and after that compared with values of JPMorgan Chase and HSBC banks which will be calculated using same methods in order to estimate the discount that Russian bank will have in comparison with American and British banks that are supposed to have zero discount since those countries are considered as the most stable and economically developed in the world thus it makes sense to calculate discount rate based on their prices. Also, a regression model which will analyze factors that can affect the price of stocks of those banks will be considered, and if the results for Russian and Western banks are too different, it becomes possible to estimate the error (discount) which is applied when pricing Russian assets.
- Keywords:
- company valuation, geopolitical factors, dividend discount model, earning multiplier, corporate finance
Meropriiatiia po sovershenstvovaniiu obespecheniia finansovoi bezopasnosti Rossii
Book ChapterEconomics and Law: problems, strategy, monitoring- Author:
- Zarina A. Ailarova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The scope of security discussed in the chapter is an actual subject of research by scientists, specialists in economics and finance, government managers, political scientists, sociologists and the like. The interest in security in scientific research is a relatively new direction and is due to the actualization of the problems of the preservation and development of the individual, citizen, society, state, nation and civilization as a whole.
- Keywords:
- financial security, competitiveness of the national economy, threats to the financial system, the state of the balance of payments, security factors
Reputation management as a marketing asset of the university.
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Valeriia V. Kamennova
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The reputation of the university is a key marketing asset that can attract talented teachers and students, improve the quality of education and research, and also lead to an increase in financial resources. Managing this indicator should become a priority for all managers who strive to achieve high results and maintain leadership in the global educational environment. The article discusses the concepts and the main factors affecting the reputation of the university. The ways to improve the reputation of the university are presented.
- Keywords:
- concept, efficiency, factors, reputation, ways to improve the image of the university, marketing assets, PR communications, highly qualified personnel, evaluation of activities
Occupational and environmental factors affect semen quality: how exposure to mechanical viberation impacts reproductive indices
ProceedingFundamental and applied research for key propriety areas of bioecology and biotechnology- Author:
- Abobakr M. Khussein
- Work direction:
- Биомедицинские технологии и биоинформатика
- Abstract:
- It is well known that sperm is a unique cell with a function to be done by itself outside the body and this function is second to none for species’ continuity. The sperm mission of reaching the ova and is affected by both chemical and physical factors influence its ability to survive, move and fertilize the ova. Vibration as an environmental external physical stressor that affect semen viscosity and accordingly semen velocity, is reported to be prevalent among drivers occupied in industrial jobs whose inability to produce natural sperm compared to other occupation will be reviewed in this paper. We will also review the effects of mechanical vibrations with a special attention to shaking semen samples in assisted reproductive technologies in vitro. The effects of whole body exposure to vibrations on reproductive indices will also be investigated.
- Keywords:
- environmental factors, whole body vibration, sperm motility, car drivers, sperm activation in vitro
Analysis and forecasting of socio-economic development of the Rostov region
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Authors:
- Anastasiia A. Antonova, Galina S. Shelkopliasova
- Work direction:
- Анализ и прогнозирование основных тенденций современной экономики на макро-, мезо- и микроуровне
- Abstract:
- The article examines the essence of the socio-economic development of the Rostov region and the influence of factors on it. The analysis of the dynamics of the region's development over three years has been carried out. The forecast of the growth of socio-economic development of the Rostov region is made taking into account the recommendations of the regional government.
- Keywords:
- analysis, factors, socio-economic development, forecast, Rostov region, level
Classification of threats to the economic security of an enterprise and ways to prevent them
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Authors:
- Igor' N. Samoilov, Marianna V. Aliabeva
- Work direction:
- Угрозы экономической безопасности и пути их преодоления
- Abstract:
- At present, in the current situation, it is very important to strengthen and increase the level of economic security of the state and enterprises as a condition for their stable state and functioning. For this, an important component is the monitoring of threats and the continuous improvement of measures to prevent destabilizing factors of threats to economic security.
- Keywords:
- economics, competitiveness, economic security, enterprise, threats to economic security, security of the economy, destructive factors, classification of threats, threats to the economic security of an enterprise
Family Interaction as a Socio-Psychological Factor of Personality Formation
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Margarita I. Savina, Olga G. Smirnova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The chapter considers the family as one of the primary institutions involved in the process of personality formation. In the family, the child learns patterns of behavior, values and norms that he carries into adulthood. Among the factors of personality formation, parental upbringing and intergenerational ties can be noted. The younger generation adopts the experience of their grandparents, this contributes to their socialization. The author turns to the study, the results of which show that "significant family member" is a concept that reveals the presence of a person in the respondent's life, his role and participation. The basic changes in one way or another have been embodied in new phenomena that determine the value of the modern family.
- Keywords:
- personality, family, factors of personality formation, family transformation
ProceedingDays of Student Science- Authors:
- Anastasiia I. Korneeva, Iuliia V. Pavlova
- Work direction:
- Актуальные проблемы менеджмента в России и за рубежом
- Abstract:
- In this paper, a study of the principles of ESG was carried out from the point of view of their implementation in the corporate governance system. To do this, the paper analyzes the ESG criteria by which it is possible to evaluate the company's activities in three areas: environmental, social and corporate governance. In the course of the study, we came to the conclusion about the importance of introducing ESG principles into the corporate governance system, about the active discussion in the scientific community of the issues of their further existence, the introduction of ESG principles into the company's management system from top to bottom, the dependence of the introduction of ESG principles into the corporate governance system on the industry and type activities.
- Keywords:
- management system, ESG factors, environmental factors, social factors, corporate governance
Kontseptual'naia model' vzaimosviazei innovatsionnogo razvitiia i konkurentosposobnosti rossiiskikh predpriiatii
Book ChapterStrategies of Sustainable Development: External-economic, Law and Social Aspects- Author:
- Olga O. Iovleva
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- In the materials of the section of the monograph, a model of innovative development of enterprises is formed, according to which the existence of stable links between the competitiveness of products, the competitiveness of the enterprise (at the level of order availability) and the direction of innovative development for changes in the competitiveness of products is proved. This cycle «competitiveness – innovative development – competitiveness» has a different nature and the level of significance of the links between individual private parameters in different industries, but the stability of reproduction of the entire cycle has been proven for all branches of Russian industry.
- Keywords:
- technological innovations, enterprise competitiveness, innovative development, product competitiveness, competitiveness factors, product innovations, radical innovations, incremental innovations
Specifics of a Virtual Business as an Object of Valuation: Special Value Factors and Risks
Book ChapterThe Influence of Creative Industries on the Russian Economy: Service, Hospitality, Advertising and Others- Author:
- Oleg I. Filimonov
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The development of the electronic economy, due to the widespread use of information and communication technologies, and the emergence of new specific types of virtual business operating on the Internet, require a revision of the theoretical and methodological concepts traditionally used in the analysis and evaluation of a typical business. Therefore, the study of a virtual business as an object of valuation is quite relevant, since it has special value factors and risks associated with the specifics of this business. Particular attention is paid to such a representative of a virtual business as advertising exchange, since it is important to take into account the specific factors and risks of this type of electronic commerce when conducting a valuation, which is a promising goal of the author in his further research.
- Keywords:
- risks, virtual business, advertising exchange, object of valuation, value factors, life cycle