List of publications on a keyword: «Other»
Analysis of cinematic images and their psychocorrectional meanings
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Svetlana A. Solovyova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- Cinema, as one of the most influential forms of art, has a significant impact on the formation of human perception, emotional state and behavior. This article examines the phenomenon of the cinematic image as a complex artistic structure capable of performing not only an aesthetic, but also a psychocorrectional function. The research is aimed at identifying the mechanisms of the impact of cinematic images on the psychoemotional state of the viewer and analyzing their potential use in the framework of psychotherapeutic practice.
- Keywords:
- empathy, reflection, art therapy, psychocorrection, cinematography, identification, projection, psycho-emotional state, cinematic image, emotional impact, psychotherapy, catharsis, behavior modeling, film therapy, archetypes
Problems of harmonious functioning of the modern Russian family
ProceedingPsychology of Personal Interaction in Modern Society- Authors:
- Liliia V. Bogutskaia, Larisa V. Reiner
- Work direction:
- Актуальные проблемы современной социальной психологии и психологии семьи
- Abstract:
- The article examines the difficulties in the formation of a modern Russian family in connection with the inharmonious building of a family system based on the centralization of maternal, paternal or child components.
- Keywords:
- motherhood, family, childhood, fatherhood, family system
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Anna S. Shashkova, Aleksandr I. Denishchik
- Work direction:
- Гражданское и семейное право
- Abstract:
- The article examines topical issues of legal regulation of reproductive technology - surrogacy, draws attention to the imbalance of the rights of potential parents and the rights of a surrogate mother in relation to a child, emphasizes the problem of unjustified infringement of the rights of potential parents and elevation in the rights of a surrogate mother. The conducted research allowed the authors to formulate proposals aimed at improving the current legislation, which, it seems, will contribute to ensuring a balance of the rights and interests of participants in surrogacy programs, as well as the realization of the best interests of the child.
- Keywords:
- surrogacy, reproductive technologies, potential (biological) parents, surrogate mother, parents' entry in the birth record book
ProceedingPsychology today: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Angelina E. Nosova, Iuliia V. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Психология семьи и детско-родительских отношений
- Abstract:
- This article examines such a psychological phenomenon as motherhood in the modern world. With the help of a theoretical analysis of existing research on this topic, the author has identified the main approaches and factors shaping motherhood in modern women.
- Keywords:
- motherhood, psychology, upbringing, modern world, phenomenon
Problems of motherhood and childhood in Chuvashia during the Great Patriotic War: according to the documents of the State Historical Archive of the Chuvash Republic
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- I I. Boiko, Galina V. Ertmakova, Nataliia I. Tolstova
- Work direction:
- Роль архивов, музеев и библиотек в формировании представлений о Великой Отечественной войне
- Abstract:
- The problems of everyday life during the Great Patriotic War have not been sufficiently studied as well as by historians of Chuvashia. Using the example of the analysis of documents from the GIA of the Chuvash Republic, attention is drawn to subjects related to motherhood and childhood, including medical care for pregnant women and young mothers, the organization of kindergartens and nurseries, assistance to mothers with many children and pregnant women. The work with child homelessness and neglect is shown.
- Keywords:
- motherhood and childhood, the Chuvash Republic, the Great Patriotic War, everyday life
Organizatsiia raboty po formirovaniiu gotovnosti k vypolneniiu materinskikh funktsii u studentok vuza
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical in High School- Author:
- Inna V. Illarionova
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- A higher educational institution, being an important institution for the development of society, ensures the full implementation of targeted psychological and pedagogical influence on students in matters of the formation of a system of values, knowledge, skills, and targeted development of individual personality traits. Modern approaches of researchers note the importance of determining the readiness to perform maternal functions in the younger generation and carrying out a set of activities that enrich students with knowledge about motherhood and child rearing. The purpose of the work is to determine the pedagogical aspects of the organization of work on the formation of readiness to perform maternal functions among girls in higher education institutions. The study emphasizes the importance of carrying out work in this direction, notes the leading role of psychological disciplines, namely the organization of classroom work, consisting of lectures and practical classes, extracurricular activities and independent work of students. A special role in the work with students on the formation of the maternal principle is given to the use of the educational potential of social partners (representatives of the healthcare system and museums).
- Keywords:
- motherhood, independent work, readiness to perform maternal functions, students of higher education, psychological disciplines, classroom work
Use of museum resources in forming readiness to perform material functions in higher school students (by the example of the Chuvash Republic)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 2- Author:
- Inna V. Illarionova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of formation of readiness to perform maternal functions among students of a higher educational institution. The purpose of the work is to consider the role and possibilities of museums in solving this problem. The material for the study was the content of events held on the basis of the National Museum of the city of Cheboksary, namely tutor workshops. Based on the use of methods of theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, as well as systematization and generalization of work experience, the pedagogical potential of the Chuvash National Museum in the formation of readiness to perform maternal functions among students was revealed. The article emphasizes the importance of carrying out work in this direction, notes the leading role of museums in solving the problem of forming constructive maternal behavior in girls. The museum is considered as an educational center designed to implement the process of transferring cultural norms and experience of generations that are in demand in society at a certain stage of its functioning. The article describes the experience of introducing the tutor workshop “Motherhood” into the work of the national museum. The conclusions emphasize the importance of involving students in the work of a tutor workshop aimed at forming a value attitude towards motherhood.
- Keywords:
- motherhood, maternal behavior, readiness to perform maternal functions, higher school students, educational activities, tutor workshop
Reflection of the problems of the digital age in cinematic reflection: the image of the Double
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Anastasia S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Социальная философия
- Abstract:
- The article attempts to consider the relationship between the Self and the Double through the prism of modern cinema, which, being an integral part of the culture of the digital age, esthetically reveals the problem of the duality of the human Self. On the example of the film "The Enemy" by D. Villeneuve, we observe the process of splitting the subject, the meeting of a person with his double. It is assumed that digitalization makes it possible to consider the Cartesian conclusion about doubt in a new way. Doubt is an indicator of a failure in the measured existence of a person, causing a double to come to life, while the double, in turn, doubts you, emphasizing the presence of yourself and you, who gave birth to him. “I think, therefore, my twins exist” is a thesis that characterizes the modern digital reality in which a person resides due to the constant alienation of a part of his Self, his self-consciousness into virtuality.
- Keywords:
- double, Other, cinematography, mirror, doubt
Features of the Application of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Methods in the Work of a Psychologist With Adolescents
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 2- Author:
- Svetlana G. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the using of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy methods in the work of a psychologist with adolescents. Based on the analysis of literary sources devoted to the development of mental activity, emotional sphere, behavioral characteristics of adolescents, the use of methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is reasoned and justified. The purpose of the study is to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions for using the method of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, psychoconditioning and psychocorrective work with adolescents. The following research methods were used in this work: analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, study of the resources of educational Internet portals, materials of scientific and practical conferences and forums. As a result of the study, the following features of psychosocial development of children in adolescence, their connection with mental activity, emotions and behavior were identified, effective diagnostic methods and techniques, techniques for tracking automatic thoughts and images, techniques for changing dysfunctional beliefs (role-playing, cognitive conceptualization, etc.) were clarified. The methods of work proposed in the article can be used in the organization of preventive, counseling and correctional work with adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders, with low educational motivation, problems in the personal, emotional sphere and socialization. From what has been said, the conclusion suggests that an important condition for psychotherapy and correction of adolescents is the work on changing dis-functional beliefs, automatic thoughts, negative emotional states, destructive behavior in adolescents. In our opinion, it is the methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy that contribute to the resolution of age-related problems of adolescents: they will help to cope with stress, anxiety, increase self-esteem, improve relationships with peers and adults.
- Keywords:
- behavior, emotions, adolescence, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, thoughts, dysfunctional thinking, deep beliefs, intermediate beliefs, automatic thoughts, cognitive conceptualization
Victory of friendship and brotherhood
Theses of ReportPsychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region- Authors:
- Amanbibi Klycheva, Ogulbeg Ovezova, Miakhridzhamal Mommyeva
- Work direction:
- Specificity of Professional Activity of Psychological and Pedagogic Stuff in the Educational System
- Abstract:
- Turkmenistan during the years of the Great Patriotic war. Relief of the working people of Turkmenistan to front. Turkmenistan supported considerable assistance to the population liberated from the fascist’s occupation. In the first days of the war in Turkmenistan were satisfied applications of three thousand volunteers. Two cavalry divisions and 87 and 88 rifle battalions formed and sent to the front. 78 Turkmen warriors were awarded the rank of the hero of the Soviet Union and 15 soldiers were awarded Order of Fame of the third degree. Methods of the research were the materials of the collection of documents of the Great Patriotic war. Turkmenistan has made worthy contribution to the Victory over fascism as well as other peoples lived in the USSR.
- Keywords:
- the Great Patriotic War, Turkmen working people, relief to front, Defense Fund, Turkmen soldiers, the Turkmen Heroes of the Soviet Union, friendship and brotherhood of people, victory
Russian Orthodox Churches in Birlya and Taburnoe Villages of the Ulyanovsk Oblast
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Authors:
- Evgeniy A. Burdin, Kirill V. Safin
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article reflects the results of research on the topic «History and cultural heritage of the settlements of the Ulyanovsk region." The subject of the research is the history of the St. Michael the Archangel's Church and the Kazan-Mother of God church in the villages of Birlya and Taburnoe (now belonging to Melekessky district of the Ulyanovsk region). The purpose of the article is to identify the most important periods of the above-mentioned churches from the end of the 19-th century to the 1950-s, to establish the composition of the clergy, and the educational work of the clergy among the population. Analysis of unpublished documents from the Central State Archives of the Samara Region allowed to establish: the ethnic composition of the settlements, socio-economic status of inhabitants, reasons and patterns of migration of the local population; the foundation and liquidation dates of the churches, facts of life of church ministers and parish; statistical data on the economic structure of the clergy. The Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk and Kazan-Mother of God churches in the villages of Birlya and Taburnoye are lost monuments of the Orthodox cultural heritage. Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk and Kazan-Mother of God churches were built, respectively, at the end of the 19th century. and destroyed in the first half of the 1950-s. in connection with the construction of the Kuibyshev hydroelectric power station, and their location is flooded by a reservoir.
- Keywords:
- Birlya, the Kazan-Mother of God church, the St, Michael the Archangel's Church, the Orthodox Church
An educational space within the College of Arts as a welcoming enviroment to instill patriotism in youth
ProceedingPedagogical Activity of an Educational Organization – The Space of Personal Growth of Participants in Educational Relations- Authors:
- Irina F. Zimina, Svetlana S. Novgorodtseva
- Work direction:
- Патриотические и духовно-нравственные национальные аспекты воспитания детей и молодежи
- Abstract:
- This article is about difficulties of instilling patriotic values in youth in educational institutions. It also provides insight into understanding the importance of giving a sense of patriotism at the state level. Nizhny Tagil College of Arts is an example of how young people can come to share patriotic ideals. The article might be interesting to all those who deliver education at Art and Culture institutions
- Keywords:
- patriotism, instill patriotism, set of values, law about education in Russian Federation, civil consciousness, motherland, a concert, a festival, artistic creation, Nizhny Tagil College of Arts
The Influence of Hippotherapy on the Psychocorrection of Emotional States of Adolescents
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Authors:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova, Anton A. Pechnikov
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- Introduction. The article shows the relevance of the theoretical and practical study of the influence of hippotherapy on the psychocorrection of emotional states of adolescents. It is hypothesized that the use of hippotherapy classes for the purpose of psychocorrection of emotional states in adolescents will have a regulating effect on the emotional sphere of adolescents and eliminate negative emotional patterns of behavior. Materials and methods of research. The article presents the results of a study on the use of hippotherapy classes for the purpose of psychocorrection of emotional states in adolescents, which have a regulating effect on the emotional sphere of adolescents and eliminate negative emotional patterns of behavior. The stages and a set of psychological techniques are described. The results of the study revealed in most of the adolescents the presence of an increased level of aggressiveness, unwillingness or inability to restrain outbursts of aggression towards others, a moderate level of situational anxiety and a low level of personal anxiety, only half of the subjects are characterized by a pronounced degree of the Index of positive emotions, etc. After completing the course of hippotherapy, the study showed a positive trend in the indicators of emotional states of adolescents: a statistically significant decrease in the level of aggressiveness, a decrease in the level of situational anxiety, a decrease in the level of depressive states, a positive trend in the indicators of emotional states. The results of the study allow us to conclude that hippotherapy can become a justified and effective way to the psychological and emotional health of the individual.
- Keywords:
- aggressiveness, depressiveness, anxiety, psychocorrection, emotional states, emotionality, hippotherapy
The Image of Witch in the Documents of the Salem Witch-Trial
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Leionis A. Van Khaaske
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Anthropology and Folkloristics
- Abstract:
- The article attempts to reconstruct the image of a witch based on the interrogation records of those accused of witchcraft during the Salem trial (Massachusetts, North America, 1692) and related materials. The subject of research is the phenomenon of prosecution on those accused of witchcraft. The source base are the records of the Salem process, transcribed and published in 1977, as well as a number of documentary testimonies of witnesses, speaking from a puritanical viewpoint. The article examines the features of the mythological worldview of traditional society, dictated by the belief in supernatural influence (witchcraft). After analyzing the interrogation records of the first accused during this trial and considering a number of their biographical data, the author comes to the conclusion that the situation demonstrated by this trial is paradoxical: in fact, arbitrary people are subjected to persecution, and the reconstruction of the image of a witch that could underlie such accusations, does not seem possible. The author's conclusions are essential for the study of both the phenomenon of witch-trials and the mentality of traditional society. This article was conducted from an imagological perspective relevant to modern social studies.
- Keywords:
- witch-trial, the image of a witch, fear of the supernatural, the Other, puritan mentality, mythological worldview, spectral evidence, colonial America
Features of Ideas of Young Women About "Ideal Man", "Ideal Spouse"
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Tatiana I. Kuchina, Tatiana S. Moroz
- Work direction:
- Семейные перспективы человека в изменяющемся мире
- Abstract:
- Resume: the article analyzes features of ideas of young girls about "ideal spouse", "ideal man" given images are compared. It is pointed out that the images aren't distinguished. The images are extremely idealized, de-individualized, schematic, but not mismatched; masculinized. It is explained by the gender stereotypes and inability to see and to understand "another".
- Keywords:
- youth, gender stereotypes, an ideal man, an ideal husband, another
Constitutional Consolidation of Family Values in the Russian Federation
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Elizaveta G. Tronina
- Work direction:
- Teching of family values: partnership of family, school and society
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the issues of constitutional and legal regulation of the family institution, which ensures the continuity of generations, natural repro-duction and harmonious transformation of social experience, historical and cultural traditions in modern conditions. The author emphasizes the special role of constitutional guarantees of support for family values with their determining influence on the formation of a fully developed humanistic personality, harmonious spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical development of the child. The article defines the special significance of the constitutional norms established as a result of changes approved at the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020 on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation for strengthening the institution of marriage and family relations and raising the status of the family as the basis of society. The author comes to the conclusion that the Constitution as the fundamental law of the state establishes the basic traditional values of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, support and protection of which is essential to the preservation and re-production of the multinational people of Russia, a continuous change of genera-tions and the harmonious development of the whole society and the state.
- Keywords:
- motherhood, family, tradition, family values, Constitution, father-hood, childhood, marriage and family relations
Social and Psychological Aspects of the Theme of Motherhood and Childhood in the Soviet Poster in the Years of the Great Patriotic War and the First Post-war Years
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Irina M. Kryuchkova
- Work direction:
- Teching of family values: partnership of family, school and society
- Abstract:
- Soviet social advertising aimed at solving problems that do not lose their relevance in modern conditions are examined in the article. The issues of social protection of motherhood and childhood might be considered as such. The Great Patriotic War and post-war informative posters are analysed in the article. The work notes that during The Great Patriotic War the soldiers of Red Army were called upon for the protection of their loved ones and the government promised to support their families, yet during post-war period the topics of orphanage prevention, woman's professional self-fulfillment, peace time rearranging and erection of social welfare state became relevant.
- Keywords:
- social psychology, family, social protection, social advertising, poster, motherhood and childhood, World War II
Formation of the Notion of Maternity in Student Girls of Pedagogical Special Fields
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Nadezhda A. Kormnova
- Work direction:
- Teching of family values: partnership of family, school and society
- Abstract:
- The article examines the phenomenon of motherhood and the change in attitudes towards it among young women in the context of the transformation of family values in modern society. Based on the concept of the role structure of parent-child interaction and the results of the empirical study, the author analyzes the problems of gender identity of modern female students, the peculiarities of their reproductive attitudes, attitudes towards their future parental roles and expectations in relation to their future child.
- Keywords:
- motherhood, gender identity, parent-child expectations, reproductive attitudes
Directions and Tasks of Media Psychology in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Mariia V. Zhizhina
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Медико-социальные аспекты в образовании и психологии
- Abstract:
- Three main areas of media psychology are analyzed: media analysis, media education, and media therapy in the crisis conditions of the pandemic. Today, media psychology faces a number of completely new, unexplored problems and practice-oriented tasks in a radically changing media environment, including in conditions of social distancing. Thus, the author emphasizes the increased practical significance of using the psychotherapeutic potential of the media in order to reduce and minimize the negative effects not only of the mass media itself, but also of the consequences of crisis situations.
- Keywords:
- personality, media education, media psychology, media security, media psychotherapy
School Museum as an educational space
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Evgeniia N. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и ДО
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the organization of school museums in the aksubayevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Against the background of attempts to correspond historical events in Ukraine, the countries of the near and far abroad, the issue of preserving the historical memory of the current and future generations of our country is acute. The school Museum becomes an excellent alternative to the usual history lesson, the work of students in the school Museum is of a research nature, develops patriotism, love for their small homeland, their country.
- Keywords:
- education, history, research, museum, patriotism, school, local history, alternative lesson, small Motherland
Maslenitsa in the Historiography of Socio-Cultural Activities
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Vladimir M. Riabkov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of "Maslenitsa" in the historiography of social and cultural activities. It is noted that "Maslenitsa" as a national holiday appeared before the baptism of Russia. The author emphasizes that the study of the historiography of the holiday is of undoubted interest, both for scientists and practitioners of the leisure sphere, since such research is conducted for the first time. The purpose of the research is to reveal how historians, ethnographers, and folklorists studied Maslenitsa in various periods of Russian history. The author's task was to show the structure of Maslenitsa, the organization of its holding and numerous leisure forms of its holding, as well as to show through numerous studies how each day of Maslenitsa was celebrated. Methods. Various sources (monographs, articles, dissertations) that reveal the content and conduct of Maslenitsa in various historical periods are used in the study. The article provides a historiographical analysis of the national holiday "Maslenitsa". The author points out that at present the historiography of social and cultural activities, as a branch of pedagogical science, has become an independent section of research on a par with the history and theory of social and cultural activities. It is emphasized that the study of forms of holiday and entertainment culture in the history of socio-cultural activities is one of the directions of historiography in socio-cultural activities. Historiography of socio-cultural activity in its scientific development makes the first independent steps. The scientific novelty of this research is undeniable. Based on the fundamental historiographical material, the author shows the emergence of the "Maslenitsa", its structure, organization and conduct. In the article each day of the holiday and entertainment ways for its conduct are defined. Keywords: Maslenitsa, historiography, sociocultural activities, meeting, zaigryshi, lakomka, shirokij Chetverg, mother-in-law’s evening, sister in law’s gatherings, Sorry and Forgive day, holiday, holiday and entertainment culture, leisure.
- Keywords:
- holiday, leisure, Maslenitsa, historiography, sociocultural activities, meeting, zaigryshi, lakomka, shirokij Chetverg, mother-in-law’s evening, sister in law’s gatherings, Sorry and Forgive day, holiday and entertainment culture
Obriad "Provodov dushi" u mordvy Povolzh'ia v seredine XIX - nachale XXI vv.
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: Current Issues- Author:
- Liubov N. Shchankina
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- On the basis of field researches, forwarding data of middle XX century made and collected by V.N. Belitser, stored in the archive of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Science, as well as the analysis of published information made by culture researchers, the rites of the Mordvins associated with funerals and existed in the middle of the XIX – beginning of XXI century are examined. It is revealed that the funeral and memorial rites of the ethnic group are a synthesis of pre-Christian beliefs of the Mordvins with Christian ones. The changes that occurred in the funeral ceremonies of the Mordvins after adoption of Christianity, during the years of Soviet regime and over the past decades are described. As a result of the study, it was found that the funeral rites on the 40th day of the Mordvins, the Mokshas and the Erzi were largely identical; the differences were more regional than ethnic.
- Keywords:
- Volga region, the Mordvins, funeral rites, soul, ancestor worship, sacrifices, funeral food, the other world
To the question about teaching the chuvash language
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Author:
- V I. Ignateva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- This article highlights the main principles that should be the basis of learning the Chuvash language in educational institutions with a multinational composition of students in accordance with Federal state educational standards. Special attention is paid to the linguocultural principle of teaching the Chuvash language. Under linguistic and cultural learning refers to the students master the basics of the national culture, the ability to analyze texts containing linguistic and cultural material, the absorption value of vocabulary. The author comes to the conclusion that language teaching is unthinkable without familiarizing students with the history and culture of the Chuvash people.
- Keywords:
- speech, communication, Chuvash language, mother tongue, second language, principles
Analysis of misuse of parts of speech in English writing by Chinese English learners
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Authors:
- Xiaole Liu, Xijiang Li
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- This paper analyzes from the point of view of a negative transfer of the native language the misuses of parts of speech by Chinese students in a letter in English; the authors also find out the main causes of misunderstandings. Based on the research and analysis two preliminary proposals are made in order to help Chinese people avoid such kinds of errors. The authors point out that both teachers and students should pay enough attention to this kind of mistake and apply correct and effective methods to teach and learn the English language.
- Keywords:
- English writing, misuse of parts of speech, mother tongue negative transfer
Technology of strengthening of the institution of the family on the basis of institutions of the state support of the childhood
ProceedingTrends in the education development: teacher, educational organization, society – 2018- Authors:
- Elena A. Baier, Mariia V. Zaluzhnaia, Marina V. Zaiarnaia
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- In the submitted article the praktiko-focused approach in the conditions of the new social order of public authorities of the power in the field of education, through strengthening of the institution of the family reveals: motherhood, the childhood, paternity on the basis of institutions of the state support of the childhood. The transformations of conceptual and standard and legal character defining priorities of state policy in the sphere of education of children taking into account requirements of society of formation of readiness for a responsible roditelstvo for modern Russian society are opened.
- Keywords:
- the state, family responsible the parent, motherhood, the childhood, paternity, research activity, the organization for orphan children