List of publications on a keyword: «MMA»
The Continuous tence forms of the English language in the cognitive-semiotic aspect
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 4- Authors:
- Elena E. Chikina, Elena D. Arabey
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The article offers a cognitive-semiotic analysis of English Continuous tense forms. The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal form of Continuous tenses which are considered as grammatical phraseological units. By describing the cognitive phraseosemantic modelling of ‘conceptual complexes’ through grammar means the authors endeavour to define and formulate basic cognitive-semiotic features of English Continuous tense forms. As a result it is concluded that the general cognitive model of the Continuous tenses actualises the discursive identity between the Actant-Subject and the Actant-predicate noun expressed by the gerund of the meaningful verb. This model expresses the semantics of a confined action developing in a limited spatio-temporal frame without a rigid attachment to the temporal markers of the beginning and end of the action. Different Continuous tenses show different positions of the observing subject in relation to the time of action, as well as modifications of the basic cognitive model of Continuous. For Present Continuous and Past Continuous, the specificity of their discourse syntagmatics is that the position of the observing subject differs. Future Continuous is characterised by a modified model of Actant-Subject and Actant- predicate noun identity, which develops an additional cognitive parameter. In this case the paradigmatic dependence of the predicate noun on the subject of an statement is observed. The paper also considers the cognitive model of the construction to be going to + infinitive as a special case of the cognitive model of Continuous.
- Keywords:
- English language, tense, semiotics, continuous tense, grammatical phraseological unit, internal form, cognitive-semiotic model
Osobennosti raboty s professional'noi inoiazychnoi leksikoi pri obuchenii magistrantov tekhnicheskikh napravlenii podgotovki v vuze
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Kseniia V. Kulemina, Olesia V. Fedorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The lexical approach is the most widespread method used in teaching a foreign language nowadays. The key principles of lexical approach are emphasized in the chapter. In connection with the variety of opinions about the use of this method, the authors analyze the positive and perceived negative aspects of the approach. The important issues that teachers face in their classes with undergraduate students of technical specialities in the university are analyzed. The main rules for preparing and conducting classes with undergraduate students are suggested. On the basis of the conducted research a set of exercises of different types aimed at the development of professional vocabulary and lexical competence in general was developed. The results, which have been tested in the groups of undergraduate students are described and analyzed and their effectiveness has been proved.
- Keywords:
- motivation, educational environment, lexical approach, chanks, grammaticalized lexis, professional foreign vocabulary, communicative
The use of interactive gaming technologies in teaching Russian to younger students
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Authors:
- Kamilia R. Gimaletdinova, Anna S. Vasileva
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article explores the use of interactive game-based technologies in teaching Russian to elementary school students. It examines the theoretical foundations and practical application of game-based methods for developing students' lexical and grammatical skills. The results of a pedagogical experiment, aimed at comparing the effectiveness of traditional and game-based teaching approaches, are presented. Based on the data obtained, it is demonstrated that game-based technologies enhance motivation, improve material retention, and foster children's communicative abilities. Practical recommendations for incorporating game-based technologies into the educational process are provided.
- Keywords:
- motivation, elementary school students, pedagogical experiment, interactive game technologies, Russian language teaching, lexical skills, grammatical skills, communicative abilities
Training Foreign Students in the Use Of Reflexive Verbs of the Russian Language in Speech: the Specifics of this Category and Paying Attention to Features
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Lilliia G. Petrova, Anna V. Elfimova, Sofia A. Chumakova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter considers the verb as the nuclear center of the grammar of the Russian language. Particular attention is paid to reflexive verbs, the method of their selection for study by foreign students. This is due to the fact that Russian reflexive verbs are part of speech, which is a certain difficulty for foreigners to study. The authors believe that studying the semantics and functioning of the Russian-language reflexive verb, as well as developing ways to teach foreign students how to use it in speech, it is important to focus on its position in the Russian dictionary system, the functions of phrasal organization of speech and text. It is necessary to pay attention to the complexity and relationship of grammatical categories, which are the form, tense, methods of verbal action in close adhesion with lexical meanings of verbs. An attempt is made to systematize the reflexive verbs selected for study, grouping them by topics in a more concise form.
- Keywords:
- Training, foreign students, Russian as a foreign language, grammar, reflexive verb
Features of the development of the morphological side of speech in older children with general speech underdevelopment
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Authors:
- Zhanna I. Tarakanova, Oksana I. Kokoreva
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the development of morphological speech in older children with speech disorders. The text highlights current methods for identifying the level of development of morphological speech in children with ONR. An experimental study of this problem is considered.
- Keywords:
- general underdevelopment of speech, senior preschool age, grammatical structure
Syntactic analysis in Russian: methods and applications
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Daria I. Kaverina
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- This article provides an overview of the methods of syntactic analysis in the Russian language and their application. The main approaches to syntactic analysis, including morphological analysis, grammatical analysis, as well as their relationship with other linguistic aspects, are considered. Special attention is paid to the application of syntactic analysis in various fields such as computational linguistics, machine translation, natural language processing and linguistic research.
- Keywords:
- application, Russian language, methods, syntactic analysis, morphological analysis, grammatical analysis, computational linguistics, machine translation
The concept of different types and forms of speech
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Arina I. Kamenchuk
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- Speech, both in Russian and in speech psychology, has not lost its relevance over a long history. Speech was given the highest importance as writers, speech therapists, as well as contemporaries of psychology. This article will consider the concepts of different types and forms of speech, as well as the concept and content of oral and written speech. The features and distinctive features are revealed.
- Keywords:
- speech, psychology, Russian language, written speech, grammar, oral speech
Grammatical Arrangement of Terms as a Way of Codifying Production Technology and Ways of Their Translation From Russian Into English: Practical Recommendations for Students of the Profile «Translation and Translation Studies»
Short CommunicationDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 4- Authors:
- Yuliya E. Chekharova, Valeriya M. Lemskaya, Olga G. Kazak
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- When selecting equivalent and adequate translation solutions in transferring industrial terminology in the Russian & English language pair, attention is normally focused on rendering lexical units that make up the term. Grammatical features of terminological units are established, however, considered a characteristic of the original language, which in the target language can be subject to translation transformations. Nevertheless, grammatical arrangement of terms can be used to codify production technology is overlooked. Accordingly, translation of terminology should reflect selection of adequate equivalents not only in terms of language correspondences, but also account for reflecting the encoded technology by the term. To test this hypothesis we used the continuous sampling method. Terms of Siberian the cosmetic & food industry were selected in Russian texts, their equivalents were identified in parallel English texts, a structural and semantic analysis of the terms in the original language was carried out, translation transformations applied in the translation were established, the degree of adequacy in the transfer of the encoded production technology in the target language was identified. The established results are recommended to be used in practical translation disciplines of the «Translation and Translation Studies» profile, as well as in the development of the Theory of Translation courses.
- Keywords:
- industry terminology, grammatical features of terms, translation training
Формирование «спортивного стиля жизни» студентов за счет популяризации в вузах смешанных единоборств
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Vladislav M. Maksimenko, Spartak G. Aleksandrov
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- The article considers the possibility of establishing a "sports lifestyle" for university students by popularizing mixed martial arts among them.
- Keywords:
- physical education, sports, university students, MMA, mixed martial arts, "sports lifestyle
Study the Effects of Differentiated Instruction on English Grammar Teaching in Ethiopia
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 3- Authors:
- Yirgalem G. Melka, Italo B. Jatta
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the current study was to explore the effects of differentiated instruction, a neglected instructional practice in the Ethiopia in the EFL class in the contemporary diverse classroom situations. To achieve this purpose, the study adopted the quasi-experimental study design and randomly selected two intact classes consisting of 84 grade 12 students (CG:43, EG:41) and pre-tested to prove the comparability of the students’ grammar learning achievement. Relevant quantitative data were gathered using an English grammar learning achievement test. The intervention lasted for 12 consecutive weeks from October 2022 through early January 2022. The experimental group was taught using flexible grouping, tiered instructions, scaffolding techniques, and anchored activities as differentiated instructional strategies while the control group was taught English grammar following the one-size-fits-all conventional approach that hardly addresses or neglects students’ diverse learning needs. This group was taught a similar language focus using only textbook-provided activities. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS, version 24 software. Confirming the normality of the quantitative data, the independent t-test and dependent t-test were used in analyzing the pre-test and post-test data, but the qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. The findings of the study indicated that the overall mean gains for the experimental group significantly differed from the corresponding comparison group’s post-test test mean gains. The within-group comparison also showed that the post-test results of the experimental group were significantly different from the pretest results. The calculated effect size for the dependent t-test and independent t-tests were found to be moderate and large. The effect size for the treatment group exposed to differentiated instructions revealed meaningful improvement in the students’ English grammar learning. In light of the main results, the study concluded that DI significantly improved students’ English grammar learning achievement. Accordingly, the study suggested that differentiated instruction should be integrated into the regular EFL class to promote students’ learning.
- Keywords:
- differentiated instruction, instructional strategies, one-size-fits-all approach, English grammar, English grammar learning achievement
Features of Teaching Grammatical Material to Foreign Students Taking into Account the Characteristics of the Intermediary Language (Using the Example of Verbs with the Semantics of Reflexivity)
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Lilliia G. Petrova, Natalia N. Shevchenko, Anna V. Elfimova
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the category of verbs with reflexive meaning, draws analogies with similar verbs in some foreign languages, raises the problem of using an intermediary language when presenting grammatical material to foreign students, provides a comparative characteristic of verbal units with reflexive meaning in English and Russian, justifies the expediency of teaching foreign English-speaking students reflexive verbs of the Russian language on the basis of comparative analysis. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that the systematic analysis of didactic materials, submitted on the basis of comparison and comparison of reflexive verbal units with their correspondences or analogues in other languages, helps to create the necessary algorithms for task complexes aimed at teaching foreigners grammar of Russian as a foreign language not only in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher, but also with online learning on various educational platforms, both in remote mode and in the mode of independent work.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, teaching, comparative analysis, Russian as a foreign language, phraseological units, grammar, verbal units with reflexive meaning
Didactic Aspects in Professional Teaching English on the Material of Research and Technical Discourse
ProceedingDays of Student Science- Authors:
- Oksana G. Amirova, Angelina P. Kostiuchenko
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- The authors consider the main linguistic features of the scientific and technical discourse and approaches to the scientific and methodological support of teaching the main types of speech activity in English in the oil and gas industry.
- Keywords:
- scientific and technical discourse, communicative teaching methods, grammar and translation teaching methods
ProceedingDays of Student Science- Author:
- Svetlana F. Barannik
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- Language is the main means of communication between people. There are many different languages in the world and each language has its own distinctive features. The science that studies languages is called linguistics. Like any other science, linguistics has its own problems in the field and prospects for development. This article describes numerous problems of linguistics and suggests ways to solve them.
- Keywords:
- language, linguistics, means of communication, linguist, grammar, linguistic ideas
Formation and development of foreign language grammatical competence of technical university students with the help of Padlet Internet service
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Olga M. Riabtseva
- Work direction:
- Цифровая трансформация образования
- Abstract:
- The author of the article analyzes the didactic and technical possibilities of using Padlet Internet service to organize students' independent work in the study of grammar topic "Vorgangspassiv". The author concludes that Padlet Internet service is the effective tool for forming and developing foreign language grammar competence and increasing students' motivation for learning a foreign language. Online service Padlet allows the teacher to clearly structure the material, connect other digital tools, makes the work of students transparent. The use of this work format corresponds to the ideas of differentiated approach in learning, allows you to implement in practice the principles of personal orientation and autonomy of students, allows students to get a guaranteed positive result.
- Keywords:
- information and communication technologies, foreign language grammatical competence, Padlet Internet service, interactive exercises
The Opposition of the Definite/Indefinite Past Tensein the Kyrgyz Language: the Semantic Effects of the Translation of Chingiz Aitmatov Story “The White Ship”
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Begaiym A. Altynbekova
- Work direction:
- Languages of the Nations of the World
- Abstract:
- The article considers the category of time as a phenomenon of language and literary text based on the story of Chingiz Aitmatov "The White Ship". The interest to the category of time is caused by the asymmetry of the semantics of time in the Russian and Kyrgyz languages in the works of Aitmatov, which plays an important role in the translation of the text from Russian into Kyrgyz. The purpose of the study is to analyze the functions of the past tense, especially the past definite/indefinite in the Kyrgyz version of the story. The analysis is based on the onomasiological approach. The results of the analysis are summarized as follows. In the Russian and Kyrgyz languages, when expressing the grammatical category of time, there is a structural and semantic discrepancy between the forms of past and future tense. But in both versions of the story the past tense lies at the central place. On the one hand, this is due to the non–subjection of the future to human nature, on the other hand, to respect for the past of ancestors as an experience that warns the next generation against mistakes. In the Kyrgyz version of the story, thanks to the various forms of the past tense, the translator was able to vividly convey the whole range of emotions of the boy when it came to the Mother Deer, and the translator was also able to show the importance of the ancestors for the boy.
- Keywords:
- Russian language, translation, artistic bilingualism, Kyrgyz language, grammatical category of time, artistic time continuum
Osobennosti govorov sela Chernolesskoe Novoselitskogo raiona Stavropol'skogo kraia
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Viktoriia A. Serguntsova, Elizaveta A. Antropova, Elena A. Babenko
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the dialect features of the dialect of the village of Chernolesky Novoselitsky district of Stavropol Krai. Phonetic, lexical and grammatical features of the dialect inherent in the district are revealed.
- Keywords:
- phonetic dialectisms, lexical dialectisms, grammatical dialectisms, dialects, dialect of the village of Chernolesky
Formation of Punctuation and Syntactic Literacy at the Russian Language Lesson (Tasks 2, 3 of the Main State Exam in Russian)
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Natalia S. Iurskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The author considers the difficulties of students in performing examination tasks 2 and 3 in the Russian language of the main state exam. The methodological recommendations for teaching punctuation and syntactic analysis are also shown in the article.
- Keywords:
- students, grammatical basis, punctuation marks, punctuation analysis, sentence, punctuation skills, syntactic analysis, syntactic units
Adaptatsiia metodiki prepodavaniia inoiazychnoi grammatiki k usloviiam onlain-obucheniia
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education- Authors:
- Svetlana E. Rakhmankulova, Robert A. Kuzmin
- Work direction:
- Chapter 7
- Abstract:
- This paper presents the results of a study aimed at revealing specific features of teaching a foreign language and, in particular its grammar, online (via a video conference) as compared with off-line training. By analyzing works on the problem, evaluating the teaching experience, studying the data of a student survey (open-ended questions type) and the data of previous similar surveys, we reveal positive and negative aspects of online foreign language classes. Next, we suggest ways to eliminate or diminish the disadvantages of online learning and ways to use its advantages in teaching foreign grammar. The adaptation of a grammar teaching methodology to the «online» mode is presented as a revision of ways (forms, techniques, tools) to present and master the material. The teacher is to take into account the psychological difficulties of online learning, while following the general didactic principles and preserving the content of the methodology.
- Keywords:
- online learning, EFL teaching, interactive learning, a cognitive linguistics model of teaching foreign grammar
Peculiarities of using Future Continuous in the modern English language
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Olga N. Selezneva
- Work direction:
- Филология
- Abstract:
- The article raises the question of the ambiguous grammatical status of the means expressing the future tense. The author of the article analyzes the Future Continuous form, its grammatical status and expressed lexical meaning. The article assumes that unlike other continual forms of the English verb tenses system, the main meaning of which is the expression of an action’s duration or a process, the main function of Future Continuous is to designate neutral future actions.
- Keywords:
- Future Continuous, means of expressing, the future tense, grammatical status, duration, neutral future
Analytical Forms of the Verb as a Structural Feature of the Grammar of the Chuvash Language
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Eduard E. Lebedev
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Research of Chuvash Language and Culture of Chuvashia
- Abstract:
- The study is devoted to the consideration of the analytical forms of the verb in the Chuvash language and the issue of their inclusion in the system of grammatical categories along with synthetic forms. The work was carried out on the material of samples of Chuvash fiction using the functional-semantic method. The article presents a brief history of the study of this issue both in general in Turkic studies and in Chuvash linguistics. The author emphasizes that the existing undefined status of such combinations in the grammars of the Chuvash and other Turkic languages does not contribute to an adequate description of the corresponding forms and categories. Due to the fact that one of the components of analytical forms completely or partially loses its nominative meaning, while acquiring an official grammatical meaning, they have not become the subject of detailed study in the syntax section. But in morphology, they are also not studied to the proper extent due to the fact that more than one word is formally present in such combinations. The author believes that when applying the functional-semantic approach to the study of such combinations, it becomes clear that functionally these forms do not differ from synthetic forms and should be the subject of description at the morphological level. The conclusions of the research are supported by examples of specific analytical forms and are as follows: these forms are an integral part and structural feature of the Chuvash language grammar. As a prospect for further research, we can name a detailed study of the functional and semantic component of the analytical forms of the verb and the development of their classification.
- Keywords:
- analytical forms, mode of action, grammatical categories of the verb, auxiliary verbs, gerunds
Tekhnologii vizualizatsii informatsii v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Nadezhda O. Buzina, Irina L. Belova
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- The article covers issues related to the specifics of teaching students design activities using various information visualization technologies, examines the role of various means of information transmission, pays attention to the concept of "visual culture", focuses on the role of infographics as an effective way to visualize information, reveals the essence of such technologies for visualizing educational content as scribing presentation, infographics.
- Keywords:
- visual culture, visualization, pictography, infographics, mind map, video content, scribe presentation, infographic summary
Methodological Typology of Grammar Content of German as a Minor Language With English as a Major Language
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Authors:
- Elena P. Glumova, Valeria A. Sukhareva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article under consideration addresses problems of teaching grammar (with German as a minor language and English as a major language) in modern Russian schools. Method of research. In order to solve the problems, the authors propose a methodological typology of the content of teaching grammar in 5th grade with English as a major language on the basis of training and methodology complex “Horisonte”, taking into account the difficulties in mastering grammatical material. This typology was created using the following methods: analysis (during looking for the content), synthesis (at the stage of creating a grammatical typology of the German based on English) and forming of hypotheses (in results of the research). Result of the research. As a result of grammatical typology, the grammatical units for the 5th grade in “Spotlight” Student’s book are divided into three unequal groups. This fact simplifies the perception of the material by pupils during the intensification of the educational process and helps to build the educational process so that both languages studied by pupils are mastered at the proper level and using an intercultural approach. Conclusions. The importance of the research lies in forming system of German as a minor language for learning it in Russian schools and in the even distribution of power and time while teaching German as a minor language.
- Keywords:
- methodology, German as a minor language, English as a major language, training and methodology complex “Horisonte”, methodological typology, grammar content, secondary school, typology
Corruption crimes in Russia
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 2- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Igor V. Stepanov, Evgenii G. Khorkov
- Work direction:
- Логистика, экономическая безопасность
- Abstract:
- In work authors comprehensively study the crimes of corruption orientation committed in the territory of the Russian Federation, and also the question of the conditions generating this type of crime and methods of fight against them at the level of Executive and legislative power is considered
- Keywords:
- law enforcement agencies, corruption crimes, anti-corruption activities, confiscation of property, legal awareness, unity of command, bribery