List of publications on a keyword: «awareness»
Коучинговое присутствие и/или коучинговая позиция. Постановка проблемы
ProceedingCoaching and mentoring: theory and practice- Authors:
- Чернигова Светлана Владимировна, Tatiana I. Kosiaeva
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- Целью статьи является обоснование важности различия «коучингового присутствия» и «коучинговой позиции» для практики коучингового взаимодействия на основе анализа того, как эти понятия используются в профессиональном сообществе. В рамках пилотажного исследования использованы качественные методы: включенное наблюдение, качественный контент-анализ и фокусированные интервью. В исследовании были получены следующие результаты: - что в профессиональном сообществе нет единого понимания феномина и понятий коучингового присутствия и коучинговой позиции, - некоторые коучинговые школы и коучи используют понятие коучингового присутствия и коучинговой позиции как синонимы, - некоторые коучи сфокусированы только на вырабатывании коучинговой позиции и удерживании ее в сессиях, - ряд коучинговых школ рекомендует использовать диссоциативность для коучинговой позиции...
- Keywords:
- empathy, awareness, coaching presence, coaching position, subject-subject interaction, inner space, presence
Festival' kak innovatsionnaia forma ekologicheskogo prosveshcheniia na primere semeinogo ekofestivalia "Artluga" (Nizhegorodskaia oblast')
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Aleksei B. Groza, Liubov A. Bakhtiurina
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- The chapter considers the problem of formation of ecological culture of citizens, analyzes the effectiveness of the ecological festival as an innovative method of environmental education. In the course of the work, sociological methods (surveys, reviews, interviewing), analysis of statistical data were used. The success of the annual ecological family festival «ArtLuga», held in Artemovsk meadows on the banks of the Volga River, is presented. Examples of filling the events of the festival held in 2024, «ArtLuga – Dawn», are given. The chapter can be used as a small guide that gives vectors for thinking through a festival of this format with an ecological and educational bias.
- Keywords:
- environmental education, environmental awareness, ecofestival, Artemivskie meadows
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Nadezhda V. Semenova, Elena I. Antonova, Andrei V. Nikitin, Sergei G. Filippov
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономическое развитие общества
- Abstract:
- The issues concerning environmental aspects of students' behavior are considered. The data on indicators of pro-environmental behavior of students of a regional university are obtained. Different types of attitudes toward environmental problems of modern times among girls and boys are revealed. The work shows the variability of awareness of environmental problems and students' involvement in pro-environmental initiatives. The authors conclude that it is necessary to create a system for the formation of sustainable pro-environmental behavior taking into account factors of the educational environment.
- Keywords:
- students, environmental awareness, pro-environmental behavior, environmental concern, environmental culture
Features of the structural components of self-awareness in children aged 5-6 years in the aspect of parent-child relationships
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 4- Author:
- Olga N. Bykova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- This article presents the results of an experimental study devoted to the study of the features of the structural components of self-awareness in children aged 5–6 years in the aspect of child-parent relationships. Addressing the designated issue is associated with the presence of significant deformations in the system of child-parent relationships recorded in recent decades in modern families, which negatively affect the personal development of the younger generation. Particularly significant in this issue is the preschool period, when the fundamental foundations of the child's personality are formed, first of all, the ability to realize his or her Self. At the same time, despite the increased relevance of the designated problem, it can be stated that it has not been finally resolved. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the structural components of self-awareness in children aged 5–6 years in the aspect of child-parent relationships. The research methods are theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the research problem, ascertaining experiment, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained data, methods of their interpretation. Results of the study: during the experimental study, the hypothesis was confirmed that the features of the structural components of self-awareness in children aged 5–6 years in the aspect of parent-child relationships are as follows: harmonious relationships between parents and a child in the family contribute to the formation of a higher level of the "I-image", a claim to recognition, a sense of gender identity, a sense of oneself in time, an understanding of one’s rights and responsibilities compared to disharmonious ones.
- Keywords:
- personality, senior preschool children, self-awareness, parent-child relationships
"Map" or "territory": knowledge in the digitalisation of primary education
ProceedingPrimary education in the new reality: trends of development, current problems, best practices- Author:
- Anastasia S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- The digitalisation of primary education is generating ethical paradoxes related to the clash between the values inherent in the digital world and the ethical and humanistic principles underlying any educational process. This clash manifests itself in the form of axiological risks, shedding light on the complex ethical landscape of digital education. This article focuses on one such risk - the risk of losing the value of knowledge. It describes the process of mutation of the concept of "knowledge" in modern conditions with reference to the concept of simulacra proposed by the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard.
- Keywords:
- knowledge, primary education, awareness, Value, axiological risk
Rol' gosudarstvenno-patrioticheskogo vospitaniia v formirovanii professional'nogo pravosoznaniia iuristov
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Valentina G. Balkovaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the problems of formation of professional sense of justice of lawyers, that receiving education in the system of departmental universities. There is a tendency to reduce the overall level of culture and to increase infantilism, the existence of gaps in the moral consciousness of a significant part of young people. These factors have a negative impact on the formation of professional legal awareness of the law enforcement system’s future employees. A particularly disturbing tendency is the crisis of the national identity of this part of the youth, since law enforcement officers, at the time of their professional duties, act on behalf of the state. As a means of overcoming these negative aspects, a system of state-patriotic education is proposed, designed to develop a sense of national pride and professional responsibility.
- Keywords:
- legal education, sense of justice, professional legal awareness, state-patriotic education, military-patriotic education
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Anna N. Kuznetsova, Fiodor I. Sobianin
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The authors characterize the totality of means, understood by the technique of dialogue communication and divided into verbal and non-verbal, consisting of ways of organizing the text and techniques of non-verbal presentation of the text in the context of a training lesson, in the formation of a reasoned answer in the International PISA study. The authors present the need for the formation of communicative competence through interactive learning through reading literacy, which is necessary in the international program for assessing the educational achievements of students, created by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development The authors provide an analysis and substantiate the results of the analysis of the PISA International Program for the Assessment of Competencies in Reading Literacy, which reflects the level of formation of the speech competence of communicative, aimed at forming the correct speech of middle-level students of general education schools, as future s
- Keywords:
- competence, awareness, communicative technique, conversational speaking technique, verbal and non-verbal technology
Cross-Cultural Communication Issues of Educating Bicultural Students
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: Current Trends- Authors:
- Valeriia P. Osadchaia, Olga L. Ivanova, Elizaveta I. Getman
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the importance of incorporating of a foreign culture learning, acquiring cross-cultural communication and cultural awareness skills in a foreign language teaching. The authors point out that teaching culture in foreign language teaching context should include cultural knowledge, cultural values, cultural skills and behavior. The author also emphasize that attitudes to teaching culture in the process of foreign language teaching involve, on the one side, considering teaching culture as teaching the fifth language skill along with speaking, listening, reading and writing, implying teaching cultural sensitivity and cultural awareness or the behavior in certain cultural situations, and on the other side, regarding language as social practice being defined by culture in which culture becomes the core of language teaching with cultural awareness viewed as enabling language proficiency. Cultural awareness is the foundation of communication; it helps to understand cultural values, beliefs, and perceptions of the other culture. Training of both bilingual and bicultural students at higher educational institutions is of primary significance. Intercultural awareness presumes a number of skills, improving students’ native culture and other cultures’ awareness and understanding. The authors come to the conclusion that intercultural awareness skills imply overcoming misinterpretations and accepting differences.
- Keywords:
- cross-cultural communication, intercultural competence, cultural awareness, verbal and body language, bilingual and bicultural students, global graduates
Statics and Dynamics of Ethnic Autostereotypes of Uzbek Youth (On the Experience of a Fifteen-Year Historical Cross-Section)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Pulat S. Ergashev
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The comparative results of the 15-year study on stereotypical associations regarding the ethnonym “Uzbeks” among uzbek youth are presented in the article. Methods. The main components of the content of the ethnic autostereotype of uzbek youth at the beginning of our century (2003–2005) and today are revealed by the method of associative experiment. Comparative analysis of the results of the association experiment in the context of 15 years showed a significant increase in the role of “personal traits” in the characteristics of their ethnic group, as opposed to a sharp reduction in the share of traditional activities and their products. Results. It is pointed out that despite the fact that the concepts related to national clothing retain their leading positions (for example “tyubeteika”, “atlas”, etc.) and objects of national life (“lagan”, “tandyr” etc.), the strengthening of ethnic self-perception through the historical prism and geographical features was recorded, which may be a consequence of active educational work, which focusing on historical achievements and the special geostrategic position of the country. It is concluded that the results obtained can be a sign of noticeable shifts in the national consciousness of uzbek youth, which are manifested in the shift of attention from the external attributes of the traditional way of life of the ethnic group to the internal composition of these formal features.
- Keywords:
- ethnic group, ethnic self-awareness, ethnic identification, ethnic autostereotypes, associative experiment, evolution of stereotypes, historical cross-sections
Metody i strategii osoznaniia tsennostnykh orientatsii obuchaemykh i vyiavlenie ikh prioritetov v ramkakh obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Zina S. Koldasbaeva, Ryskeldy A. Ajkenova, Meruert S. Betkenova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- This article focuses on the students' value orientations, modernized in the context of globalization; the necessity of a conscious approach development to the values of society, to their choice and the conscious expression of a subjective attitude towards them is noted. Purpose of the article is to receive the information about the students' value orientations as well as develop methods of values awareness and master them. Applied methods: modeling, reflection method, estimated categorization, interiorization. Results of the research: the students' value orientations were clarified, methods of their conscious choice were proposed, the attention was focused on values for the students' spiritual development. Conclusion: for the conscious choice of values and the manifestation of a positive or negative attitude towards them, one should have an idea of their structure.
- Keywords:
- reflection, frame, value orientations, awareness, modeling method, categorization, evaluation
Corruption crimes in Russia
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 2- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Igor V. Stepanov, Evgenii G. Khorkov
- Work direction:
- Логистика, экономическая безопасность
- Abstract:
- In work authors comprehensively study the crimes of corruption orientation committed in the territory of the Russian Federation, and also the question of the conditions generating this type of crime and methods of fight against them at the level of Executive and legislative power is considered
- Keywords:
- law enforcement agencies, corruption crimes, anti-corruption activities, confiscation of property, legal awareness, unity of command, bribery