Pravovaia kul'tura budushchikh uchitelei

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-113972
Open Access
Monograph «Questions of Education and Psychology»
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Monograph «Questions of Education and Psychology»
Taalaigul E. Temirkanova 1
Work direction:
Глава 2
Received: 25 October 2024

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1 Bishkek State University named after K. Karasayev
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The chapter is devoted to the analysis of legal culture as an integral component of the training of future teachers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of the legal culture of future teachers, identify gaps in legal education in pedagogical universities and develop recommendations for improving the legal training of future teachers. The chapter examined the main components of legal culture, analyzed existing approaches to its formation and proposed ways to improve them, which will create a more effective legal basis for the successful professional activity of future teachers.


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  5. 5. Рыспаева Ч.К. Компетентностный подход в развитии мотивации студентов педагогического направления / Ч.К. Рыспаева // ALATOO ACADEMIC STUDIES. – 2023. – №1. – С. 143–152. – DOI 10.17015/aas.2023.231.15. – EDN HDBTMB
  6. 6. Хуторской А.В. Ключевые компетенции как компонент личностно ориентированной парадигмы образования / А.В. Хуторской // Народное образование. – 2013. – №2. – С. 58–64.
  7. 7. Шайдуров А.А. Проблемы развития правовой культуры будущих учителей / А.А. Шайдуров. – Екатеринбург, 2002.


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