Nadezhda G. Markova

Place of work

the Nizhnekamsk Pedagogical College
Full member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences of the Russian Federation, doctor of pedagogic sciences, associate professor

Author's articles(2)

Dialog kul'tur kak faktor regulirovaniia mezhnatsional'nykh otnoshenii v polikul'turnom prostranstve



в работе отмечено, что процесс формирования культуры межнациональных отношений важен не только с точки зрения поддержания мира и согласия между народами, но и в целях обеспечения поступательного развития и взаимного обогащения всех национальных культур, конструктивного межнационального взаимодействия. Полноценное межнациональное общение между людьми, принадлежащими к разным культурам и цивилизациям, невозможно без знания обычаев и норм поведения, без этнокультурных знаний.

Teacher’s personality – an indicator of successful educational route of a child’s development



due to the progress in science and technology and the changing character of social relationships contemporary polycultural society makes increasingly high demands on the personality of a primary school teacher, his professionalism, competences and personal qualities. The author points out that the aim of education is personal, cognitive, polycultural development of students providing such key competence as the ability to learn. Universal learning activities formed by the teacher at each stage of the class, their properties and quality determine the effectiveness of the educational process, in...