Iuliia I. Platonova

Author's articles(2)

Razvitie sotsial'nogo obrazovaniia: sovremennye podkhody k napolneniiu programm



the article analyzes the development of social education, the existing curricula of the social work direction with a detailed list of subjects and an assessment of the content of the programs. Based on the analysis of the existing structure of personnel training for the social sphere, promising areas for the development of the social education system are identified.

Formation and Development of an Educational Ecosystem for People with Disabilities



the chapter of the monograph is devoted to the consideration of the prospects for building educational ecosystems for people with disabilities. New requirements for the system of education of persons with disabilities in modern conditions have been determined, directions for the development of digitalization in education have been identified. The author analyzes new reserves in the training of people with disabilities to understand this historical time, systemic activity in the context of increased interaction, inclusion, new competencies, professional behavior and responsibility in the learni...