Evgeniia V. Goriachevskaia

Place of work

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University

Author's articles(2)

Povyshenie professional'noi motivatsii personala v protsesse gruppovogo konsul'tirovaniia



the chapter discusses the topic of the possibility of increasing professional motivation in the process of group counseling and suggests one of the options for the consultation program. The relevance of the study of group consultations as a means of increasing the professional motivation of retail employees is dictated by the peculiarity of the conditions of the modern market, where the demand for personnel significantly exceeds the supply. A study was conducted on the basis of an organization engaged in retail trade. 30 people took part in the experiment. In the course of the work, the theore...

Osobennosti professional'noi motivatsii sotrudnikov roznichnoi torgovli



в статье рассматриваются особенности профессиональной мотивации сотрудников розничной торговли, а также с помощью количественного и качественного описания обсуждаются результаты исследования профессиональной мотивации на примере одной из организаций розничной торговли России.