Veronika A. Korsunova

Place of work

Volgograd State Pedagogical University
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(4)

Formation of readiness of future teachers of mathematics for the organization of teaching mathematics in engineering classes by means of online courses on the subject-methodical module



The article gives the author's understanding of the future teacher's readiness to teach mathematics to students of engineering classes. The role of online courses on the subject-methodical module in the formed indicated readiness is substantiated. An example of the use of the online course "Production (cince-research work) practice" for the formation of the readiness of the future teacher for the organization of teaching mathematics in engineering classes is presented.

Issues of designing in a pedagogical university courses for mass professional development of mathematics and physics teachers



The procedures for designing advanced training courses as a pedagogical object are highlighted. The objectives, content, and control of advanced training courses for teachers of mathematics and physics, as well as models of educational organization, are described. Examples are given of the procedures developed at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University for the implementation of the design procedures outlined by the authors for mass advanced training courses for teachers of mathematics and physics.

Keis-metod i smyslovoe chtenie kak instrumenty formirovaniia navykov analiza, interpretatsii i primeneniia matematicheskikh znanii



статья посвящена изучению возможностей интеграции кейс-метода и стратегиям смыслового чтения в обучении математике. Анализируется потенциал этих инструментов для формирования навыков анализа математических текстов, интерпретации данных, а также применения математических знаний в различных контекстах. Рассматриваются методические особенности использования кейсов и заданий на смысловое чтение на уроках математики. Оценивается эффективность данного подхода в развитии математической грамотности обучающихся.

The methodology of using online courses in the subject-methodical training of a future teacher at a pedagogical university



This article discusses the importance of embedding online courses in the process of subject-methodical training of a future mathematics teacher in pedagogical universities. The author describes the methodology of using online courses in the process of subject-methodical training of a future mathematics teacher at a pedagogical university. The result of this training is the formation of readiness for methodological activities.