Tatiana Y. Sereda

Place of work

SEI of HE of MR “Moscow State Regional University”
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(2)

Forming a Cognitive Interest at Mathematics Lessons Through Interdisciplinary Relations of Mathematics and Literature



в статье рассмотрена методика реализации межпредметных связей математики и литературы на разных этапах урока математики, представлена система задач межпредметного содержания.

Scrum in education



the article shows the use of Scrum technology in the classroom in a secondary school using a workbook. The Scrum method is considered worldwide as a revolutionary method of managing a team. Originated in marketing, this method is now actively used in major companies and in educational institutions, and in personal life. Unlike the old «phased» approach, Scrum allows you to achieve your goals with less effort and cost in a shorter time and the final product is of high quality. The students set a goal to master the topic being studied with definite results and start moving towards it, breaking t...